Ditte Fromseier, Fromseier Hockings, Fiolministeriet

> Folk Music > Records > Fromseier Rose: Contradiction

Fromseier Rose: Contradiction

Fromseier Rose: Contradiction (Nunora NUNR CD001)

Fromseier Rose

Nunora Records NUNR CD001 (CD, Denmark, 2003)

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Produced by Fromseier Rose;
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Mats Vinding at Baile Productions, Vaerløse, Denmark, in spring 2003;
Photography by John Eley;
Cover art by Hanne Bartholin;
Graphic layout by Karen Balle

FolkWorld Review by Christian Moll


Ditte Fromseier Mortensen: violin;
Michael G. Rose: piano

Niamh Parsons: vocals [4, 8, 12]


  1. Popcorn Behavior (4.29)
  2. Blue Bonnets Over the Border / Ditte’s Friend (4.04)
  3. Taímse Ím Chodladh (5.10)
  4. After Aughrim’s Great Disaster (4.16)
  5. March of the Meeatoiteen Bull / John MacNeal (5.03)
  6. Cowboy’s Jig / Rohan (2.49)
  7. The Bittern / The Piper’s Beast (4.24)
  8. Crazy Man Michael (4.33)
  9. The Butterfly / Waterman’s (3.29)
  10. Flax in Bloom / Stormy Weather (3.44)
  11. A Surprise for Anne (3.25)
  12. Blantyre Explosion (3.16)
  13. Ja Va Lidijgn Horra / The Ghost’s Welcome / Brendan McGlinchey’s (5.54)

Track 1 Jay Ungar;
Tracks 2a, 3, 5ab, 6a, 9a, 10ab, 12, 13ab trad.;
Track 4 Patrick Augustine Sheehan (1852-1913);
Tracks 2b, 7b, 11 Michael G. Rose;
Track 6b Jennifer Wrigley;
Track 7a Jason Twamley;
Track 8 Richard Thompson, Dave Swarbrick;
Track 9b Michael McGoldrick;
Track 13c Brendan McGlinchey

> Folk Music > Records > Ditte Fromseier Mortensen: Anything Strange?

Ditte Fromseier Mortensen: Anything Strange?

Ditte Fromseier Mortensen: Anything Strange? (DFMCD01)

Anything Strange?
Ditte Fromseier Mortensen

DFMCD01 (CD, Denmark, 18 January 2005)

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Produced by Ditte Fromseier Mortensen;
Recorded by Ditte Fromseier Mortensen and Laurent Baraton in Limerick, Ireland, in April 2004;
Mixed by Ditte Fromseier Mortensen and Laurent Baraton;
Mastered by Henrik Bjørslev;
Photography by Henrik Bjørslev


Ditte Fromseier Mortensen: fiddle;
Francis Ward: piano [1, 6-7, 10, 12];
Alan Colfer: guitar [2, 4, 8];
Sigurd Hockings: guitar [3, 5, 11];
Kieran Munnelly: bodhrán [11]


  1. Reel in C / Lad O’Birne’s (2.33)
  2. Sport / Clamp of Turf (4.43)
  3. Moving Bog / Mother’s Delight (2.50)
  4. An t-Eàs / McCahill’s (4.22)
  5. The Leg of the Duck / Rosemary Lane (4.18)
  6. Reel á Isidore Souoy / Le Poteau Blanc (3.09)
  7. The Luck Penny / The New House / The Robin’s Nest (4.56)
  8. Lufttur (3.21)
  9. Thief on the Lom / Shetland Reel (1.59)
  10. Ceannabhan Bhana / Leitrim Quickstep (3.49)
  11. Pride of Rock Chapel / Up in the Air (3.08)
  12. Union Station Session / Skye Barbecue (3.11)

All tracks trad. except
Track 2a Peadar Ó Riada;
Tracks 2b, 7c Seán Ryan;
Track 4a John Mhosaí Mac Fhionnlaoich;
Track 7b Paddy O’Brien;
Track 8 Ditte Fromseier Mortensen;
Track 12a Paul S. Crawford;
Track 12b Alasdair Fraser

> Folk Music > Records > Fiolministeriet: Fiolministeriet

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Produced by Fiolministeriet;
Recorded by Sigurd Hockings at the Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts Southern Denmark;
Mixed by Søren Brylle;
Mastered by Anders Schumann;
Photos by Kristoffer Juul Poulsen;
Cover by Gorm K. Bentsen;
Text editing by Rod Sinclair

