Index of Peter Bellamy and the Young Tradition’s Songs
> Peter Bellamy and the Young Tradition > Index of Songs
Initial letter: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z
> A
Abe Carman (The Robber’s Song)
- Peter Bellamy: The Transports;
Peter Bellamy: Second Wind;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Above the Hill - Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? Agincourt Carol, The
- The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition on New Electric Muse II
Alabama, The - Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? All Around My Hat
- Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
All in a Day - Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was Amazing Grace
- Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then Anchor Song
- Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Andrew Rose - Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite Antioch
- Sharon and the Students: The Better Land Anvil, The
- Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs Around Cape Horn
- Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then A-Roving on a Winter’s Night
- Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Astrologer’s Song, An (The Heavens Above Us) - Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye
> B
Babes in the Wood, The
- Shirley Collins: The Sweet Primeroses Back to the Army Again
- Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling (CD reissue)
Ballad of Henry and Susannah, The - Peter Bellamy: The Transports Ballad of Judas, The
- Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was Ballad of Minepit Shaw, The
- Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn Banks of Claudy
- The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Banks of the Nile, The - The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Barbaree - Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then;
Peter Bellamy on The Good Old Way
Barley and the Rye, The - Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy on English Garland (Topic Sampler No 8);
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Barley Straw, The - The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Baynit and the Butt, The - Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling (CD reissue)
Bee-Boy’s Song, The - Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye Betsy the Serving Maid
- The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Better Land, The - Sharon and the Students: The Better Land Big Steamers
- Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs;
Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: The Maritime Suite (CD reissue)
Bill ’Awkins - Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Bitter Withy, The - The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
Black and Bitter Night, The - Peter Bellamy: The Transports;
Peter Bellamy: Second Wind;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
Blackberry Fold, The - Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Black Is the Colour of My True Love’s Hair - Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? Blood Red Roses
- Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes Blow the Man Down
- The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968 Blue Roses
- Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Bluey Brink - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Boar’s Head Carol, The - The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown Bold Astrologer, The
- Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Bold Benjamin-O - Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Bold Dragoon, The - The Young Tradition: So Cheerfully Round;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Bold Fisherman - The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Bold Privateer, The - Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was;
Peter Bellamy: The Maritime Suite (CD reissue)
Bonnie Light Horseman - Peter Bellamy on Bill Shute & Lisa Null: American Primitive Bricklayer and the Shipwright, The (A Truthful Song)
- Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye Bright Morning Star
- The Young Tradition on The Folk Trailer;
The Young Tradition on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Bring ’em Down - The Young Tradition: Chicken on a Raft;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Bring Us in Good Ale - The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown;
The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins on New Electric Muse II
Brisk Young Widow, The - The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy on Voices: English Traditional Songs;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
British Man of War, The - Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Brookland Road, The - Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Bungay Roger - Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Burning, The - Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was Bush Girl, The
- Peter Bellamy: Second Wind Butter and Cheese and All
- Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way?;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Byker Hill - The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
> C
Carnal and the Crane, The
- Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Cellar Door, The - Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation Cells
- Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy on This Label Is Not Removable
Chaconne In G Minor - Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation Charming Molly
- Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? Chat with Your Mother, A
- Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes Cherry Tree Carol, The
- The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown Chicken on a Raft
- The Young Tradition: Chicken on a Raft;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
China Clipper, The - Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite Cholera Camp
- Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy ;
Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling (CD reissue)
Cities and Thrones and Powers - Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Cockies of Bungaree, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Coiner, The - Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Cold Iron - Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Come Write Me Down - Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes Come Ye That Fear the Lord
- Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Conversation With Death - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Convict’s Wedding, The - Peter Bellamy: The Transports Courting Too Slow
- Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Coventry Carol, The - The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown Cruel Ship’s Carpenter, The (The Ghost Song)
- Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Cutty Wren, The - Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
> D
Daddy Fox
- The Young Tradition: So Cheerfully Round;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Daniel Prayed - Sharon and the Students: The Better Land Danny Deever
- Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
Dark-Eyed Sailor, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Days of ’49, The - Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Dayspring Mishandled - Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Death Is Not the End - Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Death of Bill Brown, The - Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Death of Nelson, The - Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Derry Down Fair - The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Derry Gaol - Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then Devil Got Your Man
- Peter Bellamy: Second Wind Divertissement: Upon the Bough
- The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Dives and Lazarus - The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Dockyard Gate, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Dogger Bank, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Down by the Green Groves - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy on Voices in Harmony: English Traditional Songs;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Down the Moor - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Drowned Sailor, The - Peter Bellamy: The Maritime Suite (CD reissue) Dutch in the Medway, The
- Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite;
Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs
> E
Eddi’s Service
- Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye Edmund in the Lowlands
- Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then En-Dor
- Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs Entr’acte: Stones in My Passway
- The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Evening Shade - Sharon and the Students: The Better Land Exile Song, The
- Peter Bellamy: Second Wind;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
> F
Fair and Tender Ladies
- Peter Bellamy: Second Wind Fair Annie
- Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
Fakenham Fair - Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Fanny Blair - Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Farewell to the Land - Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was Female Drummer
- Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Fiddler’s Hill - Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was Firelock Stile
- Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Fire Maringo - The Young Tradition: Chicken on a Raft;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Follow Me ’Ome - Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling (CD reissue)
Foolish, Incredibly Foolish - Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Ford o’ Kabul River - Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling (CD reissue)
Fourteenth of February, The - Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Foxhunt, The - The Young Tradition: So Cheerfully Round;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition on New Electric Muse;
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate, The - Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy on English Garland (Topic Sampler No 8);
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Frankie’s Trade - Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn
> G
Gallant Frigate Amphitrite, The
- Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then;
Peter Bellamy on Sailors’ Songs & Sea Shanties
Gentleman-Rankers - Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three Gentlemen-Rankers
- Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling (CD reissue) Georgie
- Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
German Musicianer, The - Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Gethsemane - Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs Ghost Song, The (The Cruel Ship’s Carpenter)
- Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Glass on the Bar, The - Peter Bellamy: Second Wind Gloria Laus
- Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
God a Mercy Penny - Peter Bellamy: Second Wind Golden Vanitee
- Tony Rose: Young Hunting Goodbye
- Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Good Luck Ship, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Green Bed, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Green Fields of England, The - Peter Bellamy: The Transports;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Shirley Collins and Peter Bellamy on Within Sound
Greenhopper, The - Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Gunga Din - Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy on Mrs Casey’s Choice;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
> H
Hanging Johnny
- The Young Tradition: Chicken on a Raft;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Harp Song of the Dane Women - Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye Haul on the Bowline
- The Young Tradition: Chicken on a Raft;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Heave Away, My Johnny - The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968 Heavens Above Us, The (An Astrologer’s Song)
- Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye Heffle Cuckoo Fair
- Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Helo Malenka - Sharon and the Students: The Better Land;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Henry the Poacher - The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Here Is the News - The Kipper Family: The Crab Wars Here’s Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy
- Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way?;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Heriot’s Ford - Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs Her Servant Man
- Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Holly Bears the Crown, The - The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown Honest Labourer, The
- Peter Bellamy: Second Wind House Carpenter, The
- Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then Humane Turnkey, The
- Peter Bellamy: The Transports Hundred Years Ago, A
- Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? Hungry Child, The
- The Young Tradition: So Cheerfully Round;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Husbandman and the Servingman, The - The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
> I
- The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
If He’s Gone, Let Him Go - Peter and Anthea Bellamy on Bill Shute & Lisa Null: American Primitive Innocent Hare, The
- The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Interlude: The Great Frost - The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown Interlude: The Pembroke Unique Ensemble
- The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Intro: Ductia - The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
I Once Lived in Service - Peter Bellamy: The Transports Irish Captain, The (Warlike Seamen)
- Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy on Round Cape Horn;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: The Maritime Suite (CD reissue)
I Sing of a Maiden That Is Makeless - The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown Is It Far to Bethlehem?
