Samir Amin - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
- ️Thu Sep 03 1931
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Samir Amin | |
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Nama asal | سمير أمين |
Lahir | 3 September 1931 Kairo, Mesir |
Meninggal | 12 Agustus 2018 (umur 86) Paris, Prancis[1] |
Sebab meninggal | Tumor otak[2] |
Pekerjaan | Ekonom |
Penghargaan | Penghargaan Ibnu Rusyd untuk Kebebasan Berpikir (2009) |
Samir Amin (bahasa Arab: سمير أمين) (3 September 1931 – 12 Agustus 2018) adalah ekonom Marxis Prancis-Mesir.[3] Ia terkenal karena dirinya memperkenalkan istilah Erosentrisme pada tahun 1988.[4] Pada tahun 2009, ia dianugerahi Penghargaan Ibnu Rusyd untuk Kebebasan Berpikir di Berlin.
- 1957, Les effets structurels de l’intégration internationale des économies précapitalistes. Une étude théorique du mécanisme qui a engendré les éonomies dites sous-développées (thesis)
- 1965, Trois expériences africaines de développement: le Mali, la Guinée et le Ghana
- 1966, L’économie du Maghreb, 2 vols.
- 1967, Le développement du capitalisme en Côte d'Ivoire
- 1969, Le monde des affaires sénégalais
- 1969, The Class struggle in Africa [1]
- 1970, Le Maghreb moderne (translation: The Magrheb in the Modern World)
- 1970, L’accumulation à l’échelle mondiale (translation: Accumulation on a world scale)
- 1970, with C. Coquery-Vidrovitch, Histoire économique du Congo 1880-1968
- 1971, L’Afrique de l’Ouest bloquée
- 1973, Le développement inégal (translation: Unequal development)
- 1973, L’échange inégal et la loi de la valeur
- 1973, Neocolonialism in West Africa [2]
- 1973, 'Le developpement inegal. Essai sur les formations sociales du capitalisme peripherique' Paris: Editions de Minuit.
- 1973, L’échange inégal et la loi de la valeur
- 1974, with K. Vergopoulos): La question paysanne et le capitalisme
- 1975, with A. Faire, M. Hussein and G. Massiah): La crise de l‘impérialisme
- 1976, ‘Unequal Development: An Essay on the Social Formations of Peripheral Capitalism’ New York: Monthly Review Press.
- 1976, L’impérialisme et le développement inégal (translation: Imperialism and unequal development)
- 1976, La nation arabe (translation: The Arab Nation)
- 1977, La loi de la valeur et le matérialisme historique (translation: The law of value and historical materialism)
- 1979, Classe et nation dans l’histoire et la crise contemporaine (translation: Class and nation, historically and in the current crisis)
- 1980, L’économie arabe contemporaine (translation: The Arab economy today)
- 1981, L’avenir du Maoïsme (translation: The Future of Maoism)
- 1982, Irak et Syrie 1960 - 1980
- 1982, with G. Arrighi, A. G. Frank and I. Wallerstein): La crise, quelle crise? (translation: Crisis, what crisis?)
- 1984, 'Was kommt nach der Neuen Internationalen Wirtschaftsordnung? Die Zukunft der Weltwirtschaft' in 'Rote Markierungen International' (Fischer H. and Jankowitsch P. (Eds.)), pp. 89 – 110, Vienna: Europaverlag.
- 1984, Transforming the world-economy?: nine critical essays on the new international economic order.
- 1985, La déconnexion (translation: Delinking: towards a polycentric world)
- 1988, Impérialisme et sous-développement en Afrique (expanded edition of 1976)
- 1988, L’eurocentrisme (translation: Eurocentrism)
- 1988, with F. Yachir): La Méditerranée dans le système mondial
- 1989, La faillite du développement en Afrique et dans le tiers monde
- 1990, Transforming the revolution: social movements and the world system
- 1990, Itinéraire intellectual; regards sur le demi-siecle 1945-90 (translation: Re-reading the post-war period: an Intellectual Itinerary)
- 1991, L’Empire du chaos (translation: Empire of chaos)
- 1991, Les enjeux stratégiques en Méditerranée
- 1991, with G. Arrighi, A. G. Frank et I. Wallerstein): Le grand tumulte
- 1992, 'Empire of Chaos' New York: Monthly Review Press. [3]
- 1994, L’Ethnie à l’assaut des nations
- 1995, La gestion capitaliste de la crise
- 1996, Les défis de la mondialisation
- 1997, ‘Die Zukunft des Weltsystems. Herausforderungen der Globalisierung. Herausgegeben und aus dem Franzoesischen uebersetzt von Joachim Wilke’ Hamburg: VSA.
