Joe's Menage - Wikipedia

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Joe's Menage
album dal vivo
ArtistaFrank Zappa
Pubblicazioneottobre 2008
Rock sperimentale
Rock progressivo
Musica sperimentale
EtichettaVaulternative Records
Frank Zappa - cronologia

Album precedente


Album successivo


Joe's Menage è un album dal vivo del cantautore e musicista Frank Zappa, pubblicato postumo nel 2008.

Il disco contiene materiale inedito registrato durante un concerto tenuto il 1º novembre 1975 a Williamsburg (Virginia).

Tutte le tracce sono di Frank Zappa.

  1. Honey, Don't You Want a Man Like Me? – 3:57
  2. The Illinois Enema Bandit – 8:42
  3. Carolina Hard-Core Ecstasy – 6:02
  4. Lonely Little Girl – 2:46
  5. Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance – 2:10
  6. What's the Ugliest Part of Your Body? – 1:16
  7. Chunga's Revenge – 14:18
  8. Zoot Allures – 6:41

V · D · M

Frank Zappa
Album studioFreak Out! · Absolutely Free · We're Only in It for the Money · Lumpy Gravy · Cruising with Ruben & the Jets · Uncle Meat · Hot Rats · Burnt Weeny Sandwich · Weasels Ripped My Flesh · Chunga's Revenge · 200 Motels · Waka/Jawaka · The Grand Wazoo · Over-Nite Sensation · Apostrophe (') · One Size Fits All · Bongo Fury · Zoot Allures · Studio Tan · Sleep Dirt · Sheik Yerbouti · Orchestral Favorites · Joe's Garage · You Are What You Is · Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch · The Man from Utopia · Baby Snakes · London Symphony Orchestra, Vol. 1 · Boulez Conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger · Them or Us · Thing-Fish · Francesco Zappa · Frank Zappa Meets the Mothers of Prevention · Jazz from Hell · London Symphony Orchestra, Vol. 2 · Guitar · The Yellow Shark
Album dal vivoFillmore East - June 1971 · Just Another Band from L.A. · Roxy & Elsewhere · Zappa in New York · Tinseltown Rebellion · Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar · Does Humor Belong in Music? · You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 1 · You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 2 · Broadway the Hard Way · You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 3 · The Best Band You Never Heard in Your Life · Make a Jazz Noise Here · You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 4 · You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 5 · You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 6 · Playground Psychotics · Ahead of Their Time
RaccolteMothermania · The Guitar World According to Frank Zappa · Strictly Commercial · Strictly Genteel · Cucamonga · Cheap Thrills · Son of Cheep Thrills · Frank Zappa Plays the Music of Frank Zappa: A Memorial Tribute · Have I Offended Someone? · Quaudiophiliac · The Frank Zappa AAAFNRAA Birthday Bundle · Understanding America · ZAPPAtite · Zappa/Erie
CofanettiThe Old Masters Box One · The Old Masters Box Two · The Old Masters Box Three · Beat the Boots · Beat the Boots II · The MOFO Project/Object · Halloween 77: The Palladium, NYC · The Roxy Performances · Zappa in New York 40th Anniversary · Halloween 73 · The Hot Rats Sessions · The Mothers 1970 · Halloween 81 · 200 Motels: 50th Anniversary Edition · The Mothers 1971
Album postumiCivilization Phaze III · The Lost Episodes · Läther · Mystery Disc · Everything Is Healing Nicely · FZ:OZ · Halloween · Joe's Corsage · Joe's Domage · Joe's XMASage · Imaginary Diseases · Trance-Fusion · Buffalo · The Dub Room Special! · Wazoo · One Shot Deal · Joe's Menage · Lumpy Money · Philly '76 · Greasy Love Songs · Congress Shall Make No Law... · Hammersmith Odeon · Feeding the Monkies at Ma Maison · Carnegie Hall · Road Tapes, Venue #1 · Finer Moments · Baby Snakes: The Compleat Soundtrack · Road Tapes, Venue #2 · A Token of His Extreme (Soundtrack) · Joe's Camouflage · Roxy by Proxy · Dance Me This · Road Tapes, Venue #3 · The Crux of The Biscuit · Frank Zappa for President · Meat Light · Little Dots · Chicago '78 · Halloween 77: October 31, 1977 – The Palladium, NYC · Halloween 73 Highlights · Halloween 81 (Highlights From The Palladium, New York City) · ZAPPA - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack · Zappa '88: The Last U.S. Show
Singoli (elenco parziale)How Could I Be Such a Fool? · Trouble Comin' Every Day · Why Don't You Do Me Right · Lonely Little Girl · Tears Began to Fall · Big Leg Emma · Peaches en Regalia · My Guitar · I'm the Slime · Montana · Don't Eat the Yellow Snow · Du Bist Mein Sofa · Disco Boy · I Don't Wanna Get Drafted · Bobby Brown Goes Down · Dancin' Fool · Joe's Garage · Love of My Life · Goblin Girl · Valley Girl · The Man from Utopia Meets Mary Lou · Cocaine Decisions · Baby Take Your Teeth Out · In France · The Girl in the Magnesium Dress · Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Etichette discograficheZappa Records · DiscReet Records · Barking Pumpkin Records · Bizarre Records · Straight Records
Filmografia200 Motels · Baby Snakes · The Dub Room Special · Video from Hell · Does Humor Belong in Music? · The True Story of Frank Zappa's 200 Motels · The Amazing Mr. Bickford · Uncle Meat · The Torture Never Stops · Summer 82: When Zappa Came to Sicily · Roxy the Movie
Famiglia ZappaLala Sloatman · Gail Zappa · Moon Unit Zappa · Dweezil Zappa · Ahmet Zappa · Diva Zappa
Voci correlateCaptain Beefheart · The Mothers of Invention · Utility Muffin Research Kitchen · Zappa Family Trust · Edgard Varèse · Asteroide 3834 Zappafrank · Zappa Plays Zappa · King Kong: Jean-Luc Ponty Plays the Music of Frank Zappa · Cal Schenkel · Studio Z · The Return of the Son of Monster Magnet · Inca Roads · Willie the Pimp · The Black Page · Swiss Cheese/Fire!

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