Shari Lewis - Wikipedia

  • ️Sat Apr 07 2063

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

Shari Lewis nel 1993

Shari Lewis (nata Sonia Phyllis Hurwitz[1]; New York, 17 gennaio 1934[2][3]Los Angeles, 2 agosto 1998[2][3]) è stata un personaggio televisivo, doppiatrice e ventriloqua statunitense.

Shari Lewis with con i pupazzi Lamb Chop e Charlie Horse nel 1960
  • Hollywood Walk of Fame[1]
    • 1976: "Star on the Walk of Fame (Television)"
  • Primetime Emmy Awards
    • 1973: "Outstanding Achievement in Children's Programming - Informational/Factual"
  • Daytime Emmy Awards
    • 1992: "Outstanding Performer in a Children's Series"
    • 1993: "Outstanding Writing in a Children's Series", "Outstanding Performer in a Children's Series"
    • 1994: "Outstanding Performer in a Children's Series"
    • 1995: "Outstanding Performer in a Children's Series"
    • 1996: "Outstanding Performer in a Children's Series"
    • 2000: "Outstanding Performer in a Children's Series"
  • Peabody Awards
    • 1960: "Peabody Award"
  • Women in Film Lucy Awards
    • 1998: "Lucy Award"
  1. ^ a b (EN) Shari Lewis, su Hollywood Walk of Fame. URL consultato il 22 novembre 2023.
  2. ^ a b (EN) Richard Severo, Shari Lewis, TV Puppeteer Loved by Children, Dies at 65, in The New York Times, 4 agosto 1998. URL consultato il 22 novembre 2023.
  3. ^ a b (EN) Puppeteer Shari Lewis Dies, su CBS News, 3 agosto 1998. URL consultato il 22 novembre 2023.
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