Catholic Church. Congregatio pro Clericis - LC Linked Data Service: Authorities and Vocabularies | Library of Congress

  • ️Mon Feb 15 1982
  • Catholic Church. Sacra Congregatio pro Clericis

  • Sacra Congregatio pro Clericis

  • Congregation for the Clergy

  • Catholic Church. Congregation for the Clergy

  • Sacred Congregation for the Clergy

  • Kongregation für den Klerus

  • Catholic Church. Kongregation für den Klerus

  • Congregazione per il Clero

  • Catholic Church. Congregazione per il Clero

  • Catholic Church. Congregación del Clero

  • Catholic Church.. Congregación del Clero

  • Catholic Church. Congregación para el Clero

  • Sagrada Congregación del Clero

  • Catholic Church. Congrégation pour le Clergé

  • Congrégation pour le Clergé