Eduardus Bellamy - Vicipaedia

Eduardus Bellamy (Chicopee Massachusettae 26 Martii 1850; Chicopee Falls Massachusettae 22 Maii 1898) fuit auctor et socialista Americanus, qui Looking Backward, mythistoria utopiana, fabula sicut Rip Van Winkle, anno 2000 futuro condita, innotuit. Bellamyana concordis mundi futuri visio creationem saltem 165 organizationum Sodaliciorum Nationalisticorum[1] appellatarum movit, notionibus politicis Bellamyanis propagandis dicatarum, ad eas realitatem utilem faciendas nitentium.[2]
- Six to One: A Nantucket Idyl. Novi Eboraci: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1878.
- Dr. Heidenhoff's Process. Londinii: William Reeves, 1880.
- Miss Ludington's Sister: A Romance of Immorality. Bostoniae: James R. Osgoode and Co., 1885.
- Looking Backward, 2000–1887. Bostoniae: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1889.
- "How I Came to Write Looking Backward," The Nationalist (Bostoniae), 1(1)(Maio 1889): 1–4.
- Principles and Purposes of Nationalism: Edward Bellamy's Address at Tremont Temple, Boston, on the Nationalist Club's First Anniversary, Dec. 19, 1889. Philadelphiae: Bureau of Nationalist Literature, [1890].
- The Programme of the Nationalists. Philadelphiae: Bureau of Nationalist Literature, 1894. Primum editum in The Forum, Martio 1894.
- Equality. Novi Eboraci: D. Appleton & Co., 1898.
- The Blindman's World and Other Stories. Introductio William Dean Howells. Bostoniae: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1898.
- The Duke of Stockbridge: A Romance of Shay's Rebellion. Novi Eboraci: Silver, Burdett and Co., 1900.
- Edward Bellamy: Selected Writings on Religion and Society. Ed. Joseph Schiffman. Novi Eboraci: Liberal Arts Press, 1955.
Bellamy, Edward. 1981, 1982. Looking backward, 2000-1887. Praefatio R. Jackson Wilson. Novi Eboraci: Modern Library. ISBN 0-394-32980-5.
- Bowman, Sylvia E. 1958. The Year 2000: A Critical Biography Of Edward Bellamy. Novi Eboraci: Bookman Associates.
- Bowman, Sylvia E. 1962. Edward Bellamy Abroad: An American Prophet's Influence. Novi Eboraci: Twayne Publishers.
- Dewey, John. 1934. A Great American Prophet. Common Sense Aprili: 1-4.
- Lipow, Arthur. 1982. Authoritarian Socialism in America: Edward Bellamy and the Nationalist Movement. Berkeleiae: University of California Press.
- MacNair, Everett W. 1957. Edward Bellamy and the Nationalist Movement, 1889 to 1894: A Research Study of Edward Bellamy's Work as a Social Reformer. Milwaukee Visconsiniae: Fitzgerald Co.
- Morgan, Arthur E. 1944. Edward Bellamy. Novi Eboraci: Columbia University Press.
- Morgan, Arthur E. 1945. The Philosophy of Edward Bellamy. King's Crown Press.
- Patai, Daphne, ed. 1988. Looking Backward, 1988–1888: Essays on Edward Bellamy. Amherst Massachusettae: University of Massachusetts Press.
- Pfaelzer, Jean. 1985. The Utopian Novel in America, 1886–1896: The Politics of Form. Pittsburgi: University of Pittsburgh Press.
- Rosemont, Franklin. 1988. Bellamy's Radicalism Reclaimed. In Looking Backward, 1988-1888, ed. Daphne Patai. Amherst Massachusettae: University of Massachusetts Press.
- Rosemont, Franklin. 1990. Apparitions of Things to Come: Edward Bellamy's Tales of Mystery & Imagination. Sicagi: Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company.
- Sadler, Elizabeth. 1944. One Book's Influence: Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward. New England Quarterly 17:530–555.
- Shurter, Robert L. 1933. The Literary Work of Edward Bellamy. American Literature 5(3):229–234.
- Tarbell, Ida M. 1934. New Dealers of the 'Seventies: Henry George and Edward Bellamy. The Forum 92(3):157.
- Thomas, John. 1983. Alternative America: Henry George, Edward Bellamy, Henry Demarest Lloyd and the Adversary Tradition. Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Harvard University Press.
- Widdicombe, Richard Toby. 1988. Edward Bellamy: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Criticism. Novi Eboraci: Garland Publishing.
- Willard, Frances E. 1889. An Interview with Edward Bellamy. Our Day 4(24):539–542.
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