United States Book List - Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Imagination Library Blue Ribbon Selections USA (Core Program)

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library puts books into the hands and hearts of children around the world. Imagination Library books are specially selected age-appropriate, high-quality titles. These books are delivered to registered children each month from birth to age five. Each one is personalized with the child’s name and mailed directly to the child’s home. This effort creates a gifting experience making books exciting and shows the child someone is thinking of them. The Blue Ribbon Book Selection Committee selects several bilingual English/Spanish titles each year.

The first book a child receives is “The Little Engine That Could™” (customized version). The month a child turns five years old, they will receive “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” (customized version).

2025 Core Book List – USA

Group 6 (Children born in 2020)

Cinderella — with Dogs!
Rabbit’s Snow Dance
+ The Tree in Me
Joy Takes Root
+ First Day Critter Jitters
You Are a Honey Bee!
 Help Wanted: One Rooster
+ Wild Horses
 Exactly as Planned
 Steppin’ Out
 Grilled Cheese? Yes, Please!
Something Wild
The Power of Yeti

Group 5 (Children born in 2021)

How to Get Your Octopus to School
Full Moon Pups
How to Say Hello to a Worm
A Book for Bear
Danbi’s Favorite Day
The Rabbit Listened
 When You Love a Book
 The Outside
 Being Home
 Enola’s Best Friend
There’s a Monster in Your Book
 A Unicorn, a Dinosaur, and a Shark Were Riding a Bicycle
+ Coat of Many Colors

Group 4 (Children born in 2022)

+ Corduroy
How We Say I Love You
A Little Emotional
This is the Tree We Planted
Raindrops to Rainbows
Gift & Box
Little Owl’s Love
 Jonny Lambert’s Bear and Bird Explore the Seashore
 Gaga Mistake Day
 A Little Like Magic
 What’s New, Daniel?
Somewhere Right Now
 Rocket Ship, Solo Trip

Group 3 (Children born in 2023)

The Animal Song
Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night?
+ Green Tractor
 The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s Nature Walk
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Eats Breakfast
Birding for Babies: Backyard Birds
Dandelion Magic
Ice Cream Face
K is for Kindness
+ Solitary Animals
The Big Slide
Llama Llama Meets the Babysitter
 Buffalo Fluffalo

Group 2 (Children born in 2024)

Where is Your Nose?
Eric Carle’s Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Other Nursery Rhymes
Home Builders
The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s First Summer
+  My First Bilingual Farm
+ Richard Scarry’s 100 First Words
Tad and Dad
 Llama Llama Feelings
“Slowly, Slowly, Slowly,” Said the Sloth
 My Feet Go
 Bedtime, Here I Come!
Little Poems for Tiny Ears
 Play with Me
Llama Llama Red Pajama
Good Night Gorilla

Group 1 (Children born in 2025)

Llama Llama Hide & Seek
Look at the Animals
Can You Guess? Animal Sounds with The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Pudgy Pat A Cake
Pudgy Book of Mother Goose
+ Baby Sounds
Baby! Talk!
+ Sleep Tight, Polar Bear
+ Who Says Quack?
 Rainbow Colors Peekaboo!
Roald Dahl Colors

Signifies a new book to the program
+ Signifies a bilingual English/Spanish title or Hispanic Content

Imagination Library Blue Ribbon Selections USA (Bilingual)

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library puts books into the hands and hearts of children around the world. Imagination Library books are specially selected age-appropriate, high-quality titles. These books are delivered to registered children each month from birth to age five. Each one is personalized with the child’s name and mailed directly to the child’s home. This effort creates a gifting experience making books exciting and shows the child someone is thinking of them. The Blue Ribbon Book Selection Committee selects several bilingual English/Spanish titles each year.

The first book a child receives is “The Little Engine That Could™” (customized version). The month a child turns five years old, they will receive “Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come!” (customized version).

2025 Bilingual Book List – USA

Group 6 (Children born in 2020)

Blue Sky, White Stars
Un cielo azul, blancas estrellas

The Tree in Me
El árbol que hay en mí

First Day Critter Jitters
Primer día de clases !qué nervios!

