American Association of Anatomists records

  • ️Fri May 28 1999


Title: American Association of Anatomists records
Call Number: Coll021
Creator: American Association of Anatomists
Dates: 1900-2011
Size: 18 boxes (14 linear feet)
Language: English
Abstract: Files contain the institutional papers, publications, and photographs of the American Association of Anatomists. Records include awards, committee files, planning files for Experimental Biology, financial documents, membership lists, AAA publications, and historic photographs.
Citation: American Association of Anatomists records, Center for Biological Sciences Archives, Collection 21, Special Collections, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Baltimore, MD).

Administrative/Biographical Note

The AAA was formed in 1888 to serve the researchers, educators, and students of anatomical sciences; it has held annual meetings since the year of its formation. Membership for AAA is open to undergraduates, graduate and medical school students; postdoctoral fellows; medical residents; educators; researchers; and retirees.

1888 The Association of American Anatomists held its first official meeting in Washington, D.C. with the objective of the "advancement of the anatomical sciences." The fourteen men that met at this meeting elected Dr. Joseph Leidy of the University of Pennsylvania as their first President.
1901 The first issue of the Proceedings of the American Association of Anatomists was published in the American Journal of Anatomy.
1906 The first volume of The Anatomical Record was published.
1908 The Association officially changed its name from the Association of American Anatomists to the American Association of Anatomists. Dr. Florence Sabin became the first woman officer.
1917 AAA reached over 300 members.
1937 AAA hosted its first meeting outside the United States, in Toronto, Canada.
1986 AAA reached over 5,000 members, with the majority from the United States, but members also from Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, Israel, Taiwan, China, and Australia.
1992 Developmental Dynamics was first published as a direct descendant of the American Journal of Anatomy, which began in 1901.
1996 AAA held their annual meeting as part of the larger Experimental Biology conference for the first time.
2000 AAA mandated that students become involved in the Board of Directors. Two of the eight directors were to be students or postdoctoral fellow members.
2008 The first volume of Anatomical Sciences Education was published.

Scope & Content


TThis collection is organized into eight series: I. Board of Directors, II. Committees, III. Membership, IV. Financial, V. Conferences, VI. Awards, VII. Publications, VIII. Photographs.

Series I. Board of Directors

  1. Meeting Minutes
  2. Executive Committee

Series II. Committees

  1. Committee Rosters
  2. Membership Committee
  3. Nominations Committee
  4. Joint Steering Committee for Public Policy

Series III. Membership

  1. Members Lists
  2. Data
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Directory of Anatomy Departments

Series IV. Financial

  1. Budget
  2. Case and Log Books
  3. Journal Trust Fund Registers
  4. Business Committee

Series V. Conferences

  1. Publications of the AAA Annual Meeting
  2. Experimental Biology

Series VI. Awards

    Series VII. Publications

    1. The Anatomical Record
    2. Anatomical Sciences Education
    3. Developmental Dynamics
    4. American Association of Anatomists News
    5. Institutional History

    Series VIII. Photographs


      The American Association of Anatomists (AAA) was formed in 1888 to serve the researchers, educators, and students of anatomical sciences. The American Association of Anatomists records contain the papers, publications, and photographs of the AAA. Spanning from 1900 to 2011, the records are 14 linear feet. This collection is divided into seven parts, consisting of records relating to the Board of Directors, committees, membership, finance, Annual Meeting/Experimental Biology, awards, publications, and photographs.

      The Board of Directors (Series I) consists of a President, President-Elect, President-Emeritus, Secretary-Treasurer, two Program Chairs, and eight directors. As of 2000, two of the eight directors must be students or postdoctoral fellow members. The Executive Committee of the of the Board of Directors consists of the President, President-Elect, President-Emeritus, and Secretary-Treasurer. Records of the Board of Directors include minutes of the general meetings as well as Executive Committee meeting minutes.

      Series II includes the records of several AAA committees. Committees include, but are not limited to, the Membership Committee, Nominating Committee, and a Joint Steering Committee on Public Policy. Records in this series include mostly meeting minutes, agendas, and related documents. The records of the Business Committee are filed with Series IV and committees work that directly related to Experimental Biology are filed in Series V.

      Membership records (Series III), include list of members, statistics, curriculum vitas, as well as two bound volumes of Directories of Anatomy Departments. Membership for the AAA is open to undergraduates, graduate and medical school students; postdoctoral fellows; medical residents; educators; researchers; and retirees.

      The financial records of the AAA (Series IV) include records related to the financial running of the AAA. Records include budgets, cash and log books, Journal Trust Fund registers, information about grants, and Business Committee meeting minutes.

      Since 1888, the AAA has held annual meetings (Series V). Proceedings from these meetings were first published in 1901 after the fifteenth annual meeting. In 1996, AAA began hosting their annual meeting as part of Experimental Biology (EB), a large, interdisciplinary, multi-society annual conference. AAA is one of six sponsoring societies of EB, the others being the American Physiological Society, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Americans Society for Investigative Pathology, American Society for Nutrition, and American Society for Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics. This annual conference attracts approximately 14,000 scientist and exhibitors, and features award lectures, oral and poster presentations, and exhibits relating to anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, nutrition, and pharmacology. Records in this series include the Proceedings and Annual Meeting abstracts, and documents regarding the planning of EB, in addition to information about awards, presentations, meetings, and EB events.

      The AAA distributes a number of awards and grants each year (Series VI). Records in this series include nominations for the Bensley and Mossman awards (which are both now part of the Young Investigator Award), as well as the 2010 Outreach Grant Report. Additional information about awards, including travel awards, can be found in Series V.

