
ウォーボンネット - Wikipedia

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


ウォーボンネット(英語:war bonnets、warbonnets、feather bonnets)とは、北アメリカ先住民であるインディアンの中で非常に栄誉ある地位の男性が身に着ける冠である。戦場の他、儀式の場でも着用された。


Buffalo Headdresses (Horned Warbonnets)と呼ばれる。バッファローの角と皮を使ったレガリアである。鳥の羽根を使った物もある。
  1. ^ Life of George Bent: Written From His Letters, by George E. Hyde, edited by Savoie Lottinville, University of Oklahoma Press (1968), hardcover, 390 pages; trade paperback, 280 pages (March 1983), pp 214, 216, 239, 307. ISBN 0-8061-1577-7, 978-0-8061-1577-1.
  2. ^ The Battle of Beecher Island and the Indian War of 1867–1869, by John H. Monnett, University Press of Colorado (1992), pages 46 to 48. ISBN 0-87081-347-1.
  3. ^ 'I Didn't Know' Doesn't Cut It Anymore”. Indian Country Today Media Network. 2017年7月6日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2015年4月20日閲覧。 “On imitation Native headdresses as "the embodiment of cultural appropriation ... donning a highly sacred piece of Native culture like a fashion accessory”
  4. ^ Keene, Adrienne (April 27, 2010) "But Why Can’t I Wear a Hipster Headdress? Archived May 13, 2016, at the Wayback Machine." at Native Appropriations – Examining Representations of Indigenous Peoples.
  5. ^ a b Behind First Nations headdresses: What you should know
  6. ^ https://sirismm.si.edu/EADpdfs/NMAI.AC.108.pdf
  7. ^ Louise Fisher,Wayne Leman,Leroy Pine Sr.,Marie Sanchez"Cheyenne Dictionary"2017.
  8. ^ Raffaella Milandri,Myriam Blasini"Lessico Lakota: Storia, Spiritualità e Dizionario Italiano-Lakota"2019.
  9. ^ Vincent Collette & Armand McArthur"NAKODA LANGUAGELESSONS"2017.
  10. ^ John P. Williamson"An English-Dakota Dictionary "1902.
  11. ^ GoodTracks, Jimm G. "Iowa, Otoe-Missouria Language Dictionary: English / Báxoje-Jiwére-Ñútˀačhi ~ Maʔúŋke. (Revised Edition)". Center for the Study of the Languages of the Plains and Southwest,2007.
  12. ^ "English to Kanza dictionary"2007.
  13. ^ Ben Norton"Introduction to Wébaxu Ní -Decorative Alphabet for Omaha–Ponca"2019.
  14. ^ Alan Corbiere"Symbolic,Cultural and Linguistic Meanings"
  15. ^ Rosalyn R. LaPier"Blackfeet Vocabulary Terms for Items of Material Culture"2004.
  16. ^ Douglas R. Parks, Janet Beltran, Ella P. Waters and Angela Plante"Advanced Arikara Language Lessons sáhniš wakuúnu„ Volume 2"2013.
  17. ^ Andrew Cowell, with Alonzo Moss, Sr., William C'Hair, Wayne C'Hair Arapahoe Immersion School, and elders of the Northern Arapaho Tribe"Dictionary of the Arapaho Language"2012.
  18. ^ "Don Patterson"The English-Tonkawa word-finder"
