Attēls:IsometricFlaw 2.svg — Vikipēdija

  • ️Wed Aug 16 2006

Attēls:IsometricFlaw 2.svg

Sākotnējais fails (SVG fails, definētais izmērs 1 100 × 825 pikseļi, faila izmērs: 24 KB)


 This is a featured picture on the English language Wikipedia (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination here.

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(Real link is en:Wikipedia:Featured_picture_candidates/IsometricFlaw.)


This diagram demonstrates a confusing situation that occurs with Isometric projection pseudo-perspective.

The lines representing each dimension are parallel in an isometric projection view, so objects do not appear larger or smaller as they extend closer to the viewer (as they would in a true perspective view). While this is advantageous for architectural drawings and sprite based video games, it can easily result in situations where depth and altitude are impossible to gauge, as is shown in this diagram.

The blue sphere is two levels above the red one, but this can't be seen locally. If the pier that the blue sphere is on were extended by one square, it would align perfectly with the square the red sphere is on, creating an optical illusion.

The impossible triangle illusions and M.C. Escher's ever-rising staircases have a similar basis.

This description is from en:Image:IsometricFlaw.png.


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