- The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown
> J
John Barleycorn
- The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Jolly Roving Tar, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Just As the Tide Was Flowing - Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
> K
King Henry VII and the Shipwrights
- Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn Knight William and the Shepherd’s Daughter
- The Young Tradition: So Cheerfully Round;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
> L
Ladies, The
- Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling (CD reissue)
Land, The - Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Leaves in the Woodland, The - Peter Bellamy: The Transports Liner She’s a Lady, The
- Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Lisburn Lass, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Little Black Horse, The (The Penny Wager) - Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Lofty Tall Ship, The - Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
London Waterman, The - Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Lone Pilgrim, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Long Pegging Awl - Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Long Time Travelling (White) - Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Looking-Glass, The - Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Loot - Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three
Lord Lovel - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue) Lord Randall
- Peter Bellamy: Second Wind;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
Lord Thomas & Fair Eleanor - Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Lord Will Provide, The - Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then Lovely Joan
- Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Lovely Willy - Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? Lovin’ Bessie
- Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation Loyal Lover, The
- The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Lullay My Liking - The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown;
The Young Tradition on Midwinter
Lyke Wake Dirge - The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition on Electric Muse: The Story of Folk Into Rock;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition on The Acoustic Folk Box;
The Young Tradition on Anthems in Eden: An Anthology of British & Irish Folk 1955-1978;
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
> M
Maid of Australia, The
- Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy on Flash Company;
Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then (CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Mandalay - Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy on This Label Is Not Removable;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy ;
Peter Bellamy on The Journey Continues: Fellside at 40
Marat / Sade - Judy Collins: In My Life March the Morning Sun
- The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown Maria’s Gone
- Peter Bellamy: Second Wind May Song
- Sharon and the Students: The Better Land Medieval Mystery Tour
- The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Minesweepers - Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Molecatcher, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Motherless Child - Peter Bellamy: Second Wind;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Mountain Streams Where the Moorcocks Crow, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue) My Boy Jack
- Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
My Husband’s Got No Courage in Him - The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968 My Lady’s Law
- Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
> N
Nameless Air
- Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? Northfield
- Sharon and the Students: The Better Land Norwich Gaol
- Peter Bellamy: The Transports Nostradamus
- Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
> O
Oak, Ash and Thorn (A Tree Song)
- Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
October Brew - Peter Bellamy on The Tale of Ale Old Brown’s Daughter
- Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Old Miser, The - The Young Tradition: So Cheerfully Round;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Old Songs, The - Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
On a Monday Morning - Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? On Board a Ninety-Eight
- Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was;
Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: The Maritime Suite (CD reissue)
Our Fathers of Old - Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Overture - Peter Bellamy: The Transports Oyster Girl, The
- The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
> P
Paddy Doyle’s Boots
- Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Parson’s Peaches, The - Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was;
Peter Bellamy on Folk Festival Sidmouth
Peggy Bawn - Peter Bellamy on The First Folk Review Record;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Penny Wager, The (The Little Black Horse) - Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Philadelphia - Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Pilgrim’s Way, A - Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Plymouth Mail, The - Peter Bellamy: The Transports Poacher’s Fate, The
- Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Poor Honest Men - Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn Prentice Boy, The
- Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Pretty Nancy of Yarmouth - The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Pretty Ploughboy, The - The Young Tradition: So Cheerfully Round;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Private Ortheris’ Song - Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling (CD reissue)
Prodigal Son, The - Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs Prologue from Hamlet
- The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown Prophets at Home
- Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye Puck’s Song
- Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye
> Q
Queen’s Men, The
- Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye
> R
Rag Fair
- Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Ramblin’ Robin - Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Randy Dandy-O - The Young Tradition: Chicken on a Raft;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Ratcliff Highway - The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Recessional - Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Riding on Top of the Car - Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes Rigs of London Town, The (Up to the Rigs)
- Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Tony Rose: Young Hunting;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Rigs of the Time, The - Shirley Collins: The Sweet Primeroses;
Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Robber’s Song, The - Peter Bellamy: The Transports;
Peter Bellamy: Second Wind
Roll Alabama Roll - Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? Roll Down
- Peter Bellamy: The Transports Roll Down to Rio
- Peter Bellamy: Keep on Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
Rolling of the Stones, The - The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Roman Centurion’s Song, The - Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs Route Marchin’
- Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling (CD reissue)
Run of the Downs, The - Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye
> S
Saint Stephen
- Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Sally Racket - The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968 Santa Fé Trail, The
- Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Saucy Sailor, The - Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Searching for Lambs - Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Season Round, The - The Young Tradition: So Cheerfully Round;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Shallow Brown - Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
Shanties: Fire Maringo / Hanging Johnny / Bring ’em Down / Haul on the Bowline - The Young Tradition: Chicken on a Raft;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Shepherd of the Downs, A - Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation;
Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy on The Acoustic Folk Box
Shepherds Arise - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie;
The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Shillin’ a Day - Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three
Ship to England Came, A - Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Shooting of His Dear, The - Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Single Man’s Warning, The - The Young Tradition: So Cheerfully Round;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Sir Andrew Barton - Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
Sir Patrick Spens - Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite Sir Richard’s Song
- Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy on Down River Recordings Volume 1
Sito mi e milo - Sharon and the Students: The Better Land Slip Jigs and Reels, The
- Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
Smuggler’s Song, A - Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye Snarleyow
- Peter Bellamy on a 1980 ABC Radio Kipling Documentary Soldier, Soldier
- Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Soldiers Three - Peter Bellamy on The Tale of Ale;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Song of the Men’s Side - Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye Song of the Red War-Boat
- Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye;
Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite
Song to Mithras, A - Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs;
The Young Tradition on Anthems in Eden: An Anthology of British & Irish Folk 1955-1978
Spanish Armada, The - Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite Spencer the Rover
- Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? Spotted Cow, The
- Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
St Celia’s Rocks - Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
St Helena (A St Helena Lullaby) - Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye Still and Silent Ocean, The
- Peter Bellamy: The Transports Stones in My Passway
- The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
St Patrick’s Breastplate - Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Streets of Derry, The - Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue) Sweet Lemeney
- Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Sweet Loving Friendship - Peter Bellamy: The Transports Sweet Nightingale, The
- Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way?
