
  • ️Mon Jul 18 2011

Alternate IDs:

rooftrellen, EYES.Morph

Approx. Total Winnings:


Marvin "roof" Gebhart is a retired German Zerg player who last played for IsIMBA.

Wings of Liberty[edit]

On July 18, 2011, roof joined Serious Gaming.[1] Before that, he was a member of SFTO e-Sports.[2]

On October 13, 2011, roof participated in the ZOTAC Cup Monthly Final September. Roof went on to defeat Jaden, Deezer, and Nerchio and went straight to the finals to face DarKFoRcE. DarKFoRcE defeated him with a score of 1-3 and had to settle for 2nd place.

On March 28, 2012, roof joined team BLAST.[3] One week later, he went to Denmark in order to participate in the Copenhagen Games Spring 2012, for his first attendance in a major offline event. He realised a convincing performance, as he made it to the playoffs without losing a single game in the group stage. After defeating Strintern in the first round, he was ultimately eliminated by Seiplo in the round of 16.

He qualified for MLG Spring Arena 2 by beating Cytoplasm and Seiplo but couldn't attend and was replaced by Seiplo.

On August 30, 2012, roof left from BLAST and joined NewRoSoft.


  • When he joined Serious Gaming in July 2011, roof was serving a ban from ESL because he was caught cheating on Counter-Strike.[1] He wasn't able to compete in any ESL events until 2013.[3]

External Links[edit]

First Person View Match VODS[edit]



Earnings Statistics

{"xAxis":{"type":"category","name":"Year","axisLabel":{"rotate":0},"axisTick":{"alignWithLabel":true},"data":["2011","2012","2013","2014","2015"]},"yAxis":{"type":"value","name":"Earnings ($USD)"},"series":[{"emphasis":{"focus":"series"},"stack":"total","type":"bar","name":"1v1 Earnings","data":["705","1792","0","219","118"]},{"emphasis":{"focus":"series"},"stack":"total","type":"bar","name":"Team Event Earnings","data":["0","0","0","0","0"]},{"emphasis":{"focus":"series"},"stack":"total","type":"bar","name":"Other Earnings","data":["0","0","0","0","0"]}],"size":{"width":1400,"height":400},"grid":{"top":"15%","left":"15%","right":"12%","bottom":"10%"},"tooltip":{"trigger":"axis"},"legend":{"1":"1v1 Earnings","2":"Team Event Earnings","3":"Other Earnings"},"div":"chart-area-0"}

1v1 Medal Statistics

