Tim Sköld - Wikipedia

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Tim Sköld
Tim Sköld in concerto con il gruppo Marilyn Manson a Firenze (2007)
NazionalitàSvezia (bandiera) Svezia
Stati Uniti (bandiera) Stati Uniti
GenereHeavy metal
Pop metal
Sleaze metal
Alternative metal
Industrial metal
Hard rock
Periodo di attività musicale1985 – in attività
StrumentoBasso Chitarra
GruppiShotgun Messiah
Marilyn Manson
Album pubblicati4 (solista)
Sito ufficiale
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Tim Sköld, pseudonimo di Thim Sköld (Skövde, 14 dicembre 1966), è un bassista, chitarrista, cantante heavy metal svedese. È famoso per essere stato il leader degli Shotgun Messiah, nella seconda parte della loro breve carriera, e per aver suonato in seguito con i KMFDM e con Marilyn Manson.

Ha suonato anche nei The Newlydeads di Taime Downe (ex Faster Pussycat). Dal 2003 fino al 2007 è entrato a far parte del gruppo Marilyn Manson per la registrazione degli album The Golden Age of Grotesque e Eat Me, Drink Me sostituendo il bassista originale Twiggy Ramirez. È uscito poi dal gruppo proprio al ritorno di quest'ultimo.

  • 1996 - Skold
  • 2011 - Anomie
  • 2016 - The Undoing
  • 2019 - Never Is Now
  • 2021 - Dies Irae
  • 2022- Dead God
  • 2020 - Not My God

V · D · M

Sascha Konietzko - Lucia Cifarelli - Andy Selway - Steve White - Jules Hodgson - Raymond Watts
Formazione dei KMFDM
AlbumOpium · What Do You Know, Deutschland? · Don't Blow Your Top · UAIOE · Naïve · Money · Angst · Nihil · Xtort · Symbols · Adios · Attak · WWIII · Hau Ruck · Tohuvabohu · Blitz · WTF?! · Kunst · Our Time Will Come
RemixNaïve/Hell to Go · Brimborium · Krieg
Album dal vivoSturm & Drang Tour 2002 · WWIII Live 2003 · We Are KMFDM
RaccolteThe Year of the Pig Collection · Retro · Agogo · 84–86 · Extra, Vol. 1 · Extra, Vol. 2 · Extra, Vol. 3 · Würst · Greatest Shit · Rocks - Milestones Reloaded
CollaborazioniSin Sex & Salvation · Skold vs. KMFDM

V · D · M

Marilyn Manson
Marilyn Manson · Paul Wiley · Juan Alderete · Brandon Pertzborn

Zsa Zsa Speck · Olivia Newton Bundy · Gidget Gein · Sara Lee Lucas · Daisy Berkowitz · Zim Zum · John 5 · Madonna Wayne Gacy · Tim Sköld · Ginger Fish · Chris Vrenna · Fred Sablan · Twiggy Ramirez · Tyler Bates · Gil Sharone

Musicisti di supporto: Mark Chaussee · Rob Holliday · Wes Borland · Andy Gerold · Jason Sutter · Spencer Rollins
Album in studioPortrait of an American Family · Antichrist Superstar · Mechanical Animals · Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death) · The Golden Age of Grotesque · Eat Me, Drink Me · The High End of Low · Born Villain · The Pale Emperor · Heaven Upside Down · We Are Chaos · One Assassination Under God - Chapter 1
EPSmells Like Children · Remix & Repent · The Nobodies: 2005 Against All Gods Mix (Korean Tour Limited Edition)
LiveThe Last Tour on Earth
RaccolteLunch Boxes & Choklit Cows · Lest We Forget · Lost & Found
CommercialiGet Your Gunn · Lunchbox · Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) · The Beautiful People · Long Hard Road Out of Hell · Tourniquet · The Dope Show · I Don't Like the Drugs (But the Drugs Like Me) · Rock Is Dead · Disposable Teens · The Fight Song · The Nobodies · Tainted Love · mOBSCENE · This Is the New Shit · Personal Jesus · Heart-Shaped Glasses (When the Heart Guides the Hand) · Putting Holes in Happiness · We're from America · Arma-Goddamn-Motherfuckin-Geddon · No Reflection · Slo-Mo-Tion · Third Day of a Seven Day Binge · Deep Six · Cupid Carries a Gun · We Know Where You Fucking Live · Kill4Me · Cry Little Sister · God's Gonna Cut You Down · The End · We Are Chaos · Don't Chase the Dead
PromozionaliDope Hat · Antichrist Superstar · Man That You Fear · Coma White · Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes · You and Me and the Devil Makes 3 · The Mephistopheles of Los Angeles · The Devil Beneath My Feet · Tattooed in Reverse
Altre canzoniI Put a Spell on You · Rock 'n' Roll Nigger · The Nobodies: 2005 Against All Gods Mix · This Is Halloween · Running to the Edge of the World
VideografiaDead to the World · God Is in the TV · Guns, God and Government
BibliografiaThe Long Hard Road Out of Hell · Holy Wood · Genealogies of Pain · Campaign
FilmografiaAutopsy · Doppelherz · Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll · Born Villain
TourPortrait of an American Family Tour · Smells Like Children Tour · Dead to the World Tour · Mechanical Animals Tour · Beautiful Monsters Tour · Rock Is Dead Tour · Guns, God and Government Tour · Grotesk Burlesk Tour · Against All Gods Tour · Rape of the World Tour · The High End of Low Tour · Hey Cruel World... Tour · Twins of Evil Tour · Masters of Madness Tour · The Hell Not Hallelujah Tour · The End Times Tour · Heaven Upside Down Tour · Twins of Evil: The Second Coming Tour · Twins of Evil: Hell Never Dies Tour
Colonne sonoreStrade perdute (OST) · Spawn (OST) · Matrix (OST) · Non è un'altra stupida commedia americana (OST) · Resident Evil (OST)
Voci correlate
PersoneSean Beavan · Michael Beinhorn · Johnny Depp · Jean-Paul Gaultier · Bon Harris · Gottfried Helnwein · Shia LaBeouf · David Lynch · Rose McGowan · E. Elias Merhige · Trent Reznor · Floria Sigismondi · Neil Strauss · Dita von Teese · Evan Rachel Wood
GruppiGoon Moon · Nine Inch Nails · Rob Zombie · The Smashing Pumpkins · Hole · Slipknot
ArticoliDiscografia · Nothing Records · Interscope Records · Hell, etc. (vanity label) · Cooking Vinyl
CategorieAlbum · Singoli
Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN86401752 · ISNI (EN0000 0000 5913 1145 · Europeana agent/base/49631 · LCCN (ENno2009064464