Linnaean Herbarium - The Linnean Collections
The Linnaean Herbarium
Specimens from the Herbarium of Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) held at the Linnean Society of London.
Please note, the specimen names reflect the historical 'filed as' names that were attached to the specimens when they arrived at the Linnean Society, and do not necessarily correspond with the current/accepted names. If you are unable to locate a specimen, please contact for assistance. All of the information for each item/specimen is available to all users without logging in. Registered users do not have access to additional information or downloadable images. Permission to re-use images is required: please email, or go to Reprographics and Image Use.
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Currently, the specimens in this herbarium are only searchable using the names written on the sheets by Linnaeus and his son, Linnaeus Fil., and by some subsequent determinations. The currently accepted names for these Linnaean era names can be sourced using the Natural History Museum's Linnaean Plant Name Typification Project ( or by other online resources such as TROPICOS or IPNI. The annotations on the sheets, which are largely by Linnaeus but also bear the handwriting of others including Linnaeus Fil. or James Edward Smith, have not been transcribed into the database. For further information on these annotations please consult:
A Catalogue of the Linnaean Herbarium by S. Savage (1945)
The Society welcomes current determinations of our specimens. We also encourage the use of these collections for scientific and historical research. Please contact if you would like to provide determinations or if you have an enquiry about accessing or using the collection.