- 'A cammurrestella (Cangiullo, Francesco)
- 'A cchiù bella figliola! (De Curtis, Giambattista)
- 'A nepota 'e don Camillo (Taranto, Guido)
- 'A robba fina! (Di Capua, Eduardo)
- 'A sicilianella (Di Fraja, Vincenzo)
- 'A spartenza (De Gregorio, Giuseppe)
- 'Ard Up An' Appy (Townsend, Herbert)
- 'Cause I Only Had a Quarter to Ma Name (Osborne, Nat)
- 'Cause I Think and Awful Lot of You (Wildman, F. Collis)
- 'Cross the Great Divide (Meyer, George W.)
- 'Cross the Mason-Dixon Line (Marshall, Henry I.)
- 'E zampugnare (Gambardella, Salvatore)
- The 'Free and Easy' (Ahlert, Fred)
- The 'Goona Goo' (Young, Joe)
- 'k Zag (Tinel, Jef)
- 'Mid the Fields of Snowy Cotton (Heinzman, John A.)
- 'n Avond Blomkens (Tinel, Jef)
- 'N' Everthing (De Sylva, B. G.)
- 'Na palummella janca... (Nutile, Emmanuele)
- 'Ncampagna (Salzano, Giuseppe)
- 'Neath the Pines of Vermont (Strouse, Horace)
- 'Neath the Spreading Chestnut Tree (Bloom, Evelyn)
- The 'New Cut' Coon (Collins, Charles)
- 'O Malho' na ponta (Guimarães, Amadeu)
- 'O Malho' (Bastos, Henrique Teixeira de Souza)
- 'O Malho' (Braga, José Mauricio)
- 'O Napulitano (Falvo, Rodolfo)
- 'O ppoco 'e Pusilleco! (De Gregorio, Giuseppe)
- 'O primm'Ammore (Gambardella, Salvatore)
- 'O ritratto d''o core (Falcon, Leopoldo)
- 'S Wonderful (Gershwin, George)
- 't Is schoon (Tinel, Jef)
- 't Was in de blijde mei (Tinel, Jef)
- 't Was in de blijde Mei (Tinel, Jef)
- 't Wordt avond (Tinel, Jef)
- 'Till the End O' the World with You (Dixon, Harold)
- 'Till Then (Heinzman, Otto M.)
- 'Tis Raining (Grunn, Homer)
- 'Tis Spring (Ware, Harriet)
- 'Twas in September (Hein, Silvio)
- 'Twas in the Glorious Month of May (Barnett, Alice)
- 'Twas in the Time of Roses (Tice, Blanche M.)
- 'Twas Only an Irishman's Dream (Cormack, J. Rennie)
- 'U capo d''a Pelosa (Burgio, Emanuele)
- 'Way Down in Borneo-o-o-o (Piantadosi, Al)
- 'Way down South (Harris, Victor)
- 'Way to de Twinklin' Star (King, Lovett)
- 'Zis' for You, 'Zat' for You! (Fisher, Fred)
- 1.X.1905 (Janáček, Leoš)
- 1o de janeiro... (Machado, Emygdio)
- 1o de maio (Santos, Justino Lopes dos)
- 1st Battalion March (Crosby, Harold Josiah)
- 1º de Abril (Silva, Thomaz Fernandes da)
- 2-Part Invention in 3 Parts, HC 754 (Cowell, Henry)
- 2nd Regiment Connecticut National Guard March (Reeves, David Wallis)
- 2nd Selection of Albert Chevalier's Coster Songs (Ellis, Herbert J.)
- 3-11-33 (Carroll, Johnnie)
- 4-11-44 (Braham, David)
- 4-11-44 (Cole, Bob)
- 7/8 Rag (Peressoni, Davide)
- The 11.69 Express (Robinson, William S.)
- 11th Street Rag (Bowman, Euday L.)
- 12-Tone Fugue for Clarinet, Op.60 (Ng, Sissel)
- 12th Regiment March (Feehrer, Joseph)
- 12th Street Rag (Bowman, Euday L.)
- 15th U.S. Cavalry Band (Wyman, Bob)
- 16th Regiment Band March (Rosenkrans, George)
- The 20th Century Rag (Abrahams, Maurice)
- 21+26 (Casella, Alfredo)
- 21st Century Nocturnes, Op.1 (Hagiu, Stefan)
- 31st Street Blues (Hall, Wendell W.)
- 36 (Chávez, Carlos)
- The 49th Parallel (Vaughan Williams, Ralph)
- The 98th Psalm (Titcomb, Everett)
- À Bruges (Delmas, Marc)
- À contre-cœur (Ferroud, Pierre-Octave)
- À Inès (Gallois, Victor)
- À l'aventure (Dubois, Théodore)
- À la belle étoile (Underwood, Kenneth F. H.)
- À la carte (Holzmann, Abe)
- À la Chinoise, SO 60 (Ornstein, Leo)
- À la claire fontaine (Descarries, Auguste)
- À la manière de Borodine, M.63/1 (Ravel, Maurice)
- À la manière de Chabrier, M.63/2 (Ravel, Maurice)
- À la mer (Yamamoto, Jun)
- À la nature, Op.192 (Renard, Casimir)
- À meiga luz do luar (Silva, Thomaz Fernandes da)
- À mon aimée (Kennès, Henry)
- À Néré (Grumbach, Marthe)
| A cont.
- À qui je vais rêver (Dubois, Théodore)
- À ta porte (Christiné, Henri)
- À un bébé, Op.221 (Renard, Casimir)
- A! heim A! heim (Secunda, Sholom)
- A, B, C. Elementarna szkoła na fortepian, Op.50 (Różycki, Aleksander)
- 4 A-cappella-Chöre, Op.47 (Krenek, Ernst)
- A-L-E (Schwartz, Jean)
- A-Roving (Roberton, Hugh S.)
