A Small Sampling of Treasures
The International Arcade Museum Library, Inc. has direct and exclusive access to world leading archives covering Arcade, Coin-op, and Videogame amusement technology.
Included in these reference materials are tens of thousands of books, catalogs, flyers, magazines, memorabilia, microfilm rolls, original game design art, photos, software recordings, and more.
We are in the contstant process of preserving and cataloging this material.
- Auction Catalogs with Coin-Operated and/or Arcade Machines
- Books on arcade, coin-op and videogames
- Magazines - Coin-Op Machine, Arcade, Slot Machine, Trade Stim, Mechanical Music, and Videogame
- Antique Amusements, Automaten Markt, Automatic Age, Billboard, COCA Times, Coin Machine Journal, Coin Machine Review, Coin Slot, Der Automat, Electronic Games, Gameroom, Marketplace, Nintendo Power, Operator's Automatic Gazette, Pacific Coin Machine Review, Seeburg Illuminator, Spinning Reels, Vend, and many more...
- Manufacturer Catalogs
- Manuals - Machine Operations and Technical
Not on-line: card catalog of flyers, correspondence, original art, corporate documents, memorabilia, thousands of catalogs and manuals, etc.
Please note that we are working to catalog additional holdings, but could really use some volunteer assistance
If you have coin-op magazines or other resources that contain information about coin-op machines or videogames not on the lists above, please contact us if you would be willing to donate, loan, or sell said items. Thank you.
The Library is dedicated to making available reference material to hobbyists, searchers, and the general public. Our limited resources are focused on creating the greatest common good. In particular we focus on our existing work and in fulfilling a limited amount of academic and media requests. At this time, we do not have the resources to fulfill content requests from individual enthusiasts. Currently the library is only able to assist with research requests made in-person. Some exceptions are occasionally made on an as-available basis for established educational institutions, libraries, and museums, as well as for qualified media requests.
Museum of the Game®
International Arcade Museum®
Killer List of Videogames®
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