I Just Don't Understand - Wikipedia

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I Just Don't Understand
Autore/iMarijohn Wilkin, Kent Westberry
GenereCountry rock
Soft rock
Pubblicazione originale
IncisioneAnd Here She Is: Ann-Magret
EtichettaRCA Records
I Just Don't Understand
ArtistaThe Beatles
Autore/iMarijohn Wilkin, Kent Westberry
GenereCountry rock
Soft rock
Pubblicazione originale
IncisioneLive at the BBC
Data30 novembre 1994
EtichettaApple Records

I Just Don't Understand è una canzone della cantante svedese-americana Ann-Margret, scritta da Kent Westberry e Marijohn Wilkin. La versione originale, pubblicata nel 1961 è arrivata alla diciassettesima posizione negli States e nella Top 20 nelle varie classifiche australiane[1], ed è stata inclusa nel suo album di debutto, On the Way up, dell'anno seguente[2]. Furono numerosi gli artisti che incisero covers: i Beatles per l'album Live at the BBC, Les Paul & Mary Ford nel 1963, Tom Adderly, che la pubblicò come singolo nel 1964 e poi ne incluse una versione live sull'album Live on the Peta Posa Show del 1965, Freddie & the Dreamers e i Cresters la registrarono e la commercializzarono, in due versioni differenti, una per ogni artista, nel 1964 e Normie Rowe & the Playboys, i quali pubblicarono la canzone come lato B della hit I Who Have Nothing del 1965[1].

Venne registrata il 16 luglio 1963 nel BBC Paris Studio di Londra; fu la terza di cinque canzoni registrate per la decima edizione della trasmissione radiofonica Pop Go the Beatles, trasmessa per la prima volta il 20 agosto. Venne inclusa sull'album live Live at the BBC del 1994[3].

  1. ^ a b (EN) I Just Don't Understand, su, Pop Archives. URL consultato il 26 aprile 2014 (archiviato dall'url originale il 26 aprile 2014).
  2. ^ (EN) William Ruhlmann, On the Way up - Ann-Margret, su, AllMusic. URL consultato il 26 aprile 2014.
  3. ^ a b (EN) I Just Don't Understand, su, The Beatles Bible. URL consultato il 26 aprile 2014.