- A. B. C. D. E. F. G. (Godfrey, Fred)
- A. B. C. Photo Play Concert Edition No.5 (Luz, Ernst)
- A. Didier (Aquino, Thomaz de)
- A.B.C. Dramatic Set No.20 (Luz, Ernst)
- A.S. Kline Songs (Schoonenbeek, Kees)
- 10 Aarestrupske Ritorneller (Laub, Thomas)
- Aba Daba Honeymoon (Fields, Arthur)
- L'abandon d'Ariane, Op.98 (Milhaud, Darius)
- Abandoned Songs (Besset, Julian Raoul)
- ABC (Lourié, Arthur)
- Abendfrieden, WoO VII/40 (Reger, Max)
- Abendgang (Schweikert, Margarete)
- Abendländler (Hirsch, Cornelius)
- 3 Abendlieder (Besset, Julian Raoul)
- Abendlied (Mühlberg, Ehrhart)
- Abendlied (Seifert, Adolf)
- Abendlied (Tinel, Jef)
- Abendständchen, Op.69 (Lutter, Wilhelm)
- Abendständchen (Schiebold, Carl)
- Abendstimmung (Faisst, Clara)
- Abide With Me (Hawthorne, Seymour)
- Abie's Irish Nose (Austin, Gene)
- Abie's Wild Irish Rose (Haskins, Will R.)
- Abie, Dot's Not a Business for You (Hertzberg, Jacques)
- Abie, Take an Example from Your Fader (Brockman, James)
- Abigaïl (Braga, José Mauricio)
- About Fairies (Weston, Mildred)
- Above the Clouds (Cole, Ulric)
- Abraham Jefferson Washington Lee (Von Tilzer, Harry)
- Abraham Lincoln Jones (Mack, Cecil)
- Abril (Menezes, Cupertino de)
- Abril (Toldrà, Eduard)
- Abschiedslieder, Op.14 (Korngold, Erich Wolfgang)
- Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (Dillea, Herbert)
- Absence (Carbajo, Víctor)
- Absent Friends (Moore, Joseph Warwick)
- Absolute Accuracy of Intonation on the Violin (Eberhardt, Siegfried)
- The Absolute Independence of the Fingers In Violin Playing on a Scientific Basis, Op.15 (Dounis, Demetrius Constantine)
- Absolutely Wrong (Clare, Tom)
- Abstracción No.1 (Suárez, Daniel)
- Acabô de acabá!... (Portapis, J. F. M.)
- Accompanied by the Composer (Kent, Edward)
- The Accompaniment of Plainchant (Oldroyd, George)
- L'accueil des muses, L.27 (Roussel, Albert)
- The Accusation (Howgill, Richard)
- Ace High (Lake, Mayhew)
- Aces High (Levy, Sol Paul)
- Ach bittrer Winter, Op.63 (Lutter, Wilhelm)
- Ach! Hoe vluchtig is het leven (Tinel, Jef)
- Ach, milcz serce, milcz... (Berezovskij, Grigorij A.)
- Aching Heart (Cathcart, Alan)
- Acoma (Cummins, Ella Uhrig)
- Acorazado Rivadavia (Villoldo, Ángel Gregorio)
- Açoriana, Op.18 (Couto, José Vieira do)
- ACPromptu (Strnad, Oliver)
- Acquainted with the Night (Dybicz, Jan Sára)
- Acquarelli (Santoliquido, Francesco)
- Acrobatic Dance (Besset, Julian Raoul)
- Across the Border (Tallmadge, Kirby A.)
- Across the Desert (Maxwell, Joe)
- Across the Field (Dougherty, William A.)
- Across the Sea (Denkhaus, Anna)
- The Act of Touch in All its Diversity (Matthay, Tobias)
- Action in Brass, HC 639 (Cowell, Henry)
- Action Songs and Games (Porter, Will)
- Actions Speak Louder than Words (Daniels, Charles N.)
- Actualidade (Costa, Angelo Correa da)
- Acuarelas valencianas (López-Chávarri, Eduardo)
- Acugelê! Acubabá! (Tupinambá, Marcelo)
- Acushla! I'm Calling Thee (Ihmsen, Josephine Branta)
- Ad Infinitum (Warnecke, Friedrich)
- Ad Multos Annos (De Bleser, Werner J.E.)
- Ad un angelo svanito (Buttino, Vincenzo)
- Ad usum delphini (Migot, Georges Elbert)
- Adagio and Bourrée from Suite (Richardson, J. Howard)
- Adagio and Toccata (Gray, Alan)
- Adagio con variazioni (Respighi, Ottorino)
- Adagio e mesto (Sewell, William)
- Adagio Espressivo in D-flat major (Goodhart, Arthur Murray)
- Adagio for Strings (Weigl, Vally)
- Adagio for Violin and Viola, Op.22 No.2 (Jongen, Joseph)
- Adagio in E-flat major (Rowley, Alec)
- Adagio in G major (Clifton, Chalmers Dancy)
- Adagio pathétique (Dubensky, Arcady)
- Adagio symphonique, Op.20 (Jongen, Joseph)
- Adagio Tetuan in F major (Sysmoebius, Z Q)
- Adagio voor klavier (Tinel, Jef)
- Adagio, Op.5 (Kochurov, Yury)
- Adagio (Becker, Will L.)
- Adagio (Fricker, Herbert A.)
- Adagio (Gnecchi, Vittorio)
- Adagio (Kodály, Zoltán)