
The Apple (1963)

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The Apple


A man's repeated attempts to retrieve an apple off a high tree branch all prove fruitless. What does he want the apple for? That would be telling.

Popular reviews

  • Ripplin

    Fun short about a man who sees a lone apple that is just out of reach, and the great lengths he goes to not only to get it, but also keep others from noticing it. Won Best Animated Film at the 1963 BAFTA awards! :o

  • Zaren

    me sentí en los 90's mientras la miraba

  • damosuzuki

    just go buy an apple ffs. how much could it cost? $10?

  • rta
  • Oche Balboa 🏳️‍🌈

    Und was ist die Moral der Geschicht? 

    Hätte das kleine Wesen, welches aussieht wie eine Kartoffel mit einer dicken Nase, sich nicht so oft ablenken lassen, wäre es schneller zum Erfolg gekommen. Nichtsdestotrotz, mit etwas Geduld und Glück, kommt die Belohnung am Ende doch noch! 
    Wie und wofür man seine Kraft aufwendet, ist jedem selbst überlassen. Am Ende muss man damit glücklich sein. 

    Für mich als Kurzfilmliebhaber mit einer der besten die ich je gesehen habe.

  • Andthenwedanced
  • Kinothony_White


  • CinemaSerf

    A short gent, clad only in a bow tie, espies a lone apple high up on a branch. He wants it, so goes to fetch a ladder. The litter picker shows up so he has to abandon that idea. Then he brings an old jalopy, but that gets towed. An elephant gun? Really? Well a photographer puts paid to that idea. What next? Well I doubt you can predict just what does happen, but it is quite fun. The animation reminded me a little of the 1960s "Pink Panther" cartoons and the lively soundtrack helps to keep it jogging along nicely - if maybe not so memorably.

  • stacy

    there were definitely many times when we could’ve grabbed the apple whilst being hoisted glad he finally got it though i guess