      Series VII includes the three peer-reviewed journals that the AAA publishes: The Anatomical Record, Developmental Dynamics, and Anatomical Sciences Education (Series VII). The Anatomical Record is a forum for research relating to the organization of biological structure and its functional significance. Developmental Dynamics relates to the work of developmental biologists who study the emergence of form during animal development and the mechanisms that control morphogenesis. Anatomical Sciences Education offers an international forum for the exchange of ideas related to education in the anatomical sciences. In addition to these journals, this series also includes the AAA newsletter, American Association of Anatomists News. In addition, within this series is the 1987 book The American Association of Anatomists, 1888-1987: Essays on the History of Anatomy in America and a Report on the Membership--Past and Present, which was edited by John E. Pauly in honor of the hundred anniversary of AAA.

      This collection also contains digital scans of AAA photographs, largely from EB 2003-2011 (Series VIII).

      Provenance Information

      Provenance and Acquisition Information

      All the materials were created by the American Association of Anatomists. This collection arrived in three different accessions: SARCV 2004-04, SARCV 2010-01, and SARCV 2011-08. In 2004, the AAA donated thirteen boxes, largely relating to EB, as part of SARCV 2004-04. The AAA donated an additional two boxes in 2010 (SARCV 2010-01) that contained records relating to awards, membership, and minutes. In 2011, the AAA donated six boxes (SARCV 2011-08), which included AAA publications, old cash and log books, records of the Board of Directors, and records relating to the Annual Meeting. Records were stored and maintained by the Science Archives and access was granted to researchers prior to processing.

      Processing Note

      The American Association of Anatomists records were processed by graduate assistant Johanna Schein under the supervision of the Special Collections Archivist Lindsey Loeper in the Spring of 2012.

      This collection was processed to the folder level. Materials originally housed in binders were removed from the binders and placed in folders, with the original order maintained. Publications were arranged chronologically and placed in format specific storage. When more than two exact copies of a document were found, the additional duplicates were destroyed. Records with social security numbers on them were copied so that the numbers were no longer visible, and the original documents were destroyed. Oversized or physically compromised materials were transferred to appropriate storage.

      Descriptive Rules Used

      Describing Archives: a Content Standard (DACS)

      Archives Processing Manual: Description (2015): The processing manual used in Special Collections for all descriptive platforms, including PastPerfect.

      Subject Headings


      American Association of Anatomists


      American Association of Anatomists -- Archives

      Anatomy -- Societies

      Series Description & Container List

      1. Series I. Board of Directors

        Date: 1998-2008

        Extent: .25 boxes (.25 linear feet)

        Description: This series contains information regarding the AAA Board of Directors and Executive Committee. All files are arranged chronologically within each subseries. Additional records of the Board of Directors, especially as it relates to the planning of the Experimental Biology conference, can be found in sub-series V.B.

        1. Subseries I.A. Meeting Minutes

          Date: 1998-2008

          Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

          Description: This sub-series includes the meetings from the spring and fall Board meetings from the Fall 1998 to Fall 2008, excluding Fall 2000. Minutes are arranged chronologically. Included in this sub-series is one cassette from the November 2001 Board conference call.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Board of Directors/Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Fall 1998-Fall 2008 1998-2008 1 1
            Cassette, Board Conference Call, November 2001 2001 1 2
            Meeting, October 2002 2002 1 3
            Meeting, April 2002 2002 1 4
            Meeting, April 2003 2003 1 5
            Meeting, November 2003 2003 1 6
        2. Subseries I.B. Executive Committee

          Date: 2000

          Extent: 1 folder

          Description: This sub-series includes the records of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Executive Committee Meeting Materials, April 14, 2000 2000 1 7
      2. Series II. Committees

        Date: 2000-2009

        Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

        Description: This series includes committee rosters and records from various committees. These committees include the Membership Committee, Nominating Committee, and Joint Steering Committee. Records from the Business Committee can be found in series IV with the financial records, and committees relating directly to EB are found in sub-series V.B.

        1. Subseries II.A. Committee Rosters

          Date: 2000-2009

          Extent: 1 folder

          Description: This sub-series contains rosters from the Board of Directors and the AAA committees, from 2000 to 2009.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            2000-2009 Committee Rosters 2000-2009 1 8
        2. Subseries II.B. Membership Committee

          Date: 2002-2003

          Extent: 2 folders

          Description: This sub-series contains the records of the Membership Committee, including their meeting minutes.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            2002 Membership Committee Meeting Summary, October 2002 1 9
            Membership Committee/AAAMAC Meeting, April 2003 1 10
        3. Subseries II.C. Nominating Committee

          Date: 2002-2003

          Extent: 1 folder

          Description: This sub-series includes the records of the Nominating Committee. Papers include meeting minutes, AAA rosters, and member lists.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            2002-20003 Nominations Committee Handbook 2002-2003 1 11
        4. Subseries II.D. Joint Steering Committee for Public Policy

          Date: 1994-1997

          Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

          Description: This sub-series includes the records of the Joint Steering Committee for Public Policy, including meeting minutes. Records are arranged chronologically by meeting.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Joint Steering Committee on Public Policy, 1996-2003 1994 1 12
            Joint Steering Committee For Public Policy, October 1995 1995 1 13
            Joint Steering Committee For Public Policy, April 1996 1996 1 14
            Joint Steering Committee For Public Policy, September 1996 1996 1 15
            Joint Steering Committee For Public Policy, March 1997 1997 1 16
      3. Series III. Membership

        Date: 1929-2009

        Extent: .75 box (.75 linear feet)

        Description: This series contains records pertaining to AAA membership, including membership lists, data and statistics, curriculum vitae, and the published Directory of Anatomy Departments.

