W. Howard Greene - Wikipedia

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William Howard Greene (West Warwick, 16 agosto 1895Los Angeles, 28 febbraio 1956) è stato un direttore della fotografia statunitense.

Arrivò al mondo del cinema tramite la Technicolor Corporation e partecipò fin dall'inizio allo sviluppo del cinema a colori. Fra l'altro si occupò delle prime riprese a colori nel film Ben-Hur (1925). Divenne capocameramen e specialista di riprese a colori lavorando con i più noti registi di Hollywood degli anni trenta.

Candidato al premio Oscar per la fotografia per sette volte, di cui cinque consecutive dal 1940 al 1944[1], lo vinse nel 1944 insieme ad Hal Mohr per Il Fantasma dell'Opera.

Fredric March e Carole Lombard in una scena di Nulla sul serio (1937)
  1. ^ (EN) IMDb - W. Howard Greene, su URL consultato il 10 gennaio 2016.

V · D · M

Oscar onorario
1928–1950Warner Bros. / Charlie Chaplin (1928) · Walt Disney (1932) · Shirley Temple (1934) · David Wark Griffith (1935) · The March of Time / W. Howard Greene e Harold Rosson (1936) · Edgar Bergen / W. Howard Greene / Museum of Modern Art Film Library / Mack Sennett (1937) · Joseph A. Ball / Walt Disney / Deanna Durbin e Mickey Rooney / Gordon Jennings, Jan Domela, Devereaux Jennings, Irmin Roberts, Art Smith, Farciot Edouart, Loyal Griggs, Loren L. Ryder, Harry D. Mills, Louis Mesenkop, Walter Oberst / Oliver T. Marsh e Allen Davey / Harry Warner (1938) · Douglas Fairbanks / Judy Garland / William Cameron Menzies / Motion Picture Relief Fund (Jean Hersholt, Ralph Morgan, Ralph Block, Conrad Nagel)/ Technicolor SA (1939) · Bob Hope / Nathan Levinson (1940) · Walt Disney, William Garity, John N. A. Hawkins e RCA Manufacturing Co. / Leopold Stokowski e i suoi soci / Rey Scott / Ministero dell'Informazione del Regno Unito (1941) · Charles Boyer / Noël Coward / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (1942) · George Pal (1943) · Bob Hope / Margaret O'Brien (1944) · Republic Studio, Daniel J. Bloomberg e il Republic Studio Sound Department / Walter Wanger / The House I Live In / Peggy Ann Garner (1945) · Harold Russell / Laurence Olivier / Ernst Lubitsch / Claude Jarman Jr. (1946) · James Baskett / Thomas Armat, William Nicholas Selig, Albert E. Smith e George K. Spoor / Bill and Coo / Sciuscià (1947) · Walter Wanger / Monsieur Vincent / Sid Grauman / Adolph Zukor (1948) · Jean Hersholt / Fred Astaire / Cecil B. DeMille / Ladri di biciclette (1949) · Louis B. Mayer / George Murphy / Le mura di Malapaga (1950)
1951–1975Gene Kelly / Rashomon (1951) · Merian C. Cooper / Bob Hope / Harold Lloyd / George Alfred Mitchell / Joseph Schenck / Giochi proibiti (1952) · 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation / Bell & Howell Company / Joseph Breen / Pete Smith (1953) · Bausch & Lomb Optical Company / Danny Kaye / Kemp Niver / Greta Garbo / Jon Whiteley / Vincent Winter / La porta dell'inferno (1954) · Miyamoto Musashi (1955) · Eddie Cantor (1956) · Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers / Gilbert M. "Broncho Billy" Anderson / Charles Brackett / B. B. Kahane (1957) · Maurice Chevalier (1958) · Buster Keaton / Lee De Forest (1959) · Gary Cooper / Stan Laurel / Hayley Mills (1960) · William L. Hendricks / Fred L. Metzler / Jerome Robbins (1961) · William J. Tuttle (1964) · Bob Hope (1965) · Yakima Canutt / Y. Frank Freeman (1966) · Arthur Freed (1967) · John Chambers / Onna White (1968) · Cary Grant (1969) · Lillian Gish / Orson Welles (1970) · Charlie Chaplin (1971) · Charles S. Boren / Edward G. Robinson (1972) · Henri Langlois / Groucho Marx (1973) · Howard Hawks / Jean Renoir (1974) · Mary Pickford (1975)
1976–2000Margaret Booth (1977) · Walter Lantz / Laurence Olivier / King Vidor / Museum of Modern Art Department of Film (1978) · Hal Elias / Alec Guinness (1979) · Henry Fonda (1980) · Barbara Stanwyck (1981) · Mickey Rooney (1982) · Hal Roach (1983) · James Stewart / National Endowment for the Arts (1984) · Paul Newman / Alex North (1985) · Ralph Bellamy (1986) · Eastman Kodak Company / National Film Board of Canada (1988) · Akira Kurosawa (1989) · Sophia Loren / Myrna Loy (1990) · Satyajit Ray (1991) · Federico Fellini (1992) · Deborah Kerr (1993) · Michelangelo Antonioni (1994) · Kirk Douglas / Chuck Jones (1995) · Michael Kidd (1996) · Stanley Donen (1997) · Elia Kazan (1998) · Andrzej Wajda (1999) · Jack Cardiff / Ernest Lehman (2000)
2001–presenteSidney Poitier / Robert Redford (2001) · Peter O'Toole (2002) · Blake Edwards (2003) · Sidney Lumet (2004) · Robert Altman (2005) · Ennio Morricone (2006) · Robert Boyle (2007) · Lauren Bacall / Roger Corman / Gordon Willis (2009) · Kevin Brownlow / Jean-Luc Godard / Eli Wallach (2010) · James Earl Jones / Dick Smith (2011) · D. A. Pennebaker / Hal Needham / George Stevens Jr. (2012) · Angela Lansbury / Steve Martin / Piero Tosi (2013) · Jean-Claude Carrière / Hayao Miyazaki / Maureen O'Hara (2014) · Spike Lee / Gena Rowlands (2015) · Jackie Chan / Lynn Stalmaster / Anne V. Coates / Frederick Wiseman (2016) · Charles Burnett / Owen Roizman / Donald Sutherland / Agnès Varda (2017) · Marvin Levy / Lalo Schifrin / Cicely Tyson (2018) · David Lynch / Wes Studi / Lina Wertmüller (2019) · Samuel L. Jackson / Elaine May / Liv Ullmann (2021)
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