The Tightening Grip, by Insufferable


Every week the fucking same, Without a sign of fucking change, Watch the world pass you by, This scene shows no signs of life


Sickening, Mock the easy target, Ignorant, Make them feel ashamed, Clearly it's you, Who's retarded


It's not about what you know, Just who you know, And what you can do for them, They're only out for themselves, All you are is a tool or accessory, Removing yourself, Protecting yourself, From their ways is the only solution


Escapism nullifies our need, To face reality, Polluting the air, Polluting the sea, Destroying the earth, Killing humanity, Some will try, To make a change, The cost of survival, Others won't pay


I can't trust a thing you say, People aren't a game to play, When will you just fucking grow up?


Craving scene points, So act the part, Live for status, Nail the pose, Cookie cutter, Follow the rules


Feeling the pressure


Sheath blade hilt grip, Black metal fittings, Decapitate eviscerate disembowel efficiently, Sheath prevent impregnation, There's nothing left for us to gain, No satisfaction, Only pain, I don't fucking need this shit, A horse's corpse, Beaten again


Drink as needed, For the pain, Chase the day away, Numb, Clouded, Stumbling, Into solitude


Drugged up, Fucked up, A spiralling descent, Wandering, Through the streets, Towards an early death


Always running, Out of time, Always fearing, A wasted life, All the walls, Closing in, Paranoia, No escape, Like a noose, Around my neck, The tightening grip, Takes my breath


"Insufferable play dirty grind for fans of saggy-stringed riffs and choppy, spazzy beats – exactly the kind of nastiness your nana wants you to give up. She means the best and she just wants what is best for you, but you can tell her to fuck right off. The title track from the upcoming seven-minute scuzz-fest has one of the downright dirtiest riffs you’ll hear all year; so overdriven and turgid the guys from Nails probably hear this shit in their nightmares. It jumps to and from blasts and furious drum skin mashing enough times during its brief bombardment that you’ll probably spew at least once. If not, the vomit is going to be tickling up the back of your throat when you run through “Who You Know”. Waller and King offer up their double vocal attack for thirty seconds, gargling coins and shitting rimshots ’til smoke belts out of their amps and their bass drum explodes. There are no clean edges or cute tricks coming out of the band’s home in Fife. Just festering scabs of grinding violence barely fit for human consumption. Lovely stuff." - Heavy Blog Is Heavy

"This is noise-grind, baby, we’re not following trends and old beaten paths here! It’s not even 8 minutes long (7:57), but fuck me, it’s catchy! 11 songs total, from one-second long “Pressure” to 1:37 long “The Cost of Survival”. I like it much more than their previous stuff, songs are nicely structured, nothing chaotic here, which is a plus, kinda old school grindcore, if you will. Paradoxically, the shorter songs are – in my opinion – much better, personal favorites of mine are “Ingrid”, aforementioned “Pressure” and “Stigma”. All said and done, if you like grindcore little noisier, you definitely need to check these Scottish gentlemen." - Rubber Axe Webzine