        1. Subseries III.A. Members Lists

          Date: 1929-2009; bulk 2000-2009

          Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

          Description: This sub-series includes membership lists arranged chronologically.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Membership Records 2000 1 17
            New Members List, April 2002-2003 2002-2003 1 18
            Membership, March 2003 2003 1 19
            Membership, December 2003 2003 1 20
            Membership, October 2004 2004 1 21
            Membership, September 2005 2005 1 22
            Membership, November 2005 2005 1 23
            Membership, September 2006 2006 1 24
            Membership, 2007 2007 1 25
            Membership, November 2008 2008 1 26
            Membership, 2009 2009 1 27
        2. Subseries III.B. Data

          Date: 1997, 2005

          Extent: 2 folders

          Description: This sub-series contains membership statistics and data, including addresses.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            February 1997 Membership Count 1997 1 28
            AAA European Contacts, 1997 1997 1 29
            Marketing Materials 2005 1 30
        3. Subseries III.C. Curriculum Vitae

          Date: 2003-2007

          Extent: .5 box (.5 linear feet)

          Description: This sub-series includes CVs of AAA members and emeritus members. Arranged alphabetically.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            List of Emeritus Member CVs 2006 2 1
            CV's: A-D 1990-2006 2 2
            CV's: E-J 1990-2006 2 3
            CV's: K-M 1990-2006 2 4
            CV's: N-P 1990-2006 2 5
            CV's: Q-S 1990-2006 2 6
            CV's: T-W 1990-2006 2 7
            CV's: Y-Z 1990-2006 2 8
        4. Subseries III.D. Directory of Anatomy Departments

          Date: 1983, 1987

          Extent: 2 folders

          Description: This sub-series includes two bound volumes of Directory of Anatomy Departments.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Directory of Anatomy Departments, 1983 1983 2 9
            Directory of Anatomy Departments, 1987 1987 2 10
      4. Series IV. Financial

        Date: 1900-2010

        Extent: .75 box (.75 linear feet)

        Description: This series contains records that relate to the financial running of the AAA. Records include budgets, original cash and log books, Trust Fund Registers, and the records of the AAA Business Committee.

        1. Subseries IV.A. Budget

          Date: 2001-2009

          Extent: 1 folder

          Description: This sub-series includes AAA budgets and pertaining documents.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Budgets, 2001-2009 2001-2009 2 11
        2. Subseries IV.B. Cash and Log Books

          Extent: .5 box (.5 linear feet)

          Description: This sub-series contains the cash and log books of the AAA. Materials that were too fragile were removed and placed in format specific boxes. Records are arranged chronologically.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Cash and Log Book, 1900-1913 1900-1913 2 12
            Cash and Log Book, 1919-1928 1919-1928 2 13
            Cash and Log Book, 1922-1923 1922-1923 2 14
            Cash and Log Book, 1926-1928 1926-1928 2 15
            Cash and Log Book, 1929-1932 1929-1932 2 16
            Member List and Due Log, 1929-1935 1929-1935 2 17
            Cash and Log Book, 1933-1936 1933-1936 2 18
            Cash and Log Book, 1940-1942 1940-1942 2 19
            Cash and Log Book, 1941-1945 1941-1945 2 20
            Bank Books, Philadelphia, 1941-1945 1941-1946 2 21
            Cash and Log Book, 1956-1978 1956-1978 2 22
        3. Subseries IV.C. Journal Trust Fund Registers

          Date: 1930-1988

          Extent: .25 box (.25 linear feet)

          Description: This sub-series includes the Journal Trust Fund Registers and Check Registers of the AAA. Materials that were too fragile were removed and placed in format specific boxes. Records are arranged chronologically.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Journal Trust Fund Register, Check Register, 1930-1932 1930-1932 2 23
            Journal Trust Fund Register, Check Register, 1932-1934 1932-1934 2 24
            Journal Trust Fund Register, 1973 1973 2 25
            Journal Trust Fund Register, 1974-1978 1974-1978 2 26
            Journal Trust Fund Register, 1975-1976 1975-1976 2 27
            Journal Trust Fund Register, 1986-1988 1986-1988 2 28
        4. Subseries IV.D. Business Committee

          Date: 2000-2008

          Extent: 1 folder

          Description: This sub-series contains the records of the AAA Business Committee, including meeting minutes. Records are arranged chronologically.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Business Meeting Minutes 2000-2008 2000-2008 2 29
      5. Series V. Conferences

        Date: 1906-2010

        Extent: 9.25 boxes (9.25 linear feet)

        Description: This series contains the records of the AAA Annual Meeting and the Experimental Biology conference.

        1. Subseries V.A. Publications of AAA Annual Meeting

          Date: 1906-2010

          Extent: 2 boxes (2 linear feet)

