Eleventh Air Force - Wikipedia


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11th Air Force
Descrizione generale
NazioneStati Uniti (bandiera) Stati Uniti
ServizioUnited States Air Force
TipoForza Aerea Numerata
Parte di
Pacific Air Forces
Maggior GeneraleRussell L. Mack
Fonti indicate nel testo
Voci su unità militari presenti su Wikipedia

La Eleventh Air Force è una forza aerea numerata della Pacific Air Forces. Il suo quartier generale è situato presso la Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, in Alaska.


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Attualmente, al maggio 2017, essa controlla[1]:

Collegamenti esterni

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V · D · M

United States Air Force
LeadershipSegretario · Sottosegretario · Chief of Staff · Vice Chief of Staff · Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force · Generali a 4 stelle · House Armed Services Committee (House Subcommittee on Air and Land Forces) · Senate Committee on Armed Services (Senate Subcommittee on Air and Land Forces)


Reserve · Air National Guard · Field Operating Agencies · Installazioni
Direct Reporting Unit: District of Washington · Operational Test and Evaluation Center · USAF Academy
Major Command: Air Combat · Air Education and Training · Air Mobility · Global Strike · Materiel · Reserve · Space · Special Operations · Europe · Pacific
Numbered Air Force: First · Second · Third · Fourth · Fifth · Seventh · Eighth · Ninth · Tenth · Eleventh · Twelfth · Thirteenth · Fourteenth · Seventeenth · Eighteenth · Nineteenth · Twentieth · Twenty-Second · Twenty-Third · Twenty-Fourth · Twenty-Fifth · Air Forces Central

Wing (ANG) · Group (ANG) · Squadron (ANG) · Ausiliari civili: Civil Air Patrol
Personale e
Gradi · Specialty Code · Qualifiche · Judge Advocate General's Corps · RED HORSE · Office of Special Investigations · Security Forces · Medical Service · Pararescue · Combat Control · Chief of Chaplains · Chief Scientist Addestramento: USAF Academy · Officer Training School · Reserve Officer Training Corps · Addestramento di base · Airman Leadership School · SERE · Fitness Test
Uniformi ed
Medaglie e decorazioni · Distintivi · Equipaggiamento · Uniformi
Storia e
Storia · Army Air Service / Corps / Forces · "The U.S. Air Force" · Air Force Band · The Airmen of Note · Tops In Blue · Credo dell'aviere · Bandiera · Simbolo · Memoriale · Museo nazionale · Air Force One · Honor Guard · Thunderbirds · Numeri di servizio