Template:Superman - Wikipedia


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Creatori: Jerry Siegel · Joe Shuster
ComprimariLois Lane · Jor-El · Lara Lor-Van · Jonathan e Martha Kent · Lana Lang · Maxima · Jimmy Olsen · Supergirl · Power Girl · Perry White · Pete Ross · Krypto · Batman · Wonder Woman · Kara Zor-El · Conner Kent · Lena Luthor
AvversariAmanda Waller · Bizzarro · Brainiac · Black Adam · Bloodsport · Hank Henshaw · Darkseid · Doomsday · Faora · Generale Zod · Giocattolaio · Granny Goodness · Joker · Livewire · Lorelei Ambrosia · Metallo · Mongul · Jax-Ur · Lex Luthor · Lionel Luthor · Mercy Graves · Mister Mxyzptlk · Nam-Ek · Non · Parassita · Ross Webster · Selena · Steppenwolf · Superboy-Prime · Tyrell · Ultraman · Ultra-Humanite · Ursa · Uomo Nucleare · Vera Webster
LuoghiFortezza della solitudine · Kandor · Krypton · Metropolis (Daily Planet · LexCorp) · Smallville · Zona fantasma
PubblicazioniAction Comics · Adventure Comics · Adventures of Superman · All Star Superman · Superman · Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane · Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen · World's Finest Comics · Smallville Season 11 · Smallville Miniseries
Serial cinematograficiSuperman (1948) · Atom Man vs. Superman (1950) · The Adventures of Superboy (1961)
Film live actionSuperman and the Mole Men (1951) · Superman (1978) · Superman II (1980) · Superman III (1983) · Superman IV (1987) · Superman Returns (2006)
Spin-offSupergirl - La ragazza d'acciaio (1984)
DC Extended UniverseL'uomo d'acciaio (2013) · Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
PersonaggiClark Kent / Superman · Lois Lane · Lex Luthor
Film d'animazioneSuperman (corti anni '40) · Superman: Brainiac Attacks (2006) · Superman: Doomsday - Il giorno del giudizio (2007) · Superman/Batman: Nemici pubblici (2009) · Superman/Batman: Apocalypse (2010) · Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam (2010) · All Star Superman (2011) · Superman vs. The Elite (2012) · Superman: Unbound (2013) · Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013) · The Death of Superman (2018) · Il regno dei Superman (2018) · Superman: Red Son (2020) · Superman: Man of Tomorrow (2020) · Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons (2022)
DC Animated UniverseJustice League vs. the Fatal Five (2019)
Serie televisive
Serie live actionAdventures of Superman (1952) · Superboy (1988) · Lois & Clark - Le nuove avventure di Superman (1993) · Smallville (2001) (personaggio) · Supergirl (2015) · Krypton (2018) · Superman & Lois (2021)
Serie animateSuperman (1966) · Superboy (1966) · Superman (1988) · My Adventures with Superman (2023)
DC Animated UniverseSuperman (1996) · Justice League (2001) · Justice League Unlimited (2004)
Spin-offThe Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure (1967) · The Batman/Superman Hour (1968) · Legion of Super Heroes (2006)
AltroEradicatore · Kryptonite · Intergang · Man of Steel · Superman Family · Superman: Red Son · Superman: Stagioni · Simbolo di Superman

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