          Description: This sub-series includes the various publications of the AAA Annual Meeting. Publications include AAA Proceedings, programs from the Annual Meeting, and the published volumes of Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations. Publications are arranged chronologically by meeting.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Proceedings of Sessions 1-14, 1888-1900 1906-1909 3 1
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 62nd Annual Meeting 1949 3 2
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 62nd Annual Meeting 1949 3 2
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 63rd Annual Meeting 1950 3 3
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 65th Annual Meeting 1952 3 3
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 66th Annual Meeting 1953 3 4
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 66th Annual Meeting 1953 3 4
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 67th Annual Meeting 1954 3 5
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 74th Annual Meeting 1961 3 6
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 74th Annual Meeting 1961 3 6
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 75th Annual Meeting 1962 3 7
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 75th Annual Meeting 1962 3 7
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 76th Annual Meeting 1963 3 8
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 76th Annual Meeting 1963 3 8
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 77th Annual Meeting 1964 3 9
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 78th Annual Meeting 1965 3 9
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 79th Annual Meeting 1966 3 10
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 79th Annual Meeting 1966 3 10
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 80th Annual Meeting 1967 3 11
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 80th Annual Meeting 1967 3 11
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 81st Annual Meeting 1968 3 12
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 81st Annual Meeting 1968 3 12
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 82nd Annual Meeting 1969 3 13
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 82nd Annual Meeting 1969 3 13
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 83rd Annual Meeting 1970 3 14
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 83rd Annual Meeting 1970 3 14
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 84th Annual Meeting 1971 3 15
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 84th Annual Meeting 1971 3 15
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 85th Annual Meeting 1972 3 16
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 85th Annual Meeting 1972 3 16
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 86th Annual Meeting 1973 3 17
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 86th Annual Meeting 1973 3 17
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 87th Annual Meeting 1974 3 18
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 88th Annual Meeting 1975 3 18
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 88th Annual Meeting 1975 3 19
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 89th Annual Meeting 1976 3 20
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 89th Annual Meeting 1976 3 20
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 90th Annual Meeting 1977 4 1
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 90th Annual Meeting 1977 4 1
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 91st Annual Meeting 1978 4 2
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 91st Annual Meeting 1978 4 2
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 92nd Annual Meeting 1979 4 3
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 92nd Annual Meeting 1979 4 3
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 93rd Annual Meeting 1980 4 4
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 93rd Annual Meeting 1980 4 4
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 94th Annual Meeting 1981 4 5
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 94th Annual Meeting 1981 4 5
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 95th Annual Meeting 1982 4 6
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 95th Annual Meeting 1982 4 6
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 96th Annual Meeting 1983 4 7
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 96th Annual Meeting 1983 4 7
            Program from the 96th Annual Meeting 1983 4 7
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 97th Annual Meeting 1984 4 8
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 97th Annual Meeting 1984 4 8
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 98th Annual Meeting 1985 4 9
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 98th Annual Meeting 1985 4 9
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 99th Annual Meeting 1986 4 10
            Program from the 99th Annual Meeting 1986 4 10
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 100th Annual Meeting 1987 4 11
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 100th Annual Meeting 1987 4 11
            Program from the 100th Annual Meeting 1987 4 11
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 101st Annual Meeting 1988 4 12
            Program from the 101st Annual Meeting 1988 4 12
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 102nd Annual Meeting 1989 4 13
            Program from the 102nd Annual Meeting 1989 4 13
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 103rd Annual Meeting 1990 4 14
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 104th Annual Meeting 1991 4 14
            Proceedings: Officers: Members of the 105th Annual Meeting 1992 4 14
            Officers, Abstracts, and Demonstrations of the 105th Annual Meeting 1992 4 14
            Proceedings of the 108th Annual Meeting 1993 4 15
            Proceedings of the 108th Annual Meeting 1995 4 15
            Proceedings of the 109th Annual Meeting 1996 4 15
            Proceedings of the 110th Annual Meeting 1997 4 15
            Proceedings of the 111th Annual Meeting 1998 4 16
            Proceedings of the 112th Annual Meeting 1999 4 16
            Proceedings of the 112th Annual Meeting 1999 4 16
            Proceedings of the 113th Annual Meeting 2000 4 17
            Proceedings of the 114th Annual Meeting 2001 4 17
            Proceedings of the 115th Annual Meeting 2002 4 17
            Proceedings of the 116th Annual Meeting 2003 4 18
            Proceedings of the 117th Annual Meeting 2004 4 18
            Proceedings of the 118th Annual Meeting 2005 4 18
            Proceedings of the 119th Annual Meeting 2006 4 19
            Proceedings of the 120th Annual Meeting 2007 4 19
            Proceedings of the 121st Annual Meeting 2008 4 19
            Proceedings of the 121st Annual Meeting 2008 4 20
            Proceedings of the 122nd Annual Meeting 2009 4 20
            Proceedings of the 122nd Annual Meeting 2009 4 20
            Proceedings of the 123rd Annual Meeting 2010 4 21
            Proceedings of the 123rd Annual Meeting 2010 4 21
        2. Subseries V.B. Experimental Biology

          Date: 1997-2005

          Extent: 7.25 boxes (7.25 linear feet)