FolkWorld Review by Morten Alfred Høirup


Kirstin Sand: fiddle, vocals;
Ditte Fromseier Mortensen: fiddle, viola, vocals, guitar;
Kirstine Elise Pedersen: cello, vocals


  1. Storm / Engeliska (2.54)
  2. Hedevigs (2.28)
  3. Victoria (2.37)
  4. Fem Får og Fire Geder (3.32)
  5. Lær mig O Skov at Visne Glad (3.07)
  6. Æe Lam / Murchy (4.39)
  7. Gottlob Minuet (1.56)
  8. Rewentlow Set (3.12)
  9. Seaquins (3.58)
  10. Solen Er Sa Rod Mor (2.49)
  11. Fredericia / Pirvals / Riil (2.53)
  12. Katten og Vandalen (4.52)

Tracks 1a, 2, 4, 7, 11abc trad. Denmark;
Track 1b trad. Finland;
Track 3 Kirstine Sand;
Track 5 words Adam Oehlenschläger, tune trad. Swedish / Fiolministeriet;
Track 6 trad. Fanø;
Track 8 from Rewentlow’s collection;
Track 9 trad. Finland / Scotland;
Track 10 words Harald Bergstedt, tune Carl Nielsen;
Track 12 words trad., tune Ditte Fromseier Mortensen, Kisser Mossin

> Folk Music > Records > FromseierHockings: Flot Gevir

FromseierHockings: Flot Gevir

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Recorded, mixed and mastered by Flemming Rasmussen at FWR Production;
Photos by Kristoffer Juul Poulsen;
Cover by Gorm K. Bentsen


Ditte Fromseier: violin, viola, vocals;
Sigurd Hockings: guitar


  1. Vandmand (4.05)
  2. Inger Elises (3.49)
  3. Noget om Livet Selv (3.06)
  4. Efter Lukketid (3.51)
  5. Godfather vil ja Priza (4.13)
  6. Thea og Johans (3.43)
  7. Ben Hanna Boogie (2.17)

Tracks 1, 6 Sigurd Hockings;
Tracks 2, 4 Ditte Fromseier;
Tracks 3, 7 Ditte Fromseier, Sigurd Hockings;
Track 5 Elna Shöne, arr. Ditte Fromseier, Sigurd Hockings

> Folk Music > Records > Fiolministeriet: Et nyt liv

Fiolministeriet: Et nyt liv

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Recorded by Sigurd Hockings in Langå (Fyn);
Mixed by Søren Brylle;
Mastered by Thomas Kristoffersen;
Photos by Kristoffer Juel Poulsen;
Cover design by Gorm Kristoffer Bentsen


Ditte Fromseier Mortensen: fiddle, viola, vocals;
Kirstine Sand: fiddle, chorus;
Kirstine Elise Pedersen: cello, chorus

Sigurd Hockings: guitar [5];
Mathæus Bech: double bass [2-3, 6-7, 10]


  1. Riga balsam (3.38)
  2. Så tag mit hjerte (3.28)
  3. Ruthie’s Delight (4.20)
  4. Nordland (3.00)
  5. Et nyt liv (3.21)
  6. Hot Summer (3.31)
  7. Kan du dromme med mig (3.16)
  8. Guris brudemarch (2.27)
  9. Svensk sommer (3.26)
  10. Sorgen (3.43)
  11. Floating Heads (3.39)
  12. Flyv fugl flyv (3.50)

Tracks 1, 8 Ditte Fromseier;
Track 2 words Tove Ditlevsen, music Sigrif Moldestad;
Track 3 trad. USA;
Tracks 4, 6 Kirstine Sand;
Tracks 5, 11 Kirstine Elise Pedersen;
Track 7 words Sophus Claussen, music Ditte Fromseier;
Track 9 Ditte Fromseier, Kirstine Sand;
Track 10 trad. Denmark;
Track 12 words Chr. Winther, music Ditte Fromseier

> Folk Music > Records > Ditte Fromseier Mortensen

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Mette Kathrine: Familiealbum (GO’ Danish GO1321) Mette Kathrine, Familiealbum, CD, GO’ Danish GO1321, 2021

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