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When Congress created Idaho Territory in 1863, the new territory sprawled across an area one-quarter larger than Texas. Today’s state is smaller, but Idaho is still as large as all six New England states combined with New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware. Consequently, to travel from Bonner’s Ferry in the north to Montpelier in the southeast encompasses a trip of nearly 800 miles, only slightly less than traveling from New York City to Chicago.

Idaho State Historical Society offers several ways to explore Idaho history, including the Idaho State Historical Society Reference Series.

1805Lewis and Clark enter Idaho at Lemhi Pass
1834Fort Boise established
1849California Gold Rush begins
1861Lewiston established
1864Boise City is incorporated
1877Nez Perce Indian War
1882Northern Pacific Railroad completed in Idaho
1882Construction on the New York Canal begins
1886Territorial Capitol completed
1890Idaho becomes the 43rd state
1901Swan Falls hydroelectric dam completed
1910North Idaho fires known as the “The Big Blowup”
1915Arrowrock Dam completed
1931State symbols adopted
1936First chair lift
1939First Albertson’s store opens
1941JR Simplot begins potato dehydration operation
1951First Atomic power produced at EBR1
1972Sawtooth National Recreation Area completed
1975Port of Lewiston opens
1976Teton Dam collapses
1995North Idaho floods bring President to Idaho
2009Idaho hosts the Special Olympics World Winter Games