          Description: This sub-series contains the records of the AAA Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology (EB). The sub-series includes papers relating to awards; abstracts, symposia, and sessions; AAA button contest; minority student luncheon; special functions; Cajal Club, and other subjects regarding the planning and running of EB. There are also records from a variety of committee meetings, including the EB Management Committee, Board of Directors, Planning Committee, and Business Committee. Records are arranged chronologically by EB year, thereunder by subject, with the original order of materials maintained. Original folder titles are retained with the exception of the addition of the sort phrase as needed.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            EB: Miscellaneous undated 5 1
            EB1997: Student Minority Questionaire 1997 5 2
            EB1997: Minority Lunch 1997 5 3
            EB1997: Call for Papers and Preliminary Program 1998 5 4
            EB1998: Banquet Tickets 1998 5 5
            EB1998: Program Committee Minutes 1998 5 6
            EB1998: Topic Category List 1998 5 7
            EB1998: Speaker Abstract Form 1998 5 8
            EB1999: Poster Session Form 1999 5 9
            EB1999: Schedule and Locations 1999 5 10
            EB1999: Minority Student Luncheon 1999 5 11
            EB1999: Comp. Registrations 1999 5 12
            EB1999: Important Dates 1999 5 13
            EB1999: Staff Housing 1999 5 14
            EB1999: Paper Inquiries 1999 5 15
            EB1999: Bernart Soria 1999 5 16
            EB1999:Things that need to be changed 1999 5 17
            EB1999: AAA Society Programs 1999 5 18
            EB1999: Japanese Symposia 1999 5 19
            EB1999: Bensley Award 1999 5 20
            EB1999: Dissertation Award 1999 5 21
            EB1999: FASEB Journal, AAA intro 1999 5 22
            EB1999: EB Program Grids 1999 5 23
            EB1999: Student Award Application 1999 5 24
            EB1999: AAA Program 1999 5 25
            EB1999: Conference Call, Call for Papers 1999 5 26
            EB1999: Symposium Changes 1999 5 27
            EB1999: Abstract Processing 1999 5 28
            EB1999: EB Booth 1999 5 29
            EB1999: FASEB Journal 1999 5 30
            EB 1999: Grids 1999 5 31
            EB1999: Late Breaking Abstracts 1999 5 32
            EB1999: Addendum 1999 5 33
            EB1999: Reimburse 1999 5 34
            EB1999: Web pages 1999 5 35
            EB1999: Stats 1999 5 36
            EB1999: Special Equipment 1999 5 37
            EB1999: Exhibitions 1999 5 38
            EB1999: AAA Staff at a Glance 1999 5 39
            EB1999: Thank You Letters 1999 5 40
            EB1999: Speaker List 1999 5 41
            EB1999: Office 1999 5 42
            EB1999: President's Office 1999 5 43
            EB1999: AAA/Cajal Socializer 1999 5 44
            EB1999: Hotel Info 1999 5 45
            EB1999: Booth Information 1999 5 46
            EB1999: AAA Banquet Ticket 1999 5 47
            EB1999: Floor Plans 1999 5 48
            EB1999: Master To-Do 1999 5 49
            EB1999: AAA Expenses for EB 1999 5 50
            EB1999: Menu 1999 5 51
            EB1999: Special Functions 1999 5 52
            EB1999: Exhibitors Service Kit 1999 5 53
            EB1999: Miscellaneous 1999 5 54
            EB1999: Management Committee Meeting (1 of 2) 1999 5 55
            EB1999: Management Committee Meeting (2 of 2) 1999 5 56
            EB1999: Binder (1 of 3) 1999 5 57
            EB1999: Binder (2 of 3) 1999 5 58
            EB1999: Binder (3 of 3) 1999 5 59
            EB1999: Theme Reps 1999 5 60
            EB1999: Cardiovascular 1999 5 61
            EB1999: Neuro Symposium, James L. Olds, PhD 1999 5 62
            EB1999: Other Society Program 1999 5 63
            EB1999: VIP Housing 1999 5 64
            EB1999: Speaker Confirmation Letter 1999 5 65
            EB1999: Miscelaneous Emails 1999 5 66
            EB1999: Conference Call, Growth and Development 1999 5 67
            EB1999: Invited Speakers Email 1999 5 68
            EB1999: AAA Program Meeting 1999 5 69
            EB1999: Cajal Club 1999 5 70
            EB1999: Herrick Award 1999 5 71
            EB1999: Anatomy Chairs 1999 5 72
            EB1999: EB Press 1999 6 1
            EB1999: Space Assignment 1999 6 2
            EB1999: Booth Give Aways 1999 6 3
            EB1999: AAA Booth, Cajal Exhibit 1999 6 4
            EB1999: Exhibitor Prospectus 1999 6 5
            EB1999: Exhibit Advisory Committee 1999 6 6
            EB 1999: Cajal-Golgi Debate 2000 6 7
            EB2000: Symposia Funding 2000 6 8
            EB2000: Zeiss Student Research Award 2000 6 9
            EB2000: Genetech Student Research Award 2000 6 10
            EB2000: Young Faculty Participation Award 2000 6 11
            EB2000: Symposium Organizer 2000 6 12
            EB2000: Longman Award 2000 6 13
            EB2000: Topic Coversheets 2000 6 14
            EB2000: AAA Speakers 2000 6 15
            EB2000: Society Award Application 2000 6 16
            EB2000: Booth 2000 6 17
            EB2000: Award Certificates 2000 6 18
            EB2000: Awards 2000 6 19
            EB2000: Special Functions Binder (1 of 2) 2000 6 20
            EB2000: Special Functions Binder 21 of 2) 2000 6 21
            EB2000: AAA/EB2000 Minisymposia Chairs/Speakers (1 of 3) 2000 6 22
            EB2000: AAA/EB2000 Minisymposia Chairs/Speakers (2 of 3) 2000 6 23
            EB2000: AAA/EB2000 Minisymposia Chairs/Speakers (3 of 3) 2000 6 24
            EB2000: Cajal Club 2000 6 25
            EB2000: AAA/Cajal Meeting 2000 6 26
            EB2000: MIBA, Abstract Processing 2000 6 27
            EB2000: Abstract Form 2000 6 28
            EB2000: AAA "A Whole New Image" 2000 6 29
            EB2000: LCD projectors 2000 6 30
            EB2000: Statistics 2000 6 31
            EB2000: Special Functions 2000 6 32
            EB2000: VIPs 2000 6 33
            EB2000: To Do… 2000 6 34
            EB2000: Program Committee 2000 6 35
            EB2000: Student Awards 2000 6 36
            EB2000: Staff Housing 2000 6 37
            EB2000: Call for Papers, Proofs 2000 6 38
            EB2000: Letters to Organizers 2000 6 39
            EB2000: Button Contest Entry Form 2000 6 40
            EB2000: Program Meeting, December 16-17, 1999 2000 6 41
            EB2000: Signage 2000 6 42
