Books & Articles
Looking for origami instructions, my writings and musings, or scientific journal articles? You’ll find much of that on this site. Follow the links below.
My Books
Here you’ll find information on all of the books (and a CD) I’ve written. Most are still in print; those that are not are often available on used-book websites. Individual book entries list the folding instructions published within that book.
Journal Articles
I’ve written several articles on the math, science, and technology of origami that have been published in various technical journals. This section lists the latest. (I’ll be adding back-listings as time permits.)
Science Posts
These are articles and blog posts that I’ve written over the years on mathematical, scientific, and technological topics.
Other Posts
These are articles and blog posts on any other topic—but mostly origami-related—including several that were previously published in OrigamiUSA’s The Fold online magazine.