Gréja Ortodhok - Wikipédia
- ️Thu Apr 29 1993
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Gréja Ortodhok, iku dhénominasi gréja Kristen kang pandhèrèk mligi ana ing Éropa Wétan lan laladan pasisir wétan Laut Tengah. Kajaba iku, Gréja Ortodhok uga ana ing India, Jepang, lan saiki uga ing Indonésia.
Gréja Ortodhok Wétan, kanthi resmi karan Gréja Katulik Ortodhok[note 1] lan asring sinebut Gréja Ortodhok,[7] iku Gréja Kristen gedhé dhéwé nomer loro ing donya,[8] kanthi gunggung pandhèrèk watara 225–300 yuta,[9] mligi ing Wétan lan Éropa Kidul-wétan lan Wétan Tengah. Iki wujud dhénominasi agama kang mayoritas saka populasi ing Ruslan, Bélarus, Ukraina, Moldova, Georgia, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Makedonia, Bulgaria, Yunani, lan Siprus; populasi minoritas kang signifikan ana ing Lebanon, Yordania, lan Suriah. Iki mulangaké yèn Gréja kang Siji, Suci, Katulik, lan Apostolik diyasa déning Yésus Kristus lan para Rasulé watara 2,000 taun kapungkur.
Gréja Ortodhok kasusun saka sapérangan lembaga gréjawi kanthi papréntahan-dhéwé, kanthi géografis lan nasional kang béda nanging tunggal téologis. Saben lembaga papréntahan-dhéwé (utawa otosefalus), asring nanging ora mesthi nyakup sawijining nagara, dituntun déning sawijining Sinode Suci kang tugasé, ing antarané, yaiku kanggo nglestarèkaké lan mulang karasulan lan tradhisi patristik lan pratik gréja kagandhèng. Kayadéné Gréja Katulik Roma, Komuni Anglikan, Greja Asiria Wétan, Ortodhok Oriental lan sapérangan gréja liyané, biskop Ortodhok nlusuri silsilahé marang para rasul liwat prosès panggantian apostolik.

Adhedhasar gunggung umat, Ortodhoki Wétan iku komunitas Kristiani gedhé dhéwé kaloro ing donya sawisé Gréja Katulik Roma.[10] Èstimasi paling umum ngenani gunggung umat Kristen Ortodhok Wétan ing saindhenging donya kisarané watara 225-300 yuta jiwa [11]. Ortodhoki Wétan iku agama tunggal gedhé dhéwé ing Bélarusia (89%), Bulgaria (86%), Républik Siprus (88%), Georgia (89%), Yunani (98%), Républik Makedonia (70%), Moldova (98%), Montenegro (84%), Romania (89%), Ruslan (88%), Serbia (88%), lan Ukraina (83%).[12] Ortodhoki Wétan uga wujud agama dhominan ing Républika Srpska (92%) èntitas ing Bosnia lan Herzegovina, sarta agama dhominan ing Kazakhstan Lor (48% saka populasi Kazakhstan). Kajaba iku, ana uga sapérangan gedhé komunitas Ortodhok ing Afrika, Asia, Australia, Amérika Lor, lan Amérika Kidul.
- Gréja Ortodhok Koptik / Gréja Koptik Mesir
- Gréja Ortodhok Oriental
- Gréja Ortodhok Ruslan
- Gréja Ortodhok Serbia
- Gréja Ortodhok Suriah
- Gréja Ortodhok Yunani
- ↑ Gréja Ortodoks nganggep dhèwèké dadi kaloroné, ortodoks lan katulik. Ing panggunan patristik lan sadurungé, Gréja lumrahé nyebut dhèwèké minangka "Gréja Katulik"[1][2] kang imané iku "Iman Ortodoks". Panggunan mau isih katon saiki ing liturgi Ortodoks, contoné "manunggalaké marang Gréja kang Suci, Katulik, lan Apostolik" (saka litani para katekumèn, Liturgi St. Yohanes Krisostomus). Sanajan mangkono, konvensi saiki, njurung jeneng "Gréja Ortodoks", mungkin sapérangan kanggo ngéndhani kabingungan karo Gréja Katulik Roma, kususé Ritus Wétan. Nanging, kususé ing kontèks resmi, Gréja Ortodoks nerusaké migunakaké jeneng "Gréja Katulik", lan otoritas Ortodoks kaya déné Santo Rafael saka Brooklyn wis negesaké yèn jeneng dawa saka gréja kalebu "Katulik" kaya déné ing istilah "Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church". Gréja iki sinebut "Gréja Katulik Ortodoks" ing dhokumèn resmi gréja lan sapérangan buku.[3][4][5][6]
- Pogadaev, V. A. "The Orthodox Church in Indonesia". in Nusantara. South-East Asia. Collection of Materials. Vol. 3. St-Petersburg, 2002, p. 89-91.