            EB2000: Call for Papers 2000 6 43
            EB2000: Speaker Database 2000 6 44
            EB2000: Correspondence 2000 6 45
            EB2000: Office Supplies Wanted 2000 6 46
            EB2000: Andrea 2000 6 47
            EB2000: To Do… 2000 6 48
            EB2000: YES Mixer 2000 6 49
            EB2000: Committee Meetings 2000 6 50
            EB2000: Minority Luncheon 2000 6 51
            EB2000: Minority Workshop Surveys 2000 6 52
            EB2000: Minority Workshop 2000 6 53
            EB2000: Banquet 2000 7 1
            EB2000: Mini Symposia Topic Cover Sheet 2000 7 2
            EB2000: Teaching Posters 2000 7 3
            EB2000: Equipment Requests 2000 7 4
            EB2000: Advanced Registration 2000 7 5
            EB2000: Booth 2000 7 6
            EB2000: EB Promo Ideas 2000 7 7
            EB2000: Business Center 2000 7 8
            EB2000: San Diego Restaurant Info 2000 7 9
            EB2000: Symposium Funding 2000 7 10
            EB2000: Program Meeting, April 1999 2000 7 11
            EB2000: Other Society Sessions 2000 7 12
            EB2000: Teleconference, 5/28/1999 2000 7 13
            EB2000: Guest Society Guidelines 2000 7 14
            EB2000: Miscellaneous 2000 7 15
            EB2000: Exhibitor Service Kit 2000 7 16
            EB2000: FASEB, EB 2000 Previews 2000 7 17
            EB2000: Welcome Binder 2000 7 18
            EB2000: Speaker Abstracts 2000 7 19
            EB2000: Phase II 2000 7 20
            EB2001: Call for Papers, 1st edit 2001 7 21
            EB2001: Call for Papers, 2nd edit 2001 7 22
            EB2001: Symposium Changes 2001 7 23
            EB2001: Newsletter 2001 7 24
            EB2001: Program 2001 7 25
            EB2001: Journal Highlights 2001 7 26
            EB2001: Grids 2001 7 27
            EB2001: Registrations 2001 7 28
            EB2001: Student/Young Faculty Award 2001 7 29
            EB2001: Office Protocols 2001 7 30
            EB2001: Symposium Proposals 2001 7 31
            EB2001: MIRA Website Changes 2001 7 32
            EB2001: Abstract Issues 2001 7 33
            EB2001: Abstracts 2001 7 34
            EB2001: On Site Mini Program 2001 7 35
            EB2001: Call For Papers 2001 7 36
            EB2001: Minority Workshop Literature 2001 7 37
            EB2001: Minority Workshop 2001 7 38
            EB2001: Abstract Processing 2001 7 39
            EB2001: Information 2001 7 40
            EB2001: Deadlines 2001 7 41
            EB2001: Mailing Info 2001 7 42
            EB2001: Meeting Highlights, Awards 2001 7 43
            EB2001: Site Visit Reports 2001 7 44
            EB2001: Follow-Up 2001 7 45
            EB2001: Management Meetings 2001 7 46
            EB2001: Program Committee Meeting 2001 7 47
            EB2001: AAA Program Committee Organizers 2001 7 48
            EB2001: Letterhead 2001 7 49
            EB2001: Statistics 2001 7 50
            EB2001: Proceedings 2001 7 51
            EB2001: Special Functions Sheets 2001 7 52
            EB2001: Promos 2001 7 53
            EB2001: To Dos… 2001 8 1
            EB2001: Photograph 2001 8 2
            EB2001: Special Functions 2001 8 3
            EB2001: Cajal Special Functions 2001 8 4
            EB2001: Committee Meetings at EB 2001 8 5
            EB2001: Electronic Abstract Instructions 2001 8 6
            EB2001: Front Matter 2001 8 7
            EB2001: Staff/Comp Housing 2001 8 8
            EB2001: Sign Order 2001 8 9
            EB2001: Photography Order 2001 8 10
            EB2001: A/V requests 2001 8 11
            EB2001: Abstracts (1 of 2) 2001 8 12
            EB2001: Abstracts (2 of 2) 2001 8 13
            EB2001: Disclosure Forms 2001 8 14
            EB2001: AAA Symposis Chair Correspondence 2001 8 15
            EB2001: Mini Chair Correspondence 2001 8 16
            EB2001: Speaker Contact Info 2001 8 17
            EB2001: Abstract Processing 2001 8 18
            EB2001: 7004aaa Cellular Junctures and Signal Transduction 2001 8 19
            EB2001: AAA Mini symposia 7001-7023 2001 8 20
            EB2001: Cancer Posters 2001 8 21
            EB2001: Animal Models of Disease Poster Session 2001 8 22
            EB2001: Anigenesis and Growth Factors poster session 2001 8 23
            EB2001: Minority Lunch (past) 2001 8 24
            EB2001: PowerPoint 2001 8 25
            EB2001: Symposia topics 2001 8 26
            EB2001: Minority Workshop 2001 8 27
            EB2001: Publications and materials 2001 8 28
            EB2001: Student Minority Workshop 2001 8 29
            EB2001: Bills 2001 8 30
            EB2001: Vendor Info 2001 8 31
            EB2001: Student Awards (1 of 2) 2001 8 32
            EB2001: Student Awards (2 of 2) 2001 8 33
            EB2001: Special Functions 2001 8 34
            EB2001: Binder 2001 8 35
            EB2001: Minority Workshop 2001 8 36
            EB2001: Call for papers/meeting highlights 2001 8 37
            EB2001: Binder 2001 8 38
            EB2001: Technical Program Grid 2001 8 39
            EB2001: AAA button Jingle Contest 2001 9 1
            EB2001: Advanced Registration 2001 9 2
            EB2001: Zebrafish, Cajal, AAA Correspondence 2001 9 3
            EB2001: Mini Cover Sheets 2001 9 4
            EB2001: Abstracts 2001 9 5
            EB2001: Abstract Fees Paid by AAA 2001 9 6
            EB2001: Late Breaking Abstracts 2001 9 7
            EB2001: Phase II, Abstract Programs 2001 9 8
            EB2001: R. R. Bensley 2001 9 9
            EB2001: Program Order 2001 9 10
            EB2001: Award Lecture/Keynote Abstract 2001 9 11
            EB2001: Abstracts in system, Phase II 2001 9 12
            EB2001: Young Faculty Award 2001 9 13
            EB2001: Session Survey 2001 9 14
            EB2001: Cajal Club poster Session 2001 9 15
            EB2001: Socializer Invite 2001 9 16
            EB2001: Special Functions 2001 9 17
            EB2001: Past Presidents' Breakfast responses 2001 9 18
            EB2001: Banquet 2001 9 19
            EB2001: EB 200 Expenses 2001 9 20
            EB2001: Brenda Salumbides, Minority Workshop 2001 9 21
            EB2001: AAA-FASEB Minority Workshop 2001 9 22
            EB2001: Minority Workshop RSVP 2001 9 23
            EB2001: Hotel Reservations 2001 9 24
            EB2001: VIP Housing Letters 2001 9 25
            EB2001: Travel Expense Letters 2001 9 26
            EB2001: Symposium Funding 2001 9 27
