Template:Serie televisive live-action DC Comics - Wikipedia

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Serie televisive live-action basate sulle pubblicazioni DC Comics
Serie televisive
ConcluseAdventures of Superman (1952–1958) · Batman (1966–1968) · Shazam! (1974–1977) · The Secrets of Isis (1975–1977) · Wonder Woman (1975–1979) · Superboy (1988–1992) · I misteri della laguna (1990–1993) · Flash (1990–1991) · Human Target (1992) · Lois & Clark - Le nuove avventure di Superman (1993–1997) · Smallville (2001–2011) · Birds of Prey (2002–2003) · Human Target (2010–2011) · Arrow (2012–2020) · Gotham (2014–2019) · The Flash (2014–2023) · Constantine (2014–2015) · iZombie (2015–2019) · Supergirl (2015–2021) · Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022) · Lucifer (2016–2021) · Powerless (2017) · Black Lightning (2018–2021) · Krypton (2018–2019) · DC Daily (2018–2020) · Titans (2018-2023) · Doom Patrol (2019-2023) · Swamp Thing (2019) · Pennyworth (2019–2022) · Batwoman (2019–2022) · Watchmen (2019) · Stargirl (2020–2022) · Superman & Lois (2021-2024) · Sweet Tooth (2021–2024) · DMZ (2022) · Naomi (2022) · Gotham Knights (2023) · Dead Boy Detectives (2024)
In corsoPeacemaker (dal 2022) · The Sandman (dal 2022) · The Penguin (dal 2024)
Piloti invendutiThe Adventures of Superpup · The Adventures of Superboy · Aquaman · Wonder Woman · Scalped
Film televisivi e
Morte per gli agenti speciali · Justice League of America · Legends of the Superheroes
CorrelatiDC Studios · Warner Bros. Television · Arrowverse

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