Library Home

Help Us Grow

A Small Sampling of Treasures

  • Our short term goal is to expand our online Reference and Support Offerings! First and foremost, we are a library. Our current primary focus is to expand our offerings here, in particular via our Content Digitization Project.

  • Additionally, we wish to support exhibitions sponsored by the Museum of the Game and others. Shows of note in progress include a potential show in Portland, Oregon, as well as a show by the USC Pacific Asia Museum (in development, Covid delayed)

  • Our medium to long term goal is to finance a fully interactive library facility to replace our current small library and exhibit center.

The International Arcade Museum Library (IAML) opened in Pasadena, California, in 2010 as the first non-profit dedicated to preserving, researching, interpreting and presenting the complete history and evolution of the arcade, coin-op and video game industries.

Mobile, computer, console, and coin-operated video game creations of today share an extensive genealogy with the games of yesterday. We wish to jointly understand and appreciate the art, design, and invention of both present amusement innovation and that of the last two centuries, and to honor and document the countless contributions that have made it all possible. These innovations serve both to influence society and to reflect upon it.

Initially we are focused on building the library of the Library. The library has access to a substantial amount of content that is nearly impossible to find elsewhere. It's time to save the history!

Long term, a full 'done right' arcade and videogame library and exhibit center could easily be a multi-million dollar project. As the library develops, we will continue to build a foundation of moral and financial support from the collector community, and then follows with the support of the public at large, local communities, government, and business. The library's basic services were the first step in that direction (and what your dollars go to support!), and our efforts are beginning to bear fruit. World leading archives and collections of arcade and videogame history have been lined up for research. As this work progresses, we will continue to work towards a major exhibition and/or a transitional facility.

We ask for your support to make this dream a reality. The world's ready for it now.


$10 to $19 $100 to $249 $1000 to $4999
$20 to $49 $250 to $499 $5000 to $9999
$50 to $99 $500 to $999 $10000+

We have built a foundation in conjunction with numerous members of the arcade and videogame community, and now ask for your support.


Please feel free to contact us:

International Arcade Museum Library
530 S. Lake Ave. Ste. 450
Pasadena, CA 91101

Museum of the Game®

International Arcade Museum®
Killer List of Videogames®


© 1995-2025 by WebMagic Ventures, LLC, The International Arcade Museum®, Museum of the Game®. All rights reserved.

Portions provided under license from the Data Refinery™.

If you wish to use material from our web sites, please take a look at our Acceptable Use, Copyright, and Trademark Page . Except as described on that page, any use of the information found here may not be copied or reprinted on any medium, either physical or electronic, without the express written permission of The International Arcade Museum.