            EB2001: Rhythmic Harmony 2001 9 28
            EB2001: Posters 7016 and 7022 2001 9 29
            EB2001: Shipping 2001 9 30
            EB2001: Independence Jazz Reunion 2001 9 31
            EB2002: Bills 2002 9 32
            EB2002: Proposals 2002 9 33
            EB2002: Orlando Site Visit 2002 9 34
            EB2002: Invited Speakers Budget Advance 2002 9 35
            EB2002: Symposium Speaker Budget Allocations 2002 9 36
            EB2002: Speaker Responses to Evaluation 2002 9 37
            EB2002: Speaker Reimbursement 2002 9 38
            EB2002:Speaker Evaluations 2002 9 39
            EB2002: Copies of Hotel Bill 2002 9 40
            EB2002: Late Breaking Abstracts 2002 9 41
            EB2002: Newsletter 2002 9 42
            EB2002: Program Website 2002 9 43
            EB2002: Special Functions 2002 9 44
            EB2002: Program 2002 9 45
            EB2002: Student Travel Awards 2002 9 46
            EB2002: AAA Young Anatomist Publication Award 2002 9 47
            EB2002: Program Committee Meeting, April 2002 2002 9 48
            EB2002: Banquet 2002 9 49
            EB2002: Phase II 2002 10 1
            EB2002: Housing for Staff 2002 10 2
            EB2002: Staff/Comp. Registration (1 of 2) 2002 10 3
            EB2002: Staff/Comp. Registration (2 of 2) 2002 10 4
            EB2002: Session Room Count Information 2002 10 5
            EB2002: Planning/Schedule 2002 10 6
            EB2002: Changes to Indicate on site 2002 10 7
            EB2002: Business Meeting 2002 10 8
            EB2002: Chat Room Flyers 2002 10 9
            EB2002: Addendum to final program 2002 10 10
            EB2002: Staff Office 2002 10 11
            EB2002: A/V Equipment 2002 10 12
            EB2002: Signs 2002 10 13
            EB2002: info for OSMC 2002 10 14
            EB2002: Past Presidents' Breakfast 2002 10 15
            EB2002: Past Presidents' Spouses' Breakfast 2002 10 16
            EB2002: John Fallon 2002 10 17
            EB2002: Board Meeting (1 of 2) 2002 10 18
            EB2002: Board Meeting (2 of 2) 2002 10 19
            EB2002: Debriefing Meeting 2002 10 20
            EB2002: Meeting Notice RSVP 2002 10 21
            EB2002: Shipping 2002 10 22
            EB2002: On-site Binder for AAA Staff 2002 10 23
            EB2002: Evaluation Forms 2002 10 24
            EB2002: Photography 2002 10 25
            EB2002: Exhibitor info 2002 10 26
            EB2002: Miscellaneous 2002 10 27
            EB2002: Abstracts from Romanian Professors 2002 10 28
            EB2002: Special/Formal invite letters 2002 10 29
            EB2002: Button Contest 2002 10 30
            EB2002: FASEB Draft, Confirmation Letter 2002 10 31
            EB2002: Free Society Ad for EB Program 2002 10 32
            EB2002: FASEB Journal Summaries 2002 10 33
            EB2002: Correspondence, C. Blake, C. Ribak 2002 10 34
            EB2002: Abstracts 2002 10 35
            EB2002: Invited Abstracts--AAA paid fees 2002 10 36
            EB2002: Abstract Confirmation E-mails for Reimbursement 2002 10 37
            EB2002: Binder (1 of 3) 2002 10 38
            EB2002: Binder (2 of 3) 2002 10 39
            EB2002: Binder (3 of 3) 2002 10 40
            EB2002: Abstracts (1 of 2) 2002 10 41
            EB2002: Abstracts (2 of 2) 2002 10 42
            EB2002: Late Breaking Abstracts 2002 10 43
            EB2002: FASEB, Abstract Part I 2002 10 44
            EB2002: FASEB, Abstract Part II 2002 10 45
            EB2002: New Orleans Program 2002 11 1
            EB2002: Minority Workshop Follow Up 2002 11 2
            EB2002: Minority Workshop 2002 11 3
            EB2002: Minority Workshop (1 of 3) 2002 11 4
            EB2002: Minority Workshop (2 of 3) 2002 11 5
            EB2002: Minority Workshop (3 of 3) 2002 11 6
            EB2002: Symposia Session Evaluation Form 2002 11 7
            EB2002: Platform Session Evaluation Form 2002 11 8
            EB2002: New Orleans Member Questionnaire 2002 11 9
            EB2002: New Orleans Miscellaneous 2002 11 10
            EB2002: New Orleans, Band Info 2002 11 11
            EB2002: New Orleans, Site Visit 2002 11 12
            EB2002: Pickney J. Harman Lecture 2002 11 13
            EB2002: Keynote Address, McCann 2002 11 14
            EB2002: Judah Fulkman 2002 11 15
            EB2002: Symposium Topics (1 of 2) 2002 11 16
            EB2002: Symposium Topics (2 of 2) 2002 11 17
            EB2002: Platform Sessions (1 of 3) 2002 11 18
            EB2002: Platform Sessions (2 of 3) 2002 11 19
            EB2002: Platform Sessions (3 of 3) 2002 11 20
            EB2002: Student Travel Abstracts 2001 2002 11 21
            EB2002: Invited Speaker Submission Info 2002 11 22
            EB2002: Student Travel Award Application 2002 11 23
            EB2002: AAA Langman Graduate Student Site Presentation Award 2002 11 24
            EB2002: Cajal Club Award 2002 11 25
            EB2002: Invited Speakers Submission Website Printout 2002 11 26
            EB2002: Abstract Submission Website Printout 2002 11 27
            EB2002: Online Abstract Submission 2002 11 28
            EB2002: Platform Session Organizer Responsibilities 2002 11 29
            EB2002: Speaker Information 2002 11 30
            EB2002: VIP Housing 2002 11 31
            EB2002: Miscellaneous 2002 11 32
            EB2002: Budget Worksheet 2002 11 33
            EB2002: Speaker Disclosure 2002 11 34
            EB2002: Organizer Info 2002 11 35
            EB2002: Call for Papers Mailing/Requests 2002 11 36
            EB2002: Call for Papers 2002 11 37
            EB2002: Imaging Workshop 2002 11 38
            EB2002: Sample Evaluation Forms 2002 11 39
            EB2002: RSVP, Minority Workshop 2002 11 40
            EB2002: Minority Workshop feedback 2002 11 41
            EB2002: Student Travel Award Binder (1 of 3) 2002 11 42
            EB2002: Student Travel Award Binder (2 of 3) 2002 11 43
            EB2002: Student Travel Award Binder (3 of 3) 2002 11 44
            EB2002: Management Committee Meeting Binder 2002 12 1
            EB2002: Binder 2002 12 2
            EB2002: Symposium Binder (1 of 2) 2002 12 3
            EB2002: Symposium Binder (2 of 2) 2002 12 4
            EB2002: Platform Sessions Binder 2002 12 5
            EB2002: Cajal Club Kreig Award Winners, AAA Award Winners 2002 12 6
            EB2006: Forms 2006 12 7
      6. Series VI. Awards