- 1997, Critique de l’air du temps
- 1999, "Judaism, Christianity and Islam: An Introductory Approach to their Real or Supposed Specificities by a Non-Theologian" in "Global capitalism, liberation theology, and the social sciences: An analysis of the contradictions of modernity at the turn of the millennium" (Andreas Mueller, Arno Tausch and Paul Zulehner (Eds.)), Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, Commack, New York
- 1999, Spectres of capitalism: a critique of current intellectual fashions
- 2000, L’hégémonisme des États-Unis et l’effacement du projet européen
- 2002, Mondialisation, comprehendre pour agir
- 2003, Obsolescent Capitalism
- 2004, The Liberal Virus: Permanent War and the Americanization of the World
- 2005, with Ali El Kenz, Europe and the Arab world; patterns and prospects for the new relationship
- 2006, Beyond US Hegemony: Assessing the Prospects for a Multipolar World
- 2008, with James Membrez, The World We Wish to See: Revolutionary Objectives in the Twenty-First Century
- 2009, 'Aid for Development' in 'Aid to Africa: Redeemer or Coloniser?' Oxford: Pambazuka Press [4]
- 2010, 'Eurocentrism - Modernity, Religion and Democracy: A Critique of Eurocentrism and Culturalism' 2nd edition, Oxford: Pambazuka Press [5]
- 2010, 'Ending the Crisis of Capitalism or Ending Capitalism?' Oxford: Pambazuka Press [6]
- 2010, 'Global History - a View from the South' Oxford: Pambazuka Press [7]
- 2011, 'Maldevelopment - Anatomy of a Global Failure' 2nd edition, Oxford: Pambazuka Press [8]
- 2013, 'The Implosion of Contemporary Capitalism': Monthly Review Press [9]
- Aidan Forster-Carter: The Empirical Samir Amin, in S. Amin: The Arab Economy Today, London 1982, pp. 1 – 40
- Duru Tobi: On Amin's Concepts - autocentric/ blocked development in Historical Perspectives, in: Economic Papers (Warsaw), Nr. 15, 1987, pp. 143 – 163
- Fouhad Nohra: Théories du capitalisme mondial. Paris 1997
- Gerald M. Meier, Dudley Seers (eds.): Pioneers in Development. Oxford 1984
- ^ Egyptian-French Marxist thinker Samir Amin dies in Paris
- ^ Prof Samir Amin passed away !
- ^ "Samir Amin at 80". Red Pepper. Diakses tanggal 28 March 2015.
- ^ "A Brief Biography of Samir Amin". (dalam bahasa Inggris). Monthly Review, Vol. 44, Issue 4, September 1992 | Online Research Library: Questia.
- Tulisan-tulisan daring oleh Samir Amin
- "Third World Forum: An Interview with Samir Amin," Diarsipkan 2009-05-02 di Wayback Machine. Z Magazine
- Empire of Chaos Challenged: An Interview with Samir Amin [10] Diarsipkan 2005-12-17 di Wayback Machine.
- Maldevelopment: Anatomy of a Global Failure [11] Diarsipkan 2008-07-24 di Wayback Machine.
- U.S. Imperialism, Europe, and the Middle East [12]
- "India, a Great Power?". Monthly Review. 56 (09). 2005. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2011-07-27.
- Imperialism and Globalization [13]
- World Poverty, Pauperization & Capital Accumulation
- U.S. Hegemony and the Response to Terror [14]
- Empire and Multitude [15]
- A Note on the Death of André Gunder Frank (1929–2005) [16]
- The Political Economy of the Twentieth Century [17]
- Africa: Living on the Fringe [18]
- Samir Amin: The New Challenge of the Peoples’ Internationalism [19] Diarsipkan 2008-12-05 di Wayback Machine.
- The Center Will not Hold, the Rise and Decline of Liberalism, Review of Wallersteins The Modern World System IV: Centrist Liberalism Triumphant
- Samir Amin. New Empire? In Search of Alternatives to Global Hegemony of Capital. (video at Red TV)
- The Political Economy of the Twentieth Century, Monthly Review, Volume 52, Issue 02 (June 2000)
- Tinjauan kritis
- A review of Samir Amin's Re-reading the Postwar Period: An Intellectual Itinerary [20]