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History of the "typewriter" sequence
Can someone please give us some history on the so-called "typewriter" sequence of functions that is often used to show that $L^p$-norm convergence does not imply the almost-everywhere (or ...
10 votes
4 answers
Why didn't Eratosthenes consider the Pole Star?
This question might have an easy answer, since it occurred to me only recently and I haven't given it ages of thought. We all applaud Eratosthenes for his brilliance in realizing that, by comparing ...
2 votes
1 answer
Why did the SI choose $h$ instead of $\hbar$?
"In 1899, Max Planck introduced what became later known as the Planck constant. At the end of the paper, Planck proposed, as a consequence of his discovery, the base units later named in his ...
Who first noticed that the Löb fomula holds in arithmetic?
Crossposted to MathOverflow (Löb, 1955) established Löb's theorem that A is derivable in arithmetic if (Bew([A]) -> A) is. (Macintyre and Simmons 1973) in Theorem 2.1 iv), p. 171, noticed the ...
3 votes
0 answers
Who introduced the term "Knudsen number"?
For the context of my work, I would like to provide the original source for the Knudsen number $Kn = \frac{\lambda}{L}$ (idicating the rarefication of gas, where $\lambda$ is the gas molecules' mean ...
2 votes
0 answers
Question about Riemann in Jeremy Gray's article
I kept searching a lot regarding this topic. So I read this great article by Jeremy Gray "From the history of a simple group". Riemann's "Theorie der Abelschen Functionen" ...
Books on the history of experimental QM
The title says it all. I'd like a comprehensive study on the history of QM with a strong focus on experimental results and covers up to, at least, Dirac equation.
asked Feb 14 at 9:27
-5 votes
1 answer
The Law of Conservation of Energy and the Illusive Real Reference Frame, why has no one in history seriously discussed this issue? [closed]
Suppose you are a train boilerman, and you know the total mass of the fuel you put in. Multiply it by the gravimetric energy density of the fuel itself, and you can calculate the total chemical energy ...
Has there been controversy about the existence/location of some organ/bone in the history of medicine?
My question is a bit vague but I was wondering whether there's ever been in the history of medicine some controversy about the existence and/or location of some organ/bone/internal apparatus. ...
2 votes
1 answer
What are the chain rule's earlier and newer formulation?
Background In this post they link this paper about the history of the chain rule. It's in the context of about the educational / pedagogical aspect and possibly error of using the definition of the ...
What did Bohm say about Bell inequalities?
I just saw the pilot of an Israeli documentary where Bohm was discussing interpretations of quantum mechanics circa 1990: Quantum, Theory and Reality Unfortunately the first episode ends when they ...
3 votes
1 answer
Books like "Sources of Quantum Mechanics"?
Van der Waerden's Sources of QM is a fascinating book. It is a compilation of several historical papers from the earliest parts of the development of Quantum Mechanics, along with commentary (although ...
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0 answers
Whos discovered the inequality $\log N<\sum_{n=1}^{N}\frac{1}{n}<1+\log N$ for finite sum of harmonic series?
I was reading an article from MSE, and it is about an inequality of finite sum of harmonic series $$\log N<\sum_{n=1}^{N}\frac{1}{n}<1+\log N$$ It looks quite beautiful, and I am wondering who ...
Origins of Bessel function
Crossposted on MathOverflow I'm working on an exploratory essay that uses the Skellam Distribution and I found that it involves the Bessel function (specifically of the first order). I tried looking ...
0 votes
0 answers
A topological proof of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
I have found a paper with a topological proof of the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic (published in The Mathematics Student by the Indian Mathematical Society, Vol. 93, Part 3-4, 2024). You can find ...