[WikiEN-l] William M. Connoley, admin? (was: Running the asylum)
Sat Jul 16 11:52:42 UTC 2005
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"Dan Grey" wrote >"Consensus" can only mean everyone agrees - and when the hell that does that happen? Next to never. Consensus may be a slightly fuzzy term, but it doesn't mean that. In fact WP's standard way of operating is a rather good illustration of what it does mean: a mixture across the community of those who are largely agreed, some who disagree but 'agree to disagree' without disaffection, those who don't agree but give low priority to the given issue, those who disagree strongly but concede that there is a community view and respect it on that level, some vocal and unreconciled folk, some who operate 'outside the law'. You find out whether you have consensus, if not unanimity, when you try to build on it. Charles
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