Università del Middlesex - Wikipedia


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(Reindirizzamento da Middlesex University)

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Middlesex University
StatoRegno Unito (bandiera) Regno Unito
Dati generali
RettoreProf. Rick Trainor
Studenti23 175
Dipendenti3 320
ColoriBianco, rosso, nero e grigio                    
AffiliazioniEUA, ACU
Mappa di localizzazione
Sito web
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La Middlesex University (abbr. MU, MDX) è un'università che si trova nel nord di Londra, Inghilterra. Si trova ai confini della storica contea di Middlesex da cui prende il nome.

Nel 2005, l'università ha iniziato a razionalizzare le sue facoltà concentrando i suoi punti di forza nel mondo degli affari, dell'informatica e delle arti.

Altri progetti

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Collegamenti esterni

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V · D · M

Università nel Regno Unito
Anglia Ruskin · Cambridge · East Anglia · Norwich University of the Arts
di Londra
Birkbeck · Central Saint Martins · Courtauld · Goldsmiths · Heythrop · ICR · IoE · King's · LBS · LSE · LSHTM · Queen Mary · Royal Academy of Music · RCSSD · Royal Holloway · RVC · St. George's · Saint Martin's School of Art · SOAS · UCL
AltreBrunel · City · East London · Greenwich · Kingston · Imperial · LIBF · London Met · London South Bank · Middlesex · RCA · RCM · Roehampton · University of Law · UAL · Westminster · West London
MidlandsAston · Birmingham · Birmingham City · Bishop Grosseteste · Coventry · De Montfort · Derby · Harper Adams · Keele · Leicester · Lincoln · Loughborough · Newman · Northampton · Nottingham · Nottingham Trent · Staffordshire · UCB · Warwick · Wolverhampton · Worcester
NordBolton · Bradford · Central Lancashire · Chester · Cumbria · Durham · Edge Hill · Huddersfield · Hull · Lancaster · Leeds · Beckett Leeds · Arts Leeds · Leeds Trinity · Liverpool · Liverpool Hope · Liverpool John Moores · Manchester · Manchester Metropolitan · Newcastle · Northumbria · University of Law · St Mark & St John · Salford · Sheffield · Sheffield Hallam · Sunderland · Teesside · York · York St. John
SudArts Bournemouth · Bath · Bath Spa · Bedfordshire · Bournemouth · Brighton · Bristol · Buckingham · Buckinghamshire New · Canterbury Christ Church · Chichester · Cranfield · Creative Arts · Essex · Exeter · Falmouth · Gloucestershire · Hertfordshire · Kent · University of Law · Oxford · Oxford Brookes · Plymouth · Portsmouth · Reading · RAC · Southampton · Solent University · Surrey · Sussex · UWE · Winchester
Irlanda del NordQueen's · Ulster
ScoziaAberdeen · Abertay Dundee · Dundee · Edimburgo · Edinburgh Napier · Glasgow · Glasgow Caledonian · Heriot-Watt · Highlands and Islands · Queen Margaret · Robert Gordon · RCS · St Andrews · Stirling · Strathclyde · UWS
GallesAberystwyth · Bangor · Cardiff · Cardiff Metropolitan · Glamorgan · Glyndŵr · Newport · South Wales · Swansea · Swansea Metropolitan · UW Trinity Saint David
OltremareUniversity of the West Indies · Bermuda College · Cayman Islands Law School · International College of the Cayman Islands · Gibilterra · St. Matthew's University · University College of the Cayman Islands · University of Science, Arts and Technology · American University of the Caribbean · Saint James School of Medicine
Non geograficheOpen University · University of London International Programmes
Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN124816418 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 0710 330X · ULAN (EN500312933 · LCCN (ENno97065183 · GND (DE5057379-2