        Date: 2008-2010

        Extent: .25 boxes (.25 linear feet)

        Description: This series contains information regarding the awards and grants given by the AAA. Records include nominations for the Bensley and Mossman awards, as well as the 2010 Outreach Grant Report. Other records regarding awards that were given at EB can also be found in Subseries V.B. as part of the Experimental Biology records.

        1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
          Bensley Award Nomination: Shengkan, Jin 2009 12 8
          Mossman Award Nomination: Hoffman, Matthew 2008-2009 12 9
          Mossman Award Nomination: Kulesa, Paul 2008-2009 12 10
          Mossman Award Nomination: Levin, Michael 2008-2009 12 11
          Mossman Award Nomination: Moon, Anne 2008-2009 12 12
          Mossman Award Nomination: Reiter, Jeremy 2008-2009 12 13
          2010 Outreach Grant Report 2010 12 14
      7. Series VII. Publications

        Date: 1906-2010

        Description: This series contains publications of the AAA. These Publications include three-peer reviewed journals—The Anatomical Record, Anatomical Sciences Education, and Developmental Dynamics. In addition, this series also includes AAA’s quarterly newsletter, the American Association of Anatomists News, and a 1987 history of anatomy and the AAA. Publications are arranged by publication, then chronologically by issue.

        1. Subseries VII.A. The Anatomical Record

          Date: 1906-1909, 2004-2010

          Extent: 2 boxes

          Description: This sub-series includes issues of the Anatomical Record, from 2004 to 2010. There are also photocopies of older volumes of the Anatomical Record, from 1906 to 1909.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Anatomical Record Photocopies 1906, 1907 12 15
            Anatomical Record Photocopies 1908, 1909 12 16
            Anatomical Record Vol. 276A #1, 2776B #1, 276A #2, 277A #1, 277B #1, 277A #2, 278A #1, 278B #1, 279A #1, 279B #1, 279A #2, 280A #1, 280B #1, 280A #2, 281A #1, 281B #1, 281A #2 2004-2010 13
            Anatomical Record Vol. 282A #1, 282B #1, 282A #2, 283A #1, 283A #2, 283B #1, 2884A #1, 284B #1, 284A #2, 285A #1,, 285B #1, 285A #2, 286A #1; 286B #1. 286A #2, 287A #1, 287B #1, 287A #2, 289A #3, 289A #4, 289A #5 2005-2006 14
            Anatomical Record Vol. 291 #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11; 292 #12 2008-2009 15
            Anatomical Record Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 16
        2. Subseries VII.B. Anatomical Sciences Education

          Date: 2008-2009

          Extent: .5 box

          Description: This sub-series contains issues of the Anatomical Science Education.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Anatomical Sciences Education Vol. 1 No. 1, Jan/Feb 2008; Vol. 1 No. 2, Mar/April 2008; Vol. 2 No. 1, Jan/Feb 2009; Vol. 2 No. 6, Nov/Dec 2009 2008-2009 17
        3. Subseries VII.C. Developmental Dynamics

          Date: 2005

          Extent: .25 box

          Description: This sub-series contains issues of the Developmental Dynamics.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            Developmental Dynamics Vol. 232 #1-4, Vol. 233 #1-2 2005 17
            Developmental Dynamics Vol. 233 #3-4; Vol. 234 #1-4 18
        4. Subseries VII.D. American Association of Anatomists News

          Date: 2003-2009

          Extent: .25 box

          Description: This sub-series contains the American Association of Anatomists News, AAA’s quarterly newsletter, from December 2003 to December 2009.

          1. Folder Title/Description Date Box # Folder # Additional Info.
            book- "The American Association of Anatomists, 1888-1987: Essays on the History of Anatomy in America and a Report on the Membership--Past and Present," Edited John E. Pauly 1987 19
        5. Subseries VII.E. Institutional History

          Date: 1987

          Extent: .25 box

          Description: This series includes The American Association of Anatomists, 1888-1987: Essays on the History of Anatomy in America and a Report on the Membership--Past and Present, published by John E. Pauly in 1987.

      8. Series VIII. Photographs

        Date: 2003-2011

        Extent: 214 digial files (869 Megabytes)

        Description: This series contains AAA photographs, primarily from EB 2003 to EB 2011.

        Digital images available


      American Association of Anatomists. "About AAA." Accessed March 9, 2016.

      Pauly, John E., ed. The American Association of Anatomists, 1888-1987: Essays on the History of Anatomy in America and a Report on the Membership--Past and Present. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1987.