Raising Hell (Iron Maiden) - Wikipedia

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Raising Hell
album video
ArtistaIron Maiden
GenereHeavy metal
Iron Maiden - cronologia

Album video precedente


Raising Hell è il video di un concerto degli Iron Maiden registrato il 28 agosto 1993 agli Pinewood Studios di Londra e trasmesso in Nord America tramite pay per view. Fu successivamente comprato dalla BBC, per trasmetterlo nel Regno Unito in una versione editata. Il video, originariamente in VHS, è distribuito dalla BMG Special Products negli Stati Uniti in DVD.

Il concerto riprende l'ultima apparizione di Bruce Dickinson con la band (prima della riunione del 1999). Il video mostra le esibizioni della band alternate alle esibizioni dell'illusionista Simon Drake, che esegue alcuni macabri giochi di prestigio tra un brano e l'altro (arrivando a segare le mani di Dave Murray per poi utilizzarle sull'assolo di From here to eternity). Il concerto termina con Drake che fa rapire Bruce Dickinson e lo infila dentro una vergine di ferro (traduzione italiana di Iron Maiden) per poi decapitarlo; in quel momento arriva Eddie che, a sua volta, fa tramortire Drake e lo infilza su uno spuntone collocato al centro del palco, sul quale infilerà la testa mozzata di Dickinson.

  1. Be Quick or Be Dead
  2. The Trooper
  3. The Evil That Men Do
  4. The Clairvoyant
  5. Hallowed By The Name
  6. Wrathchild
  7. Transylvania
  8. From Here To Eternity
  9. Fear Of The Dark
  10. The Number of the Beast
  11. Bring You Daughter...To The Slaughter
  12. Two Minutes To Midnight
  13. Afraid To shoot Strangers
  14. Heaven Can Wait
  15. Sanctuary
  16. Run to the Hills
  17. Iron Maiden

V · D · M

Iron Maiden
Bruce Dickinson · Dave Murray · Adrian Smith · Janick Gers · Steve Harris · Nicko McBrain
Blaze Bayley · Clive Burr · Paul Di'Anno · Dennis Stratton
StudioIron Maiden · Killers · The Number of the Beast · Piece of Mind · Powerslave · Somewhere in Time · Seventh Son of a Seventh Son · No Prayer for the Dying · Fear of the Dark · The X Factor · Virtual XI · Brave New World  · Dance of Death · A Matter of Life and Death · The Final Frontier · The Book of Souls · Senjutsu
Dal vivoLive After Death · A Real Live One · A Real Dead One · Live at Donington · Maiden England · A Real Live Dead One · Rock in Rio · Death on the Road · Flight 666: The Original Soundtrack · En vivo! · Maiden England '88 · The Book of Souls: Live Chapter
RaccolteThe First Ten Years · Best of the Beast · Eddie's Head · Ed Hunter · Eddie's Archive · Edward the Great · The Essential Iron Maiden · Somewhere Back in Time: The Best of 1980-1989 · From Fear to Eternity: The Best of 1990-2010
VideoLive at the Rainbow · Video Pieces · Behind the Iron Curtain · Live After Death · 12 Wasted Years · Maiden England · The First Ten Years: The Videos · From There to Eternity · Donington Live 1992 · Raising Hell · Classic Albums · Rock in Rio · Visions of the Beast · The Early Days · Death on the Road · Flight 666 · En vivo! · Maiden England '88
EPThe Soundhouse Tapes · Live!! +one · Maiden Japan · No More Lies: Dance of Death Souvenir EP
SingoliRunning Free · Sanctuary · Women in Uniform · Twilight Zone/Wrathchild · Purgatory · Run to the Hills · The Number of the Beast · Flight of Icarus · The Trooper · 2 Minutes to Midnight · Aces High · Running Free (Live) · Run to the Hills (live) · Wasted Years · Stranger in a Strange Land · Can I Play with Madness · The Evil That Men Do · The Clairvoyant · Infinite Dreams (Live) · Holy Smoke · Bring Your Daughter... To the Slaughter · Be Quick or Be Dead · From Here to Eternity · Wasting Love · Fear of the Dark (Live) · Hallowed Be Thy Name (Live) · Man on the Edge · Lord of the Flies · Virus · The Angel and the Gambler · Futureal · The Wicker Man · Out of the Silent Planet · Run to the Hills (Live) · Wildest Dreams · Rainmaker · The Number of the Beast (Riedizione) · The Trooper (Live) · The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg · Different World · El Dorado · Speed of Light · Empire of the Clouds · The Writing on the Wall · Stratego
TournéeMetal for Muthas Tour e Europe 80 · Killers World Tour · The Beast on the Road · World Piece Tour · World Slavery Tour · Somewhere on Tour · Seventh Tour of a Seventh Tour · No Prayer on the Road · Fear of the Dark Tour · Real Live Tour · The X Factour · Virtual XI World Tour · The Ed HunTour · Brave New World Tour · Give Me Ed... 'til I'm Dead Tour & Dance of Death World Tour · Eddie Rips Up the World Tour · A Matter of Life and Death Tour · Somewhere Back in Time World Tour · The Final Frontier World Tour · Maiden England World Tour · The Book of Souls World Tour · Legacy of the Beast World Tour · The Future Past Tour · Run for Your Lives World Tour
Voci correlateEddie the Head · Ed Force One · Maiden uniteD · Rod Smallwood · The Iron Maidens
Discografia · Formazione