> T
Tavistock Goosey Fair
- Tony Rose: Young Hunting Testimonial
- Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? That Day
- Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling (CD reissue)
Thorkild’s Song - Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs;
Peter Bellamy on This Label Is Not Removable
Three-Part Song, A - Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Tommy - Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy on Mrs Casey’s Choice;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day - The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown Tree Song, A (Oak, Ash and Thorn)
- Peter Bellamy: Oak, Ash & Thorn;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Trees They Do Grow High, The - Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
Troopin’ - Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three
Truthful Song (The Bricklayer and the Shipwright), A - Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye Truth Sent From Above, The
- The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Turfman From Ardee, The - Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then Turkish Lady, The
- Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Turtle Dove, The - Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Two Brothers, The (Two Pretty Boys) - Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Two by Two - Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three Two Magicians, The
- The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968 Two Pretty Boys (The Two Brothers)
- Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Tyne of Harrow - Peter Bellamy: Songs an’ Rummy Conjurin’ Tricks;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
> U
Upon the Bough
- The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Up to the Rigs (The Rigs of London Town) - Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Tony Rose: Young Hunting;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Us Poor Fellows - Peter Bellamy: The Transports
> V
Virgin Most Pure, A
- The Young Tradition with Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Holly Bears the Crown
> W
Ward the Pirate
- Peter Bellamy: Peter Bellamy;
Peter Bellamy: Tell It Like It Was;
Peter Bellamy: Fair Annie (2 CD reissue)
Warlike Seamen (The Irish Captain) - Peter Bellamy: The Fox Jumps Over the Parson’s Gate;
Peter Bellamy on Round Cape Horn;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue);
Peter Bellamy: The Maritime Suite (CD reissue)
Watercress-O - The Young Tradition: So Cheerfully Round;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Way Down Town - Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy
Way Through the Woods, The - Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
We Have Fed Our Sea - Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite;
Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy on Destination: Fellside Recordings 1976-2018
Wet Litany, The - Peter Bellamy: Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs Whale Catchers, The
- Peter Bellamy on The First Folk Review Record;
Peter Bellamy: Mr Bellamy, Mr Kipling & the Tradition (2 CD reissue)
What If a Day - The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
When I Die - Peter Bellamy on Eurofolk ’76;
Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then;
Peter Bellamy on Three Score and Ten
When Spring Comes On - Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? White
- Sharon and the Students: The Better Land White (Long Time Travelling)
- Peter Bellamy: Both Sides Then;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
Whitsuntide Carol, The - The Young Tradition: So Cheerfully Round;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition Sampler;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition / So Cheerfully Round (CD reissue)
Who Shall Judge the Lord? (A Carol) - Peter Bellamy: Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye Widow at Windsor, The
- Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three
Widow’s Party, The - Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling;
Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three
Will You Miss Me? - Royston Wood & Heather Wood: No Relation;
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue)
Wondrous Love - The Young Tradition: Galleries;
The Young Tradition: The Young Tradition (Demon compilation);
The Young Tradition: Galleries / Chicken on a Raft / No Relation (CD reissue);
The Young Tradition: Oberlin 1968
Won’t You Go My Way? - Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way? Worried About You
- Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes
> Y
Yarmouth Town
- Peter Bellamy: Mainly Norfolk;
Peter Bellamy with Louis Killen: Won’t You Go My Way?;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
You Gentlemen of England - Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
Young British Soldier, The - Peter Bellamy: Soldiers Three;
Peter Bellamy Sings the Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling (CD reissue)
Young Roger, Esq. - Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore;
Peter Bellamy on Wake the Vaulted Echoes;
Peter Bellamy: The Ballads of Peter Bellamy ;
Peter Bellamy: Fair England’s Shore (2 CD reissue)
> Z
Zealous Puritan, The
- Peter Bellamy: The Maritime England Suite