Steeleye Span

> English Folk Music > Steeleye Span

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Most of the tidbits on these pages were collected from the album liner notes, but there are also some other Steeleye Span & Friends web pages on the net, which I used to some extent:

Sources and Acknowledgements

A great many thanks to Mark Warbington for supplying me with many of the pictures and Brent W Burhans who sent me lots of useful information!

I found the dates for the first five line-ups of Steeleye Span and their records in Pete Frame’s The Complete Rock Family Trees in the section “Resolving the Fairport Confusion”.

Some album reviews in German language are from a printed review collection of the German music magazine, Sounds: Sounds Platten ’66-’77, 1827 Kritiken, Zweitausendeins Verlag. You’ll find these reviews after the liner notes of the albums in question.