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Bertuch, Friedrich Iustin, Schriftsteller, Kunst und Buchhändler, geb. 30. Sept. 1747 in Weimar, gest. daselbst 30. April 1822, wurde 1775 Kabinettssekretär in Weimar, 1785 Legationsrat, machte sich durch seine Zeitschriften, seine Bemühungen um…
(Erbhuldigung) ist die feierliche Leistung eines Eides (Huldigungs , Staatsbürger , Untertaneneid), durch den insonderheit die männlichen Untertanen dem Landesherrn Treue und Gehorsam versprechen. Nur in einigen deutschen Staaten ist dieser…
A once-famous character actor, Basil Karlo was enraged when one of his classic roles, in 'The Terror' was re-imagined by another actor. He disguised himself in a claylike mask and began to murder those involved in the remake of the classic film until his capture by Batman and Robin I. He has escaped from prison on a couple of occasions, and was last defeated by Batman, with help from the Looker, after he successfully duplicated the super-powers of Clayfaces III and IV.
Solar radiation is the main cause of skin cancers. However, it also is a main source of vitamin D for humans. Because the optimal status of vitamin D protects against internal cancers and a number of other diseases, a controversy exists: Will ...