Cotonou Agreement (2000 June 23) - LC Linked Data Service: Authorities and Vocabularies | Library of Congress
- ️Wed Apr 21 2004
found: Nouvel accord de partenariat ACP-UE (Cotonou), 2001:v. 1, t.p. (Nouvel accord de partenariat ACP-UE (Cotonou)) p. 5 (New ACP-EU (Cotonou) Agreement) p. 8 (Accord ACP-UE de Cotonou)
found: European Commission website, Apr. 20, 2004:under "development" (Cotonou Agreement; Cotonou; Accord de Cotonou; signed in 2000)
found: ACP-EU Partnership Agreement, 2003:t.p. (ACP-EU Partnership Agreement signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000) consolidated text, p. 1 (Partnership Agreement between the Members of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States of the One Part, and the European Community and Its Member States, of the Other Part ...) Final Act, p. 2, etc. (ACP-EC Partnership Agreement) Consolidated text, p. 55 (Article 100; Agreement drawn up in two copies in the Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish languages, all texts being equally authentic) list of signatories, p. 2 (lists Great Britain)
found: OCLC, June 30, 2004(Great Britain has published the Agreement)
found: Council of the European Union agreements database, June 30, 2004(Partnership Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP), of the One Part, and the European Community and its Members States, of the Other Part; entry into force 01/04/2003; J.O. Reference L 317 (15/12/2000))
found: Investment facility, 2004:t.p. (ACP-EU Cotonou Partnership Agreement)
found: Understanding of development co-operation under the Cotonou Agreement, 2006:p. 4 (the Cotonou Partnership Agreement (CPA); a comprehensive development, trade and aid agreement between the EU and 77 African-Caribbean-Pacific countries; agreed for a 20-year period (2000-2020) and signed in Cotonou, Benin)