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- borgx(kirim pesan) 05:03, 9 Maret 2007 (UTC)
- •• Jagawana ⌨ 12:58, 11 Maret 2007 (UTC)
- --(^_^) RickySetiawan (kirim pesan) 13:27, 11 Maret 2007 (UTC)
- Andri.h 00:09, 12 Maret 2007 (UTC) ingin turut menyumbang meskipun tidak rutin
- ivanlanin ♫ 12:56, 3 April 2007 (UTC)
- Willy Saefurrahman
- FarrasOctaraLa Poste 11:24, 28 Oktober 2007 (UTC)
- mr.rahmatmr.rahmat ~~
- Zaki Akhmad mencoba untuk berkontribusi --za (bicara) 15:54, 23 Mei 2009 (UTC)
- John Mike(kirim pesan) 5:17, 3 Oktober 2009 (UTC)
- agungbijaksana(kirim pesan) 16:18, 9 Juli 2010 (UTC)
- ㊴∆g∪ℕG | ✉ bicara 09:07, 11 Juli 2010 (UTC) saya siap berkontribusi, fokus artikel teknologi informasi & sumber terbuka (open source)
- Ezagren (kirim pesan) 13 Mei 2012 11.51 (UTC)[balas]
- Afdan Rojabi (bicara) 16.06 13 Januari 2015 (UTC)
- Faishal Wafiq Zakiy bicara 21 November 2017 03.48 (UTC)[balas]
- — Labdajiwa (bicara) 7 November 2019 05.56 (UTC)[balas]
- Veracious ^(•‿•)^ 15 April 2020 04.26 (UTC)[balas]
- AnsyahF(bicara) 12 April 2021 03.14 (UTC)[balas]
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Jumlah artikel dalam topik ini: 1640
Bioinformatika | Proyek Direktori Terbuka
Adobe Photoshop | BlankOn Linux | C++ | Cakram Blu-ray | Debian | ENIAC | GNU | JavaScript | Komputer | Lisensi Umum Mozilla | Squidoo
Alamat IP versi 4 | Alamat IP versi 6 | Banyan VINES | BIOS | Instruksi per detik | Kontes SEO | Mambo | MySQL | Perangkat lunak bebas | SQL | TCP/IP | Tin (newsreader)
(c)Brain | .NET Framework | .eh | .gs | .mx | .pn | 1000BaseT | 10BASE2 | 10BASE5 | 10BaseF | 10BaseT | 32-bit | 3DNow! | 802.11a | 802.11b | 802.11g | AAC | ACK | ACPI | AES | AGP | AIX | ALU | AMD64 | AMD K5 | AMD Opteron | ARPANET | ASCII | ASCI White | ASP.NET | ATI Technologies | AUI | Access token | Active Directory | Active Server Pages | Ada | Address Resolution Protocol | Administrator Windows | Adobe Dreamweaver | Adobe Flash | Advanced Systems Format | Advanced Technology Attachment | Adware | AirPort | Algoritma | Algoritma Bellman-Ford | Algoritma genetik | Algoritma pencari-siklus Floyd | Altair 8800 | Alternate data stream | | Anarchopedia | Antar-platform | Antarmuka pemrograman aplikasi | Antarmuka pengguna | Aplikasi | AppleTalk | ArchINFORM | Arsitektur komputer | Arsitektur von Neumann | Athlon 64 | Atom (standar) | Audit keamanan komputer | Audit teknologi informasi | AutoCAD | BASIC | BGP | BIND | BSD Daemon | Babel fish | Back Orifice | Backdoor | Backhaul | Bahasa kueri | Bahasa lembar gaya | Bahasa markah | Bahasa mesin | Bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi | Bahasa rakitan | Bahasa skrip | Bahtera | Baner web | Barebone | Baseband | Basis data | Basis data Oracle | Basis pengetahuan | Baterai CMOS | Berkas ASCII | Berkas UNIX | Berkas komputer | Berkas video | Biometrik | BitLocker Drive Encryption | BitTorrent | Bita | Bitmap | Black hat hacker | Blender | Blue Screen of Death | Bluetooth | Bridge jaringan | Brontok | Brøderbund | Bus EISA | Bus ISA | Bus MCA | Bus komputer | Bus kontrol | Bus sistem | CD-R | CDFS | CHKDSK | CIDR | CISC | CMOS | COMMAND.COM | CONFIG.SYS | CRC | CSMA/CD | CSS | C | C sharp | Cache-on-a-stick | Cakram keras | Cakram padat | Camfrog | Celeron | Certificate authority | Chipset | ChefMoz | Citizendium | Classmate PC | Client Access License | Cluster (sistem berkas) | Color Graphics Adapter | Common Gateway Interface | Common Internet File System | Common Language Runtime | Compiere | Computer-generated imagery | Computing Today | Control unit | Core dump | CorelDRAW | Corel PHOTO-PAINT | Creative Commons | CyberMap | DBASE | DEC PRISM | DOS | DVD Decrypter | Daftar algoritma | Daftar bertopik Internet | Daftar bertopik manajemen teknologi informasi | Daftar produk IBM | Daftar topik teknologi informasi paling dasar | Debugging | Defragmentasi | Dekoder | | Design pattern | Device driver | Dialer | Digital | Digital Equipment Corporation | Direktori | Direktori web | Direktori Yahoo! | Disk Quota | Disket | Distributed Denial of Service | DivX | Doxygen | Dr. Watson (Windows) | Drupal | Duplex | Duron | E-bisnis | E-gold | E1 | EBCDIC | EULA | Emacs | Emergency Repair Disk | Encarta | Encoder | Encoding | Encrypting File System | Enkapsulasi | Enkripsi | Ethernet | Eventum | Exploit | Extensible markup language | FAT | FDDI | FTP | Facebook | Fast Ethernet | Fedora | Finger | Firewall | Firmware | Flame war | Floating-point | FLOPS | FreeBSD | Freeware | Fully qualified domain name | GAMESS UK | GIF | GNU/Linux | GPF | GUI | GUID | GUID Partition Table | GW-BASIC | Gamepad | Gecko | Gentoo Linux | Geoffrey Dummer | Gerakan perangkat lunak bebas | Gigabita | Gigablast | | Gnumeric | Gnuplot | Goodreads | | Grafika komputer | Grafika komputer 3D | Group policy | Gudang data | HD DVD | HP-UX | HPFS | HTTP | Hacked by Godzilla | Haiku (sistem operasi) | Hirarki memori | Hosting | Hotspot | Hukum Amdahl | Hukum Moore | Huruf komputer | Hyper-Threading | HyperTransport | I/O | IANA | IBM OS/2 | IBM PC | ICQ | IEEE-1394 | IEEE 802.3 | IMac | IPX | IP Security | IRC bot | ISDN | Ilmu informasi | Indogamers | Injeksi SQL | Inkscape | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Integer (ilmu komputer) | Intel 440 | Intel 80286 | Intel 80386 | Intel Core 2 | Intel Itanium | Intel Xeon | Internet2 | Internet Engineering Task Force | Internet Explorer | Internet Information Services | Internet Relay Chat | Internet Research Task Force | Internetwork | Interprocess Communication | Interrupt request | Interupsi (perangkat keras) | Interupsi BIOS 13h | Intranet | Istilah Komputer | JPEG | J sharp | Jabber (jaringan) | Jaiku | Jaringan komputer | Jaringan lokal nirkabel | Jaringan nirkabel | Java applet | Joystick | Jurik | K7 | KVM switch | Kartu ekspansi | Kata sandi | Kazaa | Keamanan informasi | Kerberos | Kernel Linux | Keterkaitan kuantum | Kios informasi | Klien-server | Klien (komputer) | Kluster komputer | Knoppix | Kode | Kode objek | Kode sumber | Kompilator | Kompresi data | Komputasi | Komputer analog | Komputer desktop | Komputer kuantum | Komputer mikro | Komputer mini | Konqi | Konqueror | Kuliax | LAMP | LAN Manager | Lampiran surat elektronik | Lapisan abstraksi perangkat keras | Lapisan data-link | Lapisan fisik | Lapisan jaringan | Lapisan presentasi | Lapisan sesi | Lapisan transpor | Laptop | Larik | | Layanan Server (Windows service) | Layanan Workstation (Windows