Ron Holgate - Wikipedia

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Ronald Holgate, detto Ron (Aberdeen, 26 maggio 1937), è un basso-baritono e attore statunitense, vincitore del Tony Award al miglior attore non protagonista in un musical nel 1969.

Ha recitato in numerosi musical a Broadway, tra cui Milk and Honey (1961), A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (1962), 1776 (1969), Sondheim: A Musical Tribute (1973), Grand Tour (1979), Guys and Dolls (1992), Annie Get Your Gun (1999) e Kiss Me Kate (1999). Ha recitato anche in molteplici tour e produzioni regionali, tra cui: Do I Hear A Waltz? (New Jersey, 1966), A Little Night Music (New Jersey, 1975), Funny Girl (1976), Show Boat (1980), Carousel (1980), Annie (1981), 42nd Street (1983), Urinetown (2003), The Scottsboro Boys (2012) e Casanova (2013).[1]

È stato sposato con Dorothy Collins dal 1966 al 1977 e con Anny DeGange, da cui ha avuto tre figlie, dal 1989.

  1. ^ (EN) Ron Holgate, su Ovrtur. URL consultato il 16 settembre 2023.

V · D · M

Tony Award al miglior attore non protagonista in un musical
1948–1960David Wayne (1947) · Myron McCormick (1950) · Russell Nype (1951) · Yul Brynner (1952) · Hiram Sherman (1953) · Harry Belafonte (1954) · Cyril Ritchard (1955) · Russ Brown (1956) · Sydney Earle Chaplin (1957) · David Burns (1958) · Russell Nype/Leonard Stone (1959) · Tom Bosley (1960)
1961-1980Dick Van Dyke (1961) · Charles Nelson Reilly (1962) · David Burns (1963) · Jack Cassidy (1964) · Victor Spinetti (1965) · Frankie Michaels (1966) · Joel Grey (1967) · Hiram Sherman (1968) · Ron Holgate (1969) · René Auberjonois (1970) · Keene Curtis (1971) · Larry Blyden (1972) · George S. Irving (1973) · Tommy Tune (1974) · Ted Ross (1975) · Sammy Williams (1976) · Lenny Baker (1977) · Kevin Kline (1978) · Henderson Forsythe (1979) · Mandy Patinkin (1980)
1981–2000Hinton Battle (1981) · Cleavant Derricks (1982) · Charles Coles (1983) · Hinton Battle (1984) · Ron Richardson (1985) · Michael Rupert (1986) · Michael Maguire (1987) · Bill McCutcheon (1988) · Scott Wise (1989) · Michael Jeter (1990) · Hinton Battle (1991) · Scott Waara (1992) · Anthony Crivello (1993) · Jarrod Emick (1994) · George Hearn (1995) · Wilson Jermaine Heredia (1996) · Chuck Cooper (1997) · Ron Rifkin (1998) · Roger Bart (1999) · Boyd Gaines (2000)
2001–presenteGary Beach (2001) · Shuler Hensley (2002) · Dick Latessa (2003) · Michael Cerveris (2004) · Dan Fogler (2005) · Christian Hoff (2006) · John Gallagher Jr. (2007) · Boyd Gaines (2008) · Gregory Jbara (2009) · Levi Kreis (2010) · John Larroquette (2011) · Michael McGrath (2012) · Gabriel Ebert (2013) · James Monroe Iglehart (2014) · Christian Borle (2015) · Daveed Diggs (2016) · Gavin Creel (2017) · Ari'el Stachel (2018) · André De Shields (2019) · Danny Burstein (2021) · Matt Doyle (2022) · Alex Newell (2023) · Daniel Radcliffe (2024)
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