Soulmate (Justin Timberlake) - Wikipedia


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singolo discografico
ArtistaJustin Timberlake
Pubblicazione3 luglio 2018
EtichettaRCA, Sony Music
ProduttoreNineteen85, Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake - cronologia

Singolo precedente


Singolo successivo


Logo del disco Soulmate
Logo del disco Soulmate

Soulmate (stilizzato SoulMate) è un singolo del cantautore statunitense Justin Timberlake, pubblicato il 3 luglio 2018.[1]

  1. ^ Justin Timberlake: audio, testo e traduzione di Soulmate, su, 3 luglio 2018. URL consultato il 4 luglio 2019.

Collegamenti esterni

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V · D · M

Justin Timberlake
Album in studioJustified · FutureSex/LoveSounds · The 20/20 Experience · The 20/20 Experience 2 of 2 · Man of the Woods · Everything I Thought It Was
SingoliLike I Love You · Cry Me a River · Rock Your Body · Señorita · I'm Lovin' It · SexyBack · My Love · What Goes Around... Comes Around · Summer Love · Until the End of Time · LoveStoned/I Think She Knows · Crowd Control · Suit & Tie · Mirrors · Tunnel Vision · Take Back the Night · TKO · Not a Bad Thing · Drink You Away · Can't Stop the Feeling! · Filthy · Supplies · Say Something · Soulmate · The Other Side · Selfish · No Angels
CollaborazioniWhere Is the Love? · Work It · Signs · Dick in a Box · Give It to Me · Ayo Technology · The Only Promise That Remains · Falling Down · Nite Runner · Release · 4 Minutes · Dead and Gone · Rehab · Love Sex Magic · Carry Out · Love Dealer · Winner · 3-Way (The Golden Rule) · Love Never Felt So Good · Believe · Stay with Me · Keep Going Up
Brani musicaliMan of the Woods
TournéeJustified World Tour · Justified & Stripped Tour · FutureSex/LoveShow · Legends of the Summer · The 20/20 Experience World Tour · Man of the Woods Tour
Voci correlateNSYNC

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