you may never know what happiness is, by Lorrainville
In early 2011, Facebook was exploding with people who used the online game ‘Make Your Own Album Cover’ (also known as: ‘Wikipedia Names Your Band’) where they would hit a random quote, Flickr photo and Wikipedia page to create their own album cover which they could post on their ‘wall’. Few people got as many reactions as I did on January 4, 2011. Within a few hours several musicians and creative friends started signing up to actually create this imaginary album. I was shocked, but after the fortieth reply I decided to take the plunge and ‘Lorrainville’ was born.
Anyone could send in a song for the album, and within two and a half weeks, nearly ninety songs were submitted. Although this entire project has always been open to new ideas and
suggestions, I’ve had the final decision in order to create a sense of unity and vision for the album. But this record belongs to everyone who participated in one way or another. Mind you, it has never been a commercial thing. There was no budget. At all. Everyone who contributed did so for the fun, for the challenge, and for the genuine love of music.
You May Never Know What Happiness Is hasn’t become an album with different kinds of
music styles. The cover was the source of inspiration, which steered it towards a melancholy singer-songwriter album. Call it Americana, if you will. Whatever you want to call it, to me it’s just one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. Thanks a lot for your support!