
Dataja:Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg - Wikipedija

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Dataja:Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg

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ČasWobrazowy napohladRozeznaćeWužiwarKomentar
aktualnje30. oktobra 2023, 04:56Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 30. oktobra 2023, 04:561.200x800 (6 kB)9BBWMJReverted to version as of 00:24, 15 September 2023 (UTC)
30. oktobra 2023, 04:06Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 30. oktobra 2023, 04:06750x500 (46 kB)Jf889840Reverted to version as of 04:12, 8 February 2006 (UTC)
15. septembra 2023, 01:24Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 15. septembra 2023, 01:241.200x800 (6 kB)IAmNotABananaaaReverted to version as of 17:34, 3 December 2022 (UTC), matching File:Coat of arms of Equatorial Guinea.svg
6. septembra 2023, 00:37Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 6. septembra 2023, 00:371.200x800 (7 kB)Skunkcrewthe sheild should be white on the flag since in vexillology silver on flags are colored white also the official website depicts the sheild white https://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/gobierno
3. decembra 2022, 18:34Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 3. decembra 2022, 18:341.200x800 (6 kB)VexilAlpacaThe coat of arms on the official govt website, https://guineaecuatorialpress.com/, which appears to be the basis of the coat of arms, shows a grey shield and stars are brighter yellow.
17. nowembra 2020, 19:18Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 17. nowembra 2020, 19:181.200x800 (7 kB)FDRMRZUSAFixed imperfection for the white ribbon. Centered elements for emblem. Re-optimzed svg code before upload. No other changes.
15. nowembra 2020, 17:16Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 15. nowembra 2020, 17:161.200x800 (7 kB)FDRMRZUSAFixed slight imperfections: borders of the white ribbon and borders of the shield (point/tip). Optimized svg code with code cleanup and reduction. No other changes.
15. julija 2014, 16:09Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 15. julija 2014, 16:091.200x800 (8 kB)SiBr4Code
5. januara 2012, 04:55Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 5. januara 2012, 04:551.200x800 (12 kB)Antonsusiwell-formed header, better code for older browsers.
24. decembra 2011, 05:49Wobrazowy napohlad za wersiju wot 24. decembra 2011, 05:49600x400 (14 kB)Fry1989i dont see any changes, and it ended up making the file bigger

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