France: Cabinet Decision-Making under the Fifth Republic


When two ministers expressed opposite viewpoints in a conflict over security issues the Prime Minister of the time, Pierre Mauroy, justified the existence of a public debate between the members of the government in an article entitled ‘Governing differently’ (Le Monde, 20 April 1982). This point of view divided the members of the government as well as the majority because it acted counter to the traditional conception of governmental decision-making which dates back to the beginning of the Fifth Republic.


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Editors and Affiliations

  1. European University Institute, Florence, Italy

    Jean Blondel (External Professor of Political Science) (External Professor of Political Science)

  2. University of Lüneburg, Germany

    Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (Professor of Political Science) (Professor of Political Science)

© 1997 Jean Blondel and Ferdinand Müller-Rommel

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