
  • ️Stéphane Raimbault

The most popular Open Source library to communicate with Modbus devices. 🚀 Build Status

  • RTU (serial) and TCP (Ethernet) support
  • available for Linux (packaged), FreeBSD, Mac OS and Windows
  • written in C
  • great test coverage and documentation
  • security audits
  • no dependencies

Support the project

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The financing of the project depends only on:

  • donation via sponsorship
  • sales of promodbus licenses.

If your business depends on this library, now is the time to act 👍.

You can make a donation via GitHub Sponsors 🙏.

Buy a promodbus license

Your company can buy a promodbus license for 750€ VAT. The purpose of this edition is to enable professionals to market their products using the Modbus library without the constraints of the LGPL, and to fund the development of the Open Source version.

Details about the promodbus license.

For other needs, just send an email to Webstack.