- ↑ Erwin Fahlbusch; Geoffrey William Bromiley (2003). The Encyclopedia of Christianity: J-0. Brill Academic Pub. kc. 867. ISBN 978-90-04-12654-1.
- ↑ John H. Leith (1982). Creeds of the Churches, Third Edition: A Reader in Christian Doctrine from the Bible to the Present. Westminster John Knox Press. kc. 486. ISBN 978-0-8042-0526-9.
- ↑ Overbeck, J. Joseph (1881). A plain view of the claims of the Orthodox Catholic Church as opposed to all other Christian denominations. London: Trübner & Co.
- ↑ Richardson, Athanasius (1875). The marriage service of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church. London: A. R. Mowbray & Co.
- ↑ Fortescue, Adrian (1908). The Orthodox Eastern Church (édhisi ka-2nd). London: Catholic Truth Society. kc. 255. The old glories of the free Greek States, vague memories of Marathon and Salamis, the majesty of the Roman Empire, their cause against Persian and Arab, Frank and Turk—it is all gathered together and still lives in the Holy Apostolic Orthodox Catholic Church of the Seven Councils.
- ↑ Bishop Kallistos (Ware) (1993-04-29). The Orthodox Church. Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-14-014656-1. p. 307
"About Orthodoxy". The Orthodox Church. The Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, Orthodox Church in America.
"About Orthodoxy". Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church.
"About Orthodoxy". "Saints Michael and Gabriel" Romanian Orthodox Church.[pranala mati]
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA – Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
"The Orthodox Church – An Introduction". Orthodox Christian Information Center.
"Orthodox Church". Orthodox Church of Dover, Florida.
Orthodox Churches of New Castle and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania
Monks at Dečani Monastery in Kosovo. "The Eastern Orthodox Church".
"Introduction to the Orthodox Faith". Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral.
"Orthodoxy". Saint Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church.
"The Orthodox Church". Saint Mary of Egypt Orthodox Church.
Holy Ascension Orthodox Church, Frackville, PA
"Orthodox Christianity – Introduction". Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Ras and Prizren.
Father Steven Tsichlis. "Frequently Asked Questions About the Orthodox Church". St. Paul's Greek Orthodox Church, Irvine, California.
Saint Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church, Pawtucket, RI
"HISTORY". Serbian Orthodox Church, Luzern.
"TO BE AN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN..." Orthodox Christian Church in Thailand (Moscow Patriarchate).
"Eastern Orthodoxy". Encyclopædia Britannica.
Johannes P. Schadé (October 25, 2006). Eastern Orthodoxy. Encyclopedia of World Religions. Foreign Media Books. ISBN 978-1-60136-000-7.
Richard R. Losch (May 3, 2002). The Eastern Orthodox. The Many Faces of Faith: A Guide to World Religions and Christian Traditions. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8028-0521-8.
Wendy Doniger (September 1999). Eastern Orthodoxy. Merriam-Webster's encyclopedia of world religions. Merriam-Webster, Inc. ISBN 978-0-87779-044-0.
Thomas E. FitzGerald (September 30, 1998). Eastern Orthodoxy. The Orthodox Church. Praeger Pub Text. ISBN 978-0-275-96438-2.
Andrea C. Paterson (August 19, 2004). Eastern Orthodoxy. An Analysis and Brief History of the Three Great Monotheistic Faiths Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Xulon Press. ISBN 978-1-59467-453-2. - ↑ Our Church is also spoken of as the "Eastern Church" to distinguish it from the Churches of the West. "Eastern" is used to indicate that in the first millennium the influence of our Church was concentrated in the eastern part of the Christian world and to show that a very large number of our membership is of other than Greek national origin. Thus, Orthodox Christians throughout the world use various ethnic or national titles: "Greek", "Russian", "Serbian", "Romanian", "Ukrainian", "Bulgarian", "Antiochian", "Albanian", "Carpatho-Russian", or more inclusively, as "Eastern Orthodox" (Rev. Alciviadis C. Calivas, Th.D. "The Greek (Eastern) Orthodox Church. What's in our name?").
- ↑ Masalah sitiran: Tenger
ora trep; ora ana tèks tumrap refs kanthi
- ↑ Masalah sitiran: Tenger
ora trep; ora ana tèks tumrap refs kanthi
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