ロバート・サーヴィス - Wikipedia
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ロバート・ジョン・サーヴィス(英語: Robert John Service、1947年10月29日 - )は、イギリスの歴史学者。専門は、ロシア・ソ連現代史。
- The Bolshevik Party in Revolution: A Study in Organisational Change, 1917-1923, (Macmillan, 1979).
- Lenin: A Political Life, vol. 1: the Strengths of Contradiction, (Macmillan, 1985, 2nd ed., 1991).
- The Russian Revolution, 1900-1927, (Macmillan, 1986, 2nd ed., 1991, 3rd ed., 1999).
- Lenin: A Political Life, vol. 2: Worlds in Collision, (Macmillan, 1991, 2nd ed., 1995).
- Lenin: A Political Life, vol. 3: the Iron Ring, (Macmillan, 1995).
- A History of Twentieth-century Russia, (Harvard University Press, 1997).
- Lenin: A Biography, (Harvard University Press, 2000).
- 『レーニン』上・下(河合秀和訳、岩波書店、2002年)
- A History of Modern Russia: from Nicholas II to Putin, (Penguin, 2003).
- Russia: Experiment with a People, (Harvard University Press, 2003).
- Stalin: A Biography, (Macmillan, 2004).
- Comrades!: A History of World Communism, (Harvard University Press, 2007).
- Trotsky: A Biography, (Macmillan, 2009)
- Spies and Commissars: Bolshevik Russia and the West, (Macmillan, 2011).
- 『情報戦のロシア革命』 (三浦元博訳、白水社、2012年)
- The End of the Cold War 1985-1991, PublicAffairs, 2015.
- Society and Politics in the Russian Revolution, (Macmillan, 1992).
- Russian Nationalism Past and Present, co-edited with Geoffrey Hosking, (Macmillan, 1998).
- Reinterpreting Russia, co-edited with Geoffrey Hosking, (Arnold, 1999).