
LGLC - LGLC - February 4 Winnipeg American lesbian […]

  • ️Fri Feb 04 1977




February 4 Winnipeg American lesbian activist Barbara Gittings spoke to 300 people at the University of Manitoba on the topic "Gay Liberation Is for Children Too," concerning the development of non-sexist and non-homophobic children's literature. The event was co-sponsored by the University of Manitoba's Students' Union and by GFE. Gittings also appeared on several local radio and television talk shows, as well as at a GFE open house.

All Places

University of ManitobaWinnipeg

All People

Barbara Gittings

All Organizations

Campus Gay Club, University of Manitoba, Gays for Equality GFE

All Citations

Jeremy Bass, "Gay Kid Lib," Body Politic, no. 31 (1977), p. 7.