- RoboCup SPL Team, Hamburg University of Technology


RoboCup SPL Team
TUHH, Germany


We are a team of students from the Hamburg University of Technology. Since the foundation of our team in the year 2013, we are participating anually in the Standard Platform League of the RoboCup competition. The RoboCup is an international initiative with the goal of advancing research in humanoid robotics and artificial intelligence. Our team consists mostly of students who work on this project in their free time. Furthermore, we are one of the few teams that developed their entire framework from scratch.

Find Us!

Lab: Schloßmühlendamm 30 (Entrance), Room 319 (3rd Floor)

Contact: [email protected]

GO 2024

From the 17th to the 21st of April, the team HULKs participated in the German Open 2024 to compete against some German as well as international teams. A large portion of the competition was focused on adjusting to the new rule changes this year, focusing on the robots recognizing visual signals from the referee, as well as requiring more passing between robots.

Continuing to build on the new Rust framework from 2 years ago, team HULKs is focusing on more stability during the games. In the previous season, we were able to achieve the 4th place at RoboCup 2023 in Bordeaux. However, during our games our robots walked into each other and fell over because of this. For this reason, we are working on a new robot detection and a higher walking stability. We are also developing smarter behavioral algorithms.

If you want to join us for our exciting journey and see the results of our work, come see us at RoboCup 2024 in Eindhoven, Netherlands. You can find more information at the event's website.


Since 2014, we are anually hosting the Robotic Hamburg Open Workshop (RoHOW).

The RoHOW is an event hosted by the Hamburg University of Technology that serves the purpose of education and networking. Over 100 scientists and students from all over the world who are researching in the field of humanoid robotics participate in this event.

The goal of this event is the exchange of information between RoboCup teams from different universities and research institutes. Participants have the opportunity to visit lectures and workshops, challenge other teams in competitions, and get in direct contact with each other.

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