
Karin Wieland

«Dancing, music, champagne is the best way to forget»
Last perfomance: David Bowie and Marlene Dietrich

Erfrische Dich

Rezension SZ Jens Bisky

Jens Bisky über Das Geschlecht der Seele in: Süddeutsche Zeitung 28. 11. 2018


zum Nachhören in Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Das Geschlecht der Seele   am 2. November 2017
im Literarischen Colloquium am Wannsee.

Ein Gespräch mit Jens Bisky, Susanne Mayer, René Aguigah und Karin Wieland

Karin Wieland: Das Geschlecht der Seele

Karin Wieland: Liebe ohne Heimat. Carola Neher und Klabund

Brechts Polly Brechts Polly

 Karin Wieland: Liebe ohne Heimat. Carola Neher und Klabund

Karin Wieland: BIELLA-LAB(OR). Porträts aus der Provinz
Über die völkische Radikalisierung in der deutschen Provinz
(Fotos: Stadtarchiv Gunzenhausen)

Dr. Heinrich Münch, parteiloser Bürgermeister in Gunzenhausen, um 1928

Dr. Heinrich Münch, parteiloser Bürgermeister in Gunzenhausen, um 1928

Dr. Heinrich Münch, NSDAP-Mitglied und SA-Mann, Bürgermeister in Gunzenhausen, 1932

Dr. Heinrich Münch, NSDAP-Mitglied und SA-Mann, Bürgermeister in
Gunzenhausen, 1932

Biella Labor

July 2016: A lovely shout-out to Dietrich & Riefenstahl by Megan Abbott

Fascinating interview with @bookcritics biography finalist Karin Wieland on women and legacy: https://t.co/18e1iuTAY4

— Katie Adams (@KatieANYC) 7. März 2016

New York Times, 19.1.2016


***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Sarah Russo, SR|PR (917) 627-5993 sarah@sarahrusso.com


New York, NY (January 18, 2016)—Today the NBCC announced its 30 finalists in six categories––autobiography, biography, criticism, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry–for the outstanding books of 2015. The winners of three additional prizes were announced as well. The National Book Critics Circle Awards, founded in 1974 at the Algonquin Hotel and considered among the most prestigious in American letters, are the sole prizes bestowed by a jury of working critics and book-review editors. The awards will be presented on March 17, 2016 at the New School, in a ceremony that is free and open to the public.


Terry Alford, “Fortune’s Fool: The Life of John Wilkes Booth” (Oxford University Press)

Charlotte Gordon, “Romantic Outlaws: The Extraordinary Lives of Mary Wollstonecraft and Her Daughter Mary Shelley” (Random House)

T.J. Stiles, “Custer’s Trials: A Life on the Frontier of a New America” (Alfred A. Knopf)

Rosemary Sullivan, “Stalin’s Daughter: The Extraordinary and Tumultuous Life of Svetlana Alliluyeva” (Harper)

Karin Wieland, translated by Shelley Frisch, “Dietrich and Riefenstahl: Hollywood, Berlin, and a Century in Two Lives” (Liveright)


Dietrich & Riefenstahl
Hollywood, Berlin,
and a Century in Two Lives

Norton & Company

Dietrich & Riefenstahl
one oft the most notable nonfiction books 2015 by:




“[With] hypnotic power…. Wieland uses these two virtuosos’ lives to generate piercing insights about ambition, ego, creativity and the life-changing, world-altering repercussions of a momentous choice.” — Michael Sragow
washington post

“The true subject of [Wieland’s] dual biography is more ambitious: the contrast between good and evil…. She juxtaposes their lives chronologically, raising this implicit question: Did the women ally themselves with a particular nation because that nation reflected their authentic selves? Or did the choice itself—Dietrich’s move to America; Riefenstahl’s complicity with the Third Reich—transform them into different people than they would otherwise have been? Wieland offers no pat answers…. Evil here is not banal; it is jaw-droppingly bizarre and eclipses good.” — M. G. Lord
los angeles times

“Wieland is shrewd…about her subjects and has done serious work…that give her book credibility, texture, and unending interest. This is the story of two glamorous women whose achievements in another time might have been no more substantial than the images on a screen but who assumed real-life roles with the highest historical stakes. However inscrutable human conduct, it is difficult not to search these lives for insight into some of the modern era’s most difficult questions, about illusion and mass intoxication, art and truth, courage and capitulation.” — Claudia Roth Pierpont

“Illuminating…. Via a fluent, often witty translation by Shelley Frisch, Wieland draws the portrait of women who were ambitious to a degree stunning in their day. Moreover, by tracking their divergent careers together, she is able subtly to suggest some answers to a question that hangs over every mid-century German artist: what kind of responses were available to the Nazi apocalypse?” — Farran Smith Nehme

“However, the lack of direct comparison is a strength at the end of the book, when the two women’s final years are juxtaposed. This is a moment for showing and not telling; Wieland (by way of her excellent translator, Shelley Frisch) paints a moving portrait of two women facing up to the costs and limits of determined self-creation.”

“Marlene, Leni, and Jonathan”
huffington post

“their brand of ambition was identical”

Jenny McPhee about two girls/divas from Berlin:

“joint biography of two indomitable artists is triumph”

Dietrich & Riefenstahl
Amerikanischer Sound, Klänge aus Wien und Berliner Melancholie:


“Behold Karin Wieland’s Dietrich & Riefenstahl, a double-decker biography about a pair of sacred monsters that motors the length of a century, through two world wars, countless affairs, still-burning controversies, and white satin streams of Hollywood lore, never losing focus on the point on the horizon where fame and infamy meet…As a mere mortal myself, I finished Dietrich & Riefenstahl fully sated and completely agog.”
— James Wolcott, Vanity Fair columnist and author of the PEN Award–winning collection Critical Mass

“Superb.” — Die Zeit

“Dietrich & Riefenstahl tells an extraordinary story of the twentieth century.” — Die Welt

“Marlene Dietrich and Leni Riefenstahl have found an ideal biographer in Karin Wieland. She brings a lively style, a wealth of detail, and a perfect balance between skeptical objectivity and measured sympathy to her account of the parallel and then diverging lives of these two ambitious women.” — Celia Applegate, Vanderbilt University

“An outstanding double biography.” — Süddeutsche Zeitung

2. Dezember 2015

Dorothea von Moltke, Shelley Frisch und Michael Wood
“Dietrich & Riefenstahl” at the Council Of Humanities at Princeton University

19. November 2014
Über Henrik Ibsen, der bereits alles über uns wußte

die Hanser Box
Lebenslügen im Kapitalismus von Karin Wieland, Heinz Bude und Thomas Ostermeier

Juni 2014
Sex class is so deep as to be invisible


Die Juni – Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Mittelweg 36 herausgegeben vom Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung mit einem Schwerpunkt zu Shulamit Firestone und einem Beitrag von Karin Wieland zu der radikalen New Yorker Feministin: Forlorn

in: Mittelweg 36 (Juni/Juli 2014)

Verrat beging sie stets aus Liebe.

Verräter Thomas Koebner Projektioonen Bd. 9 Hans Richard Brittnacht (Hg)

Karin Wieland:
Treue und Verrat. Marlene Dietrich aus Berlin,
in: Hans Richard Brittnacher (Hg.): Verräter. München 2015