service) | Layer 2 switch | Layer 2 tunneling protocol | Leased line | Least Recently Used | Least significant bit | Lebar pita | Lembar kerja | LinkedIn | LiveCD | Local Area Network | Logical Link Control | MAC address | MELSA | MIME | MINIX | MIRC | MKS Toolkit | MMX | MP3 | MPEG | MPLS | MRTG | MSDOS.SYS | MSN Messenger | MSX | Mac OS | Mac OS X86 | Mac mini | Macintosh | Macromedia Director | Mail transfer agent | Mainframe (komputer) | Malware | Manajemen memori DOS | Manajemen teknologi bisnis | Manajer berkas | Marka buku (komputer) | Masalah Tahun 2000 | Master Boot Record (skema partisi) | Master boot record | Maximum transmission unit | Media Access Control | Megabita | Memori (komputer) | Memori komputer | Memori virtual | Mesin Mealy | Mesin Moore | Metadata | Metodologi (rekayasa perangkat lunak) | Metrik perangkat lunak | Microsoft Access | Microsoft Certified Professional | Microsoft Certified System Engineer | Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Expression Web | Microsoft Foundation Classes | Microsoft FrontPage | Microsoft InfoPath | Microsoft Intermediate Language | Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server | Microsoft Jet Database Engine | Microsoft Management Console | Microsoft Office Publisher | Microsoft Outlook | Microsoft PowerPoint | Microsoft SQL Server | Microsoft Visio | Microsoft Visual C Sharp | Microsoft Visual Studio | Microsoft Word | Mikroblog | Model DARPA | Model OSI | Modulasi | Modus kerja prosesor x86 | Mozilla Thunderbird | Multi-user | Multicast | Multimedia | Multiprocessing | MusicMoz | NTFS | NVRAM | Nama Kode Prosesor | Nama NetBIOS | Nama berkas | Nama host | NetBEUI | NetBIOS | NetBIOS over TCP/IP | Netiquette | Netscape Navigator | Network address translation | Nobron | Norton Utilities | Notepad++ | Novell NetWare | Nupedia | OPML | ObjectARX | Object Linking and Embedding | Open Database Connectivity | Open Site | Open Transport | Opera (perangkat lunak) | Overclock | PCI | PCMAV | POSIX | Paket jaringan | Pameran komputer | Papan induk | Papan ketik | Paradigma pemrograman | Parsing | Partisi (sistem berkas) | Peer-to-peer | Pemasaran Internet | Pembaca kartu memori | Pembaca umpan | Pemetaan objek-relasional | Pemindai | Pemrogram | Pemrograman berorientasi objek | Pemrograman komputer | Pemrosesan data | Pemrosesan data elektronik | Pemutar media | Penala TV | Penapisan paket | Pencetak | Pengaturan akses | Pengeboran data | Pengembang perangkat lunak | Penggalian data | Pengidentifikasi objek digital | Pengkodean karakter | Pengolah kata | Pengumpulan sampah (ilmu komputer) | Pentium | Pentium 4 | Pentium D | Pentium Extreme Edition | Pentium II | Pentium III | Pentium M | Pentium Pro | Penyunting kode sumber | Penyunting teks | Perang editor | Perangkat lunak | Perangkat lunak antivirus | Perangkat lunak sistem | Perangkat lunak tak bebas | Peretas | Periferal | Perintah DOS | Perl | Pesan instan | PhpMyAdmin | Pike | Pixel | Plaxo | Plugin | Podcasting | Pohon AVL | Pohon biner terurut | Pohon merah-hitam | Pohon rentang minimum | Pohon sufiks | Point-to-Point Protocol | Pop-up ad | Port I/O | Port TCP dan UDP | Portable Document Format | PostgreSQL | Power-on self test | PowerBook | Pownce | Primary key | Program komputer | Prolog | Prompt | Prosesor skalar | Protokol (komputer) | Protokol Internet | Proxy server | Proyek GNU | Purefect Desktop | Pusat permainan dalam jaringan | Pustaka perangkat lunak | QWERTY | Qt toolkit | Quality of Service | Quanta Computer | RISC | RPG | RPM Package Manager | ReactOS | ReadyBoost | Realitas maya | Red Hat | Register prosesor | Rekayasa perangkat lunak | Rekognisi karakter optik | Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service | Remote Desktop | Remote Desktop Protocol | Rich Text Format | Root directory | Rootkit | Rotasi pohon | Route aggregation | Routing | Ruby | SCSI | SDL | SDRAM | SIMD | SMTP | SPICE | SSE | SUSE Linux | SYN flooding attack | Safari (penjelajah web) | Samba (perangkat lunak) | Sasser | Security Identifier | Sejarah Internet | Sejarah perangkat lunak bebas | Sempron | Seni ASCII | Seni komputer | Serangan Smurf | Server | Server Message Block | Server basis data | Server web | Service set identifier | Set instruksi | Shareware | Shell (komputer) | Simplex | Simulator kereta api | Single-sign-on | Sinomanic | Sirkuit T1 | Sistem berkas | Sistem berkas jaringan | Sistem bilangan desimal | Sistem deteksi intrusi | Sistem informasi | Sistem informasi jaringan | Sistem komputer | Sistem manajemen basis data | Sistem manajemen konten | Sistem manajemen sumber daya manusia | Sistem operasi jaringan | Sistem pakar | Sistem pendukung keputusan | Situs web | Skema partisi | Slackware | Slashdot | Slime Volleyball | Slot 1 | Slot 2 | Smallworld | Socket-1 | Socket-2 | Socket-3 | Socket-4 | Socket-5 | Socket-6 | Socket 7 | Socket 8 | Socket A | Soket PGA 370 | Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format | Spam | Spyware | Standard Widget Toolkit | Strategi intranet | Struktur pohon | Struktur sistem berkas NTFS | Subdomain | Subnet mask | Subversion | Sumber terbuka | SunOS | Sun Java System Application Server | Superskalar | Switch jaringan | TELNET | Tabel partisi | Tablet PC | Taksonomi Flynn | Tampilan komputer | TASS (software) | Tautan simbolis | TeX | Tegangan prosesor | Teks biasa | Telematika | Tetikus | The 9 | Thread | Token Ring | Tolololpedia | Topologi cincin | Topologi jaringan | Trackball | Transact-SQL | Transceiver | Transformasi data | Transport Driver Interface | Trojan horse | Troubleshooting | Turbo C++ | Twitter | UDP | UML | URL | USB flash drive | Ubuntu | Umpan web | Uncyclopedia | Unit titik mengambang | Universal Media Disc | Unix | Unshielded twisted pair | Upcoming | Usenet | VBScript | VGA | VPN | VRML | Vi | Virtual PC | Virtualisasi | Virus komputer | Visio Corporation | Visual Basic | Visual Basic .NET | Visual Basic for Applications | Visual C++ | Visualisasi | WAN | WAP | WAV | WINS | WMV | WPA-PSK | Wabbit | Waktu nyata | Web 2.0 | Webcam | White hat hacker | Wide Area Information Server | Wiki | WinGate | Winamp | Windows | Windows 1.0 | Windows 2.0 | Windows 95 | Windows 98 | Windows Explorer | Windows Forms | Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs | Windows Live Hotmail | Windows Live Messenger | Windows Management Instrumentation | Windows Me | Windows Media Player | Windows NT | Windows NT 3.5 | Windows NT 3.51 | Windows NT 4.0 | Windows NT 5.x | Windows NT Browser Service | Windows PowerShell | Windows Recovery Console | Windows Scripting Host | Windows Server 2003 | Windows Server 2008 | Windows Server domain | Windows Vista | Windows for Workgroups | Windows on Windows | Windows service | Wine (perangkat lunak) | Winsock | WorldWideWeb | World Wide Web | Worm | WxWidgets | XHTML | XOOPS | XSS | XSL | XSL-FO | Xandros | Xenix | Yahoo! 