V · D · M

The Beatles
FormazioneJohn Lennon (1960-1970) · Paul McCartney (1960-1970) · George Harrison (1960-1970) · Ringo Starr (1962-1970) · Stuart Sutcliffe (1960-1961) · Pete Best (1960-1962)
Album in studio
Regno Unito (bandiera) Regno UnitoPlease Please Me · With the Beatles · A Hard Day's Night · Beatles for Sale · Help! · Rubber Soul · Revolver · Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band · The Beatles (White Album) · Abbey Road · Let It Be · Let It Be... Naked
Stati Uniti (bandiera) Stati UnitiIntroducing... The Beatles · Meet the Beatles! · The Beatles' Second Album · Something New · The Beatles' Story · Beatles '65 · The Early Beatles · Beatles VI · Help! · Rubber Soul · Yesterday and Today · Revolver · Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band · Magical Mystery Tour · The Beatles (White Album) · Abbey Road · Let It Be
Canada (bandiera) CanadaTwist and Shout · The Beatles' Long Tall Sally
Album dal vivoThe Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl · Live at the BBC · On Air - Live at the BBC Volume 2 · The Beatles Bootleg Recordings 1963
RaccolteThe Beatles' First · The Beatles in Italy · A Collection of Beatles Oldies (But Goldies!) · Hey Jude · The Beatles' Christmas Album · Very Together · Red Album · Blue Album · Rock 'n' Roll Music · Love Songs · Rarities · Ballads · 20 Greatest Hits · The Number Ones · Past Masters · The Beatles Anthology (1 · 2 · 3) · 1 · Love · Tomorrow Never Knows · I Saw Her Standing There · 1+
Box setThe Beatles Collection · The Beatles Box · The Beatles: The Collection · The Beatles Box Set · The Capitol Albums, Volume 1 · The Capitol Albums, Volume 2 · The Beatles Stereo Box Set · The Beatles in Mono · The U.S. Albums · The Japan Box · The Singles Collection
Colonne sonoreMagical Mystery Tour · Reel Music · Yellow Submarine
EPTwist and Shout · The Beatles' Hits · The Beatles (No. 1) · All My Loving · Long Tall Sally · Extracts from the Film "A Hard Day's Night" · Extracts from the Album "A Hard Day's Night" · Beatles for Sale · Beatles for Sale No. 2 · The Beatles' Million Sellers · Yesterday · Nowhere Man · Magical Mystery Tour · Baby It's You · Free as a Bird · Real Love
SingoliLove Me Do/P.S. I Love You · Please Please Me/Ask Me Why · From Me to You/Thank You Girl · She Loves You/I'll Get You · I Want to Hold Your Hand/This Boy · Can't Buy Me Love/You Can't Do That · A Hard Day's Night · I Feel Fine/She's a Woman · Ticket to Ride/Yes It Is · Help! · We Can Work It Out/Day Tripper · Paperback Writer/Rain · Eleanor Rigby/Yellow Submarine · Strawberry Fields Forever/Penny Lane · All You Need Is Love/Baby You're a Rich Man · Hello, Goodbye/I Am the Walrus · Lady Madonna/The Inner Light · Hey Jude/Revolution · Get Back/Don't Let Me Down · The Ballad of John and Yoko/Old Brown Shoe · Something/Come Together · Let It Be/You Know My Name (Look Up the Number) · Free as a Bird/Christmas Time Is Here Again · Real Love/Baby's In Black · Now and Then
Brani musicaliLove Me Do · P.S. I Love You · From Me to You · Thank You Girl · She Loves You · I'll Get You · I Want to Hold Your Hand · This Boy · Can't Buy Me Love · You Can't Do That · I Feel Fine · She's a Woman · Ticket to Ride · Yes It Is · Help! · I'm Down · We Can Work It Out · Day Tripper · Paperback Writer · Rain · Eleanor Rigby · Yellow Submarine · Strawberry Fields Forever · Penny Lane · All You Need Is Love · Baby You're a Rich Man · Hello, Goodbye · I Am the Walrus · Lady Madonna · The Inner Light · Hey Jude · Revolution · Get Back · Don't Let Me Down · The Ballad of John and Yoko · Old Brown Shoe · Let It Be · You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)
BootlegLive! at the Star-Club in Hamburg, Germany; 1962 · The Decca Tapes · The Black Album · Kum Back
FilmTutti per uno (A Hard Day's Night) · Aiuto! (Help!) · Magical Mystery Tour · Yellow Submarine · Let It Be - Un giorno con i Beatles · The Beatles: Get Back
CollaboratoriMusicali: Andy White · George Martin · Jimmy Nicol · Geoff Emerick · Eric Clapton · Billy Preston · Phil Spector
Non-musicali: Brian Epstein · Neil Aspinall · Alistair Taylor · Derek Taylor · Mal Evans · Allen Klein · Peter Brown · Freda Kelly · Magic Alex
Voci correlate1964 - Allarme a N.Y. arrivano i Beatles! · Abbey Road Studios · All This and World War II · Apple Corps · Apple Records · Apple scruffs · Astrid Kirchherr · Backbeat - Tutti hanno bisogno di amore · Beatlemania · Beatlesongs! · The Beatles at the Shea Stadium · British invasion · Carnival of Light · Cavern Club · Concerto dei Beatles sul tetto · Cry for a Shadow · Dick James · Etcetera · George Harrison e i Beatles · I Beatles nella cultura di massa · Iain Macmillan · In Spite of All the Danger · John, Paul, George, Ringo ... and Bert · Leave My Kitten Alone · Lee Eastman · Leggenda della morte di Paul McCartney · Linda McCartney · Luoghi beatlesiani · Mark Lewisohn · McLemore Avenue · Murray the K · La nascita dei Beatles · Por Siempre Beatles (Beatles Forever) · The Palace of the King of the Birds · Rare and Unseen: The Beatles · Sessions · Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (film) · Soggiorno dei Beatles in India · Tara Browne · Terry Doran · The Beatles: Get Back (libro) · The Beatles: Rock Band · The Beatles Play the Residents and the Residents Play the Beatles · The First U.S. Visit · The Grey Album · The Rutles · The Quarrymen · Tony Sheridan · Yōko Ono · My Bonnie/The Saints · Musica beat · The Songs Lennon and McCartney Gave Away · Los Beatles · The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years · Requests · Due di noi - The Beatles · The Beatles: Sgt Pepper & Beyond · La segretaria dei Beatles · My Bonnie
Bootleg · Discografia · Filmografia · Lennon-McCartney · Videoclip

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