The Slaughterhouse - Wikipedia


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The Slaughterhouse
album in studio
Pubblicazione29 marzo 2004
Prince - cronologia

Album precedente


Album successivo


The Slaughterhouse è il ventiseiesimo album da studio del cantante e musicista statunitense Prince, pubblicato nel 2004 dalla NPG Records.

  1. Silicon – 4:17
  2. S&M Groove – 5:10
  3. Y Should Eye Do That When Eye Can Do This? – 4:33
  4. Golden Parachute – 5:38
  5. Hypnoparadise – 6:05
  6. Props 'n' Pounds – 4:38
  7. Northside – 6:34
  8. Peace – 5:35
  9. 2045: Radical Man – 6:34
  10. The Daisy Chain – 6:13

Tracce 2 e 5 accreditate a "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince"; tracce 7-10 accreditate ai The New Power Generation.

Collegamenti esterni

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AlbumFor You · Prince · Dirty Mind · Controversy · 1999 · Around the World in a Day · Sign o' the Times · Lovesexy · Diamonds and Pearls · Love Symbol Album · Come · The Black Album · The Gold Experience · Chaos and Disorder · Emancipation · Crystal Ball / The Truth · The Vault: Old Friends 4 Sale · Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic · The Rainbow Children · One Nite Alone... · Musicology · 3121 · Planet Earth · Lotusflow3r · 20Ten · PLECTRUMELECTRUM · Art Official Age · HITnRUN Phase One · HITnRUN Phase Two · Piano and a Microphone 1983
Colonne sonorePurple Rain · Parade · Batman · Graffiti Bridge · Girl 6
LiveOne Nite Alone... Live! · C-Note · Indigo Nights
Album strumentaliKamasutra · Xpectation · N.E.W.S
Album su internetXpectation · The Chocolate Invasion · The Slaughterhouse
RaccolteThe Hits/The B-Sides · Rave In2 the Joy Fantastic · The Very Best of Prince · Ultimate · 4ever · Anthology: 1995-2010
EPThe Beautiful Experience · 1999: The New Master
Singolielenco dei singoli
FilmografiaPurple Rain · Under the Cherry Moon · Sign o' the Times · Graffiti Bridge
VideogiochiPrince Interactive
Voci correlateDiscografia di Prince · The Revolution · The New Power Generation · The Original 7ven (The Time) · fDeluxe (The Family) · Madhouse · Vanity 6 · Apollonia 6 · Mazarati · NPG Records

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