Leon Rosselson: RosselSonGs

> Leon Rosselson > Records > RosselSonGs


Leon Rosselson: vocals [1-4, 6-8, 10-18], guitar [1, 3, 6-13, 15], mandolin [1], moog [10], piano [18];
Simon Nicol: electric guitar [2];
Martin Carthy: guitar [2, 4-5, 8-9, 17], additional guitar [15], drum [2, 5];
Steve King: synthesiser [2];
Roy Bailey: vocals [5, 9, 15, 17];
Fiz Shapur: piano [5, 14, 16], trumpet [5], French horn [5, 14], synthesiser [15];
Rory McLeod: harmonica [11];
Sue Harris: oboe [14];
Frankie Armstrong: vocals [15, 17];
Steve Berry: bass [16];
Howard Evans: trumpet [17];
Roger Williams: trombone [17];
Ruth Rosselson: vocals [18], piano [18]


  1. Tim McGuire (3.25)
  2. Penny for the Guy (3.05)
  3. Palaces of Gold (3.26)
  4. We Sell Everything (3.36)
  5. Stand Up for Judas (7.00)
  6. Sing a Song to Please Us (2.40)
  7. She Was Crazy, He Was Mad (4.15)
  8. Not Quite But Nearly (2.43)
  9. Let Your Hair Hang Down (1.42)
  10. Don’t Get Married, Girls (3.21)
  11. I Didn’t Mean It (3.07)
  12. No-one Is Responsible (6.32)
  13. Still Is the Memory Green in My Mind (3.19)
  14. Whoever Invented the Fishfinger (3.25)
  15. Who Reaps the Profits? Who Pays the Price? (6.42)
  16. It Wasn’t Me, I Didn’t Do It (2.53)
  17. Bringing the News From Nowhere (6.26)
  18. The World Turned Upside Down (3.46)

All words by Leon Rosselson
#1, 3*, and 7 first released on Palaces of Gold, Acorn CF 249
#18* first released on That’s Not the Way It’s Got to Be, Acorn CF 251
#4, 5, 9, and 10 first released on Love, Loneliness, Laundry, Fuse CF 271
#14 first released on If I Knew Who the Enemy Was …, Fuse CF 284
#2 and 12 first released on Temporary Loss of Vision, Fuse CF 384
#13* and 15-17 first released on Bringing the News From Nowhere, Fuse CF 390
#6, 8, and 11 first released on I Didn’t Mean It, Fuse CF 392
Tracks marked * are re-recordings.