
ジョン・マイヤー - Wikipedia

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

ジョン・マイヤー(John W. Meyer、1935年 - )は、アメリカ合衆国社会学者。専門は、政治社会学、比較社会学。


  • Organizational Environments: Ritual and Rationality, with W. Richard Scott, Brian Rowan and Terrence E. Deal, (Sage, 1983, updated ed., 1992).
  • Comparative Education Policy Research: A World Society Perspective, with Klaus Hufner and Jens Naumann, (Gower, 1987).
  • Institutional Environments and Organizations: Structural Complexity and Individualism, with W. Richard Scott, (Sage, 1994).
  • National Development and the World System: Educational, Economic, and Political Change, 1950-1970, co-edited with Michael T. Hannan, (University of Chicago Press, 1979).
  • Globalization and Organization: World Society and Organizational Change, co-edited with Gili S. Drori and Hokyu Hwang, (Oxford University Press, 2006).