Folk Music of Turkey
> Folk Music > Records > Folk Music of Turkey
Geographically, Turkey means 97% Anatolia, Asia Minor, and only 3% Europe, the province of Trakya, though to be sure, the ground on which Istanbul stands is European, and moreover, since Atatürk’s reforms, Turkey is politically a part of Europe. The folk music of Turkey is still Anatolian and the influence of Western civilisation begins only slowly to be perceptible. For centuries during the Ottoman period, Turkish music was found the be attractive even by the subjugated people of the Balkans. Many adapted rhythms, melismatic forms and musical instruments of Turkish origin can be found in those countries which were provinces of the Ottoman Empire.
Anatolian music has remained attractive to the Turks, up to the present time. Remaining unspoilt by European conditions, we find a relatively good oral tradition in Anatolia, a fair portion of good instrumentalists and a broad interest in folk music among the rural population.
The record gives examples of Anatolian music recorded during three field trips in 1968, 1973 and 1976. It attempts to give a survey of the different types and areas of Turkish folk music, a representative cross-section.
Collected and edited by Wolf Dietrich
Mehmet Kara Ağa (25): violin [1];
Ali Kara Ağa (35): davul (drum) [1];
Mustafa Dilsiz (38): davul (drum) [2];
Mehmet Dilsiz (30): zurna (oboe) [2];
Kemal Taskin (54): cümbüş [3];
Ahmet Taskin (16): darabuka (drum) [3];
Mehmet Çiftçi (50): kaval (flute) [4];
Yasar Uysal (21): laryngal humming [5];
Süleyman Yesilçimen (34): vocals, keman (violin) [6];
Hansan Durkun (28): vocals, saz (long necked lute) [7];
Mehment Alan (45): kemençe (fiddle) [8];
Cevdet Öztopal (34): tulum (bagpipe) [9];
Sadi Terniz (38): mey (oboe) [10],
zurna (oboe) [11];
Yasar Aktepe (28): davul (drum) [10-11];
Mürsel Sinan (20): vocals, saz [12]
Side 1
Central and Southern Anatolia
- Anamur yolları (The Ways of Anamur) (2.28)
- Üç oyun havası
three dance tunes
Sirtindaki yeleği (On the back of the waistcoat) /
Kara tren gelmez mi? (Does the black train not come?) /
Üçayak, halay havası three-step, halay dance - Üçayak, halay three-step, halay dance (3.15)
- Uzun hava long tune, shepherd melody (2.59)
- Silifke oyun havası dance tune from Silifjeb (1.32)
- Avsar beyler (The Avsar gentleman) (4.04)
- Saray yolları (The castle roads) (2.33)
Side 2
Black Sea area
- Maçka horon havası horon dance from Maçka (7.17)
- Yüksek Hemşin (High Hemsin) (2.26)
Eastern Anatolia
- Şeyh Şamil (Sheik Shamil) (1.27)
- Köylü düğün havası village wedding tune (3.55)
- Dadaloğlu nun Avşar türküsü Avsar song (3.32)