Old Rock (is not boring)
Piedra vieja (no es aburrida)

At the Mountain’s Base
Al pie de la montaña

Wild Horses
Caballos salvajes

Rabbit’s Snow Dance
El baile de la nieve de conejo

Spend It!

As an Oak Tree Grows
Como crece un roble

 Something Wild
Algo salvaje

Wonder Walkers
Caminantes curiosos

Daniel Finds a Poem
Daniel encuentra un poema

Group 5 (Children born in 2021)

Ten Ways to Hear Snow
Diez maneras de escuchar la neive

When the Storm Comes
Cuando llega la tormenta

Brick by Brick
Ladrillo a ladrillo

Birds of a Feather
Aves del mismo plumaje

Pup & Bear
cachorro y oso

Goldilocks & the Three Bears (James Marshall Ed)
Ricitos de oro y los tres osos (James Marshall Ed)

Peace is an Offering
La paz es una ofrenda

How to Say Hello to a Worm
Cómo decirle hola a una lombriz

The Ring Bearer
El Pajecito

The Rabbit Listened
El conejo escuchó

Milo’s Hat Trick
El sombrero mágico de Milo

Coat of Many Colors
El abrigo de muchos colores

Group 4 (Children born in 2022)


Families Belong
Juntos en familia

My First Bilingual Out and About
Mi primer bilingüe: afuera y alrededor

Raindrops to Rainbows
De la lluvia al arcoíris

Ocean Lullaby
El arrullo del océano

Baby Builders
Bebés constructores

My First Bilingual Opposites
Mi primer bilingüe: Los opuestos

I Wonder
Me pregunto



Hair Love
Amor de pelo

The Snowy Day
Un día de nieve

Group 3 (Children born in 2023)

I Hear a Pickle
Oigo un pepinillo


Green Tractor
Tractor verde

Just One More
Solo uno más

Jake at Gymnastics
Jake hace gimnasia

You Are My I Love You
Tú eres mi yo te quiero

My First Bilingual Playtime
Mi primer bilingüe: La hora de jugar

One Leaf Two Leaves Count with Me
Una hoja Dos hojas Cuenta conmigo

Solitary Animals
Animales solitarios

My First Bilingual Things That Go
Mi primer bilingüe: Cosas que se mueven

Red House Tree House Itty Bitty Brown Mouse
Casa del árbol, casa rojita diminuta ratoncita marroncita

Mine, Mine, Mine, Yours!
¡Mio, Mio, Mio, Tuyo!

Group 2 (Children born in 2024)

I Love My Daddy Becausea
Quiero a mi papá porque…

Where is Your Nose?
¿Dónde está tu nariz?

Little Poems for Tiny Ears
Dulces poemitas para las orejitas

 My First Bilingual Farm
Mi primera granja bilingüe

Richard Scarry’s 100 First Words
Richard Scarry’s Las primeras 100 palabras

My First Bilingual Body
Mi primer bilingüe: El cuerpo

Sassy: Baby’s First Words
Sassy: Las primeras palabras del bebé

My First Bilingual Shapes
Mi primer bilingüe: Las formas

Nobunny’s Perfect
Ni siquiera un conejito es perfecto

The Very Busy Spider
La araña muy ocupada

Good Morning Farm Friends
Buenos días, amigos de la granja

Vehicles (Picture Show)

Group 1 (Children born in 2025)

Bathtime Peekaboo!
Hora del baño ¡cucú!

Wheels on the Bus
Las ruedas del bus

Baby Night-night
Buenas noches bebé

I Love My Mommy Because
Quiero a mi mamá porque…

Look at the Animals
¡Mira los animales!

Baby Sounds
Los sonidos de bebé

Baby! Talk!
¡Habla, bebé!

Sleep Tight, Polar Bear (Little Loves)
Duerme acurrucadito Osito Polar (Pequeños amores)

Who Says Quack?
¿Quíen dice cuac?

Rainbow Colors Peekaboo!
Arcoíris de colores

Sassy: Bedtime for Baby
Sassy: hora de dormir para el bebé

Signifies a new book to the program