360° | Yahoo! Groups | Yahoo! Messenger | Yayasan Perangkat Lunak Bebas | ZIP (format berkas) | Zeal | Zilog Z80 | Zombie (DDoS) | ΜTorrent
Belum dikategorikan: 862 artikel
12 hukum Codd | 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge | 320xx | 3DO Interactive Multiplayer | 3D Studio Max | 3G | 4G | 80188 | ACDSee | ADSL | AES/EBU | AJAX | AMD K6 | ASUS | ATM | AbiWord | Acer (perusahaan) | AdSense | Adobe Acrobat | Adobe Systems | Advanced Micro Devices | Alamat IP | Alan Kay | Alan Perlis | Alan Turing | Alfabet Fonetis Internasional | Algoritma Dijkstra | Algoritma Floyd-Warshall | Algoritma pencarian | Algoritma seleksi | Algoritma semut | Aljabar Boolean | Alpha AXP | Amiga | Analisis Leksikal | Andrew Chi-Chih Yao | Angela Beesley | Anti-Aliasing | Aozora Bunko | Apache HTTP Server | Aplikasi portabel | Apple Inc. | Arsip | Assembler | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | Atari 2600 | Atari 5200 | Atari 7800 | Athlon | Awalan ITU | Awalan ITU/Grid chart | Bahasa komputer | Bahasa pemrograman | D | Base Transceiver Station | Basisdata kimia | Berbagi pengetahuan | Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing | Berkeley Software Distribution | Bhakti Wasantara Net | Bibliotek Alexandria | Bisnis internet | Bit | Blog | Blogroll | Blue Gene | Booting | Borland Delphi | Bourne-Again shell | Brave Fencer Musashi | Bug | Bugzilla | Butler W. Lampson | C.A.R. Hoare | CA, Inc. | CD-ROM | CDS/ISIS | COBIT | COBOL | CPU | Capcom | Catatan sipil | Celes Chere | Charles Babbage | ChatZilla | Cisco Systems | Clipper | Compilation of Final Fantasy VII | Corel | DHCP | DLP | DNS | DVD | DVD-RW | DVD Shrink | Daftar awalan ITU berdasarkan negara | Daftar basis data terbesar di dunia | Daftar bertopik komputer | Daftar browser web | Daftar ilmuwan komputer | Daftar mesin pencari | Daftar perangkat lunak lembar kerja | Daftar perangkat lunak pengolah kata | Daftar permainan Square Enix | Daftar proyek komputasi terdistribusi | Daftar sistem manajemen basis data relasional | Daftar sistem operasi | Daftar situs jaringan sosial | Dalam jaringan | Dana Scott | Data | Data Encryption Standard | Data flow diagram | David Parnas | Deep Blue | Deep Thought (komputer catur) | Dell | Dennis Ritchie | Desain grafis | Dial-up | Digital signal processor | DirectX | Donald Knuth | Douglas Engelbart | Douglas McIlroy | Dragon Quest (permainan video) | Drakengard | Dual Core | EBay | EPS | ESRI | EXIF | Earth Simulator | EasyCard | Eclipse (perangkat lunak) | Edgar F. Codd | Editor grafik vektor | Edsger Dijkstra | Edward F. Moore | Eggdrop | Ekstranet | Emergency Locator Beacon Aircraft | Emulator | Enterprise Resource Planning | Ethernet II | FUPEI | Famicom Disk System | Final Fantasy | Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within | Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children | FireWire | Firebird | Flickr | Flip-flop | Fortran | Forum WebRadio Dakwah | Fotografer.Net | Fotografi digital | Frame relay | Frederick P. Brooks | Friedrich Ludwig Bauer | Friendster | Frogwares | Front Mission | Front Mission (permainan video) | Fujitsu | GAMESS | GAUSSIAN | GNOME | GPRS | GambArt | GameIndo | Game Boy Advance | Gene Amdahl | Gkrellm | Global System for Mobile Communications | Gmail | Google | Google Earth | Google Maps | Graf (matematika) | Grafik komputer | Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search | HTTPS | Handheld computer | Hartree-Fock | Hello world | Herbert Simon | Hiperteks | Howard Aiken | Hypertext markup language | IBM | IBook | ICMP | ILife | IMAP | IP PBX | IPhone | IPod | IPod mini | IPod photo | IPod shuffle | ISOC | ISight | ITunes | IWork | Ilmu komputasi | Ilmu komputer | Ilmu perpustakaan | ImageMagick | Indonesia Internet Exchange | Indosinema | Informatika | Informatika Kesehatan | Informatika kedokteran | Informatika sipil | Integrated Development Environment | Intel 4004 | Intel 4040 | Intel 8008 | Intel 80186 | Intel 80486 | Intel 8051 | Intel 8080 | Intel 8085 | Intel 8086 | Intel 8088 | Intel Corporation | Internet | Internet Adult Film Database | Internet Group Management Protocol | Internet troll | Isi bebas | Istilah Internet Indonesia | Itadaki Street | Iterasi | JSP | Jalurlebar | James N. Gray | Jarak terpendek | Jaringan saraf tiruan | Java | John von Neumann | Joomla! | Juris Hartmanis | KDE | KDevelop | KNN | KOEI | KOffice | KPresenter | KSpread | KWord | | Kartu Octopus | Kartu SIM | Kartu Tanda Penduduk | Kartu jaringan | Kartu memori | Kartu pintar | Kartu suara | Kaskus | Kebergunaan | Kecepatan transfer data | Kecerdasan buatan | Kecoak Elektronik | Kedai Kebebasan | Kejahatan dunia maya | Ken Thompson | Kendali versi | Kernel (ilmu komputer) | Key generation | Keylogger | Kilobita | Kimia komputasi | King's Quest | Klasifikasi Desimal Dewey | Klorofil Collaboration Project | Klorofil Platform | Kompresi video | Komputasi grid | Komputasi terdistribusi | Komputer Colossus | Komputer pribadi | Komunitas maya | Konami | Konsol permainan | Kriging | Kriptoanalisis | Kriptografi | Kunci (kriptografi) | LAUNCHcast | LFB | LGPL | LPT | Larry Page | Larry Wall | Laurance F. Safford | Layar sentuh | Lembar Jawaban Komputer | LightWave | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | Linked list | Linus Torvalds | Linux | Lisensi Creative Commons | Lisensi Dokumentasi Bebas GNU | Lisensi Publik Umum GNU | Lisensi perangkat lunak | Lisensi perangkat lunak bebas | Log masuk | LyricWiki | MD5 | MIDI controller | MMORPG | MS-DOS | Mac OS X | Macromedia | Macromedia FreeHand | Magik | Manajemen data | Manajemen pengetahuan | Manuel Blum | Marvin Minsky | Masyarakat Vegan Indonesia | Matematika diskret | Maya (perangkat lunak) | Mayday (tanda bahaya) | McAfee | MediaWiki | Meebo | Membangkitkan Kombinasi | Membangkitkan Permutasi | Memori Cache | Memori flash | Mengetik | Mesin Enigma | Mesin pencari | Metode Monte Carlo | Metode Nelder-Mead | Michael O. Rabin | Microsoft Corporation | Microsoft Office | Mikroprosesor | Milis | Minitab | Modem | Modem kabel | Monthly Shonen Gangan | Moodle | Mozilla Firefox | Multipleksing | Multitasking | MyBulletinBoard | NEC | NVIDIA | Nama domain | Napster | National Security Agency | Netflix | Newsgroup | Nicholas Negroponte | Niklaus Wirth | Nintendo 64 | Nintendo Entertainment System | Nintendo GameCube | Nomor Induk Kependudukan | Nordic Mobile Telephone | Offline | Ole-Johan Dahl | One Laptop Per Child | Onno W. Purbo | OpenMoko | | Operasi modulus | PHP | PIC16F84 | PInter (Pacific Internet) Indonesia | PNG | POP3 | PURPLE | PageRank | Paket aplikasi perkantoran | Palapa Ring | Paras Indonesia | Pascal | Paspor | Paspor Indonesia | Paspor biometrik | Paspor terbaca mesin | Paul Allen | PayPal | Pembelajaran elektronik | Pemrograman paralel | Pencarian biner | Pencarian linear | Pendinginan komputer | Pengendali jarak jauh | Pengendali mikro | Penghargaan Turing | Pengirim pesan instan | Pengolahan citra | Penguat sinyal selular | Penjelajah web | Penyelenggara Jasa Internet | Perangkat keras | Perangkat lunak akuntansi | Perangkat lunak sumber terbuka | Perdagangan elektronik | Perpustakaan | Perpustakaan digital | Perseus Project | Personal Digital Assistant | Peter Naur | Phil Katz | Phishing | Ping | PlayStation 2 | PlayStation 3 | PlayStation Portable | Pohon (struktur data) | Pohon biner | Pola active record | Polar Rose | Port paralel | Portal web | Postfix | Power Mac | Pranala | Proxy Spam dan Relay Spam | Proxy website | Proyek Gutenberg | Proyek Runeberg | Proyektor | Public Key Infrastructure | Python | RAM | RFC | ROM | ROT13 | RSA | RSS | Radio tarbiyah | Rahajasa Media Internet | Ranah internet tingkat teratas | Rapid Application Development | Real-time strategy | Relm Arrowny | Richard M. Karp | Richard M. Stallman | Robert E. Kahn | Robin Milner | Ronald L. Rivest | Router | Roy Suryo Notodiprojo | SAP AG | SOAP | SQLite | SRAM | SVG | Sandi Caesar | Sandi Vigenère | Sandi substitusi | Saringan Eratosthenes | Security accounts manager | Sega | Sega Dreamcast | Sega Mega Drive | Sega Saturn | Seiken Densetsu | Sejarah konsol permainan video (generasi ketujuh) | Semafor (pemrograman) | Serangan DoS | Serangan brute-force | Serat optik | Sergey Brin | Set instruksi 12-bit | Set instruksi 14-bit | Sidik jari | Simulated annealing | Sindikasi web | Sistem Informasi Manajemen | Sistem benam | Sistem manajemen basis data relasional | Sistem operasi | Sistem operasi bertipe Unix | Skype | Smalltalk | Smarty | Sniffer Paket | Social engineering (keamanan) | Sorting | Sound Blaster | SourceForge | Speedy | Square Enix | Stack (struktur data) | Star Ocean: The Second Story | Star Ocean: Till the End of Time | Star Ocean (video game) | Steve Jobs | Steve Wozniak | Strategi | Struktur data | Sun Microsystems | Sun Solaris | Super Nintendo Entertainment System | Superkomputer | Surat Bukti Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia | Surat Izin Mengemudi | Surat berantai | Surat elektronik | Symbian OS | TCP | Tablet grafis | Tabung sinar katoda | Tampilan Kristal Cair | Tampilan layar datar | Tampilan plasma | Tanda panggil | Tanda tangan | Teknik komputer | Teknologi Memori Hibrida | Teknologi informasi | Teks terang | Teks tersandi | Telecentre | Telepon genggam | TelkomNet Instan | Teori graf | Teori otomata | Terjemahan mesin | Terminal Services | Terra Brandford | Textpattern | The Adventure Company | Tim Berners-Lee | Topologi bintang | Topologi bus | Traceroute | Transformasi Fourier diskrit | Transparansi (komputasi) | Transport Layer Security | Triple DES | Tux | UART | UMTS | Ultra Mobile Personal Computer | Unicode | Unified communications | Universal Serial Bus | VCD | VDSL | VIA Technologies | VIPNET | VMDS | Videoconference | Vinton G. Cerf | Virtual private server | Voice over IP | Vorbis | W-CDMA | WPA | WSDL | Wafer | Ward Cunningham | Warung Internet | Wavelength-division multiplexing | Wavelet | Web 3.0 | Web semantik | Web service | Webhosting | Wi-Fi | WiMAX | Wii | WikiHow | WikiMapia | Wikia inc. | Wikimapia | Wikinews | Wikitravel | Wiktionary | WinRAR | Windows 2000 | Windows 3.x | Windows CE | Windows Registry | Windows XP | Wireless Markup Language | World Wide Web Consortium | X.25 | X86 | XDSL | X Window System | Xbox | Xbox 360 | Xserve | Yahoo! | YouTube | Z3 | Zack Fair | Zune
10BASE5 | 10BaseT | ACK | ACPI | AGP | AMD Opteron | Access token | Ada | Adware | Athlon 64 | Berkas UNIX | Bus EISA | Bus ISA | Bus MCA | Bus sistem | CISC | CRC | Cluster (sistem berkas) | Common Internet File System | Control unit | DEC PRISM | Defragmentasi | Distributed Denial of Service | Duplex | Duron | Encrypting File System | FAT | Firewall | GUID Partition Table | Grafika komputer | HPFS | Hirarki memori | Hosting | HyperTransport | IBM PC | Intel Core 2 | Intel Itanium | Interprocess Communication | K7 | Kluster komputer | Komputer mikro | Lapisan data-link | MAC address | MINIX | MMX | MP3 | MPLS | Manajemen memori DOS | Master Boot Record (skema partisi) | Master boot record | Memori komputer | Modus kerja prosesor x86 | Nama Kode Prosesor | Netiquette | POSIX | Paket jaringan | Partisi (sistem berkas) | Pencetak | Pengaturan akses | Pentium M | Perangkat lunak antivirus | Perintah DOS | Port TCP dan UDP | ReadyBoost | Register prosesor | Rich Text Format | Route aggregation | SCSI | SIMD | Sempron | Server | Simplex | Sistem informasi jaringan | Situs web | Skema partisi | Slot 1 | Slot 2 | Socket-2 | Socket-3 | Socket-4 | Socket-5 | Socket-6 | Socket 7 | Socket A | Spyware | Subnet mask | Sun Java System Application Server | Superskalar | Tabel partisi | Taksonomi Flynn | VPN | Windows NT 5.x | Windows Vista | Xenix | AdSense | Alpha AXP | Anti-Aliasing | Athlon | Booting | Cisco Systems | Daftar bertopik komputer | Desain grafis | Dial-up | Dual Core | ESRI | EXIF | Editor grafik vektor | Frame relay | Grafik komputer | Handheld computer | Indonesia Internet Exchange | Jaringan saraf tiruan | Key generation | Kilobita | Komputasi grid | MIDI controller | Moodle | MyBulletinBoard | PIC16F84 | Pendinginan komputer | Pengendali mikro | Penghargaan Turing | Pola active record | Proxy Spam dan Relay Spam | Proxy website | SQL | Serangan DoS | Serangan brute-force | Serat optik | Set instruksi 12-bit | Set instruksi 14-bit | Sistem benam | SourceForge | Surat elektronik | Teknologi Memori Hibrida | Topologi bus | Traceroute | Vorbis | Web semantik | Wi-Fi | Wireless Markup Language | X86
Diupdate pada: 19:34, 10 Juli 2010 (UTC)