Apocalypse '77 - Wikipedia


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Apocalypse '77
raccolta discografica
ArtistaThe Exploited
GenereHardcore punk
Street punk
EtichettaRelativity Record
The Exploited - cronologia

Album precedente


Album successivo


Apocalypse '77 è una raccolta della band hardcore punk The Exploited pubblicata nel 1992 dalla Relativity Record.

  1. Let's start a war (Said Maggie one day)
  2. Don't forget the chaos
  3. Psycho
  4. Jesus is dead
  5. Maggie
  6. Horror epics
  7. Police informer
  8. Safe below
  9. Punk's not dead
  10. I hate you

V · D · M

The Exploited
Wattie Buchan · Gav · Irish Rob · Willie Buchan
AlbumPunk's Not Dead · Troops of Tomorrow · Let's Start a War · Horror Epics · Death Before Dishonour · The Massacre · Beat the Bastards · Fuck the System
EPJesus is Dead · War Now
LiveOn Stage · Live at Whitehouse · Live and Loud · Live Lewd Lust · Live in Japan
CompilationTotally Exploited · Apocalypse '77 · Don't Forget the Chaos · Singles Collection · Punk Singles & Rarities 1980-83 · Dead Cities · The Best of The Exploited - Twenty Five Years of Anarchy and Chaos · Complete Punk Singles Collection
SingoliArmy Life · Barmy Army · Dogs of War · Dead Cities · Don't Let 'em Grind You Down · Attack/Alternative · Computers Don't Blunder · Rival Leaders · Don't Blame Me
DVDRock'n'roll Outlaws/Sexual Favours · Live at the Palm Cove · Beat 'Em All
